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This will launch the Form Base Editing interface:

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Form Setup

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  1. Title: This is the name of your form as it will appear in Formbase
  2. Admin Email:


From here, you can update the Admin email or add multiple emails by using a semicolon to separate emails.

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 Anyone listed on the Admin email will receive an email once a form is filled out so long as those settings are activated which will be reviewed further in this documentation.


Form Activation & Expiration:

Set your form to be active or to expire by using the calendar picker.

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You may even determine the time of day using the clock picker.

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A form must be active for anyone to fill out the form.


Notification Emails:

You may determine if Admins receive a notification email when forms are filled out, and/or if they should receive the form details in the notification email.

Use the designated checkboxes to determine this.

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It is recommended to keep active the  ‘Include Submission Details in Admin Email’. This will allow Admins to review form data in real time.


  1. These are the email addresses that will receive notifications when submissions are submitted. There must be at least one. Multiple Addresses may be added separating each with a semi-colon.
  2. Form Category: Useful for form organization. When viewing your formbase, you can select a specific category of forms to view. 
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  3. Form Activate and Expiration: These allow you to set when a form is active. Members will be unable to fill out a form while it is inactive. This is useful if the page resides on a page and has intervals of open registration. Image Added
  4. Form HTML
    1. Header - This is an area directly above the form where you can place form titles, introduction paragraphs, etc.
    2. Footer - The area directly under the form (beneath the submit button) Useful for adding notes if needed
    3. Confirmation - This option allows you to update the pop-up window that appears after submission. Has all of the options that the legacy editor offers.
  5. Submit Button Text - Change the text in this field for the "submit" button to contain different verbiage.

Form Setup (2nd Section)

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  1. Users Can Submit Form One Time Only - Check this box if you want to restrict the amount of submissions a member can make to 1
  2. Allow Users to Edit Their Input Once Submitted - When checked, users can edit the form after submissions. They must submit again for changes to reflect in the results
  3. Show "Required Questions" Text - When checked, the asterisk and required question explanation at the bottom of the page will be displayed.
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  4. Show "Complete Another Form" Button on Confirmation - Displays a button that will reload the form with fields cleared so that it may be filled out again.
  5. Enable Member Picker for Admin Submissions - Allows admins to easily pick from the member roster to fill out the form as a site member.
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  6. Auto Launch Member Picker if Enabled - When checked, the member picker will launch on default when an admin views the form.
  7. Select Date Format - Allows the change of how the dates are displayed throughout the form
  8. Show Reset Button in Plugin View - Displays a reset button next to the submit button that will clear all values in form fields.
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Notification Settings

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  1. Anti-Spoof Admin Email - This allows you to specify an additional email address if you are not receiving emails to the Admin Email address to avoid spoof blocking by mail servers.
  2. Send Email to Admin on Submission - Uncheck if you don't want emails sent to specified Admins upon submission.
  3. Send Email to User on Submission - Uncheck if you don't want emails sent to specified users upon submission.
  4. Include Submission Details in Admin Email - Check to display details of the form in the Admin email when submitted. The details will display in the format selected.
  5. Include Submission Details in User Email - Check to display details of the form in the user email when submitted. The details will display in the format selected.
  6. Submission Details Format - Use the dropdown to choose how the form details are displayed. It can either be a carbon copy of the form, lined with all questions, or lined with only answered questions.
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  7. User Email Html - Use the legacy editor to update the email that Admins receive upon submission. Allows you to add styling and club branding to the email. If untouched, the default email will be used.
  8. Admin Email Html - Use the legacy editor to update the email that users receive upon submission. Allows you to add styling and club branding to the email. If untouched, the default email will be used.
  9. User Email Subject - Update the subject line of the email sent to users upon submission of the form.
  10. Admin Email Subject - Update the subject line of the email sent to Admins upon submission of the form.

Downloadable Guide

Form Base Guide
