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For more information on grids, please click here to navigate to Clubessential’s Client Resource Center. Grids can be found under the Interactive Reports Module.



Enter the name of the group.


Additional description of the group; this is optional for internal viewing only.

Folio Grouping 

Relates to Guest Room Items.

Select the Group Category that relates to the Items that will be associated with the Group

      • Select FnB Category if the Group is for Food & Beverage POS or Banquet Items.

      • Select Retail Category if the Group is for Retail POS Items.

      • Select Billing Category if the Group is for Billing Items (these items will not be available in POS).

Area Overrides 

Within System, then Areas:

Highlight the Default Area and enter the Account information to the right of the screen (required).

Please Note: Each Area can have different Account allocations by highlighting the Area name and entering the accounts.

Select the Accounts for General Ledger allocations:

Sales Account 

Select the revenue account that will be credited when items are sold.

Comp Account

Select the account that will be debited for the amount of comps made at POS.

Discount Account

Select the account that will be debited for the amount of discounts made at POS.  

Rewards Account

The field is related to a future enhancement and currently not used; you can use any account but it is required before you can save and exit.

Asset Account

For Retail Items only: select the account that should be debited when inventory is received and credited when inventory is sold.

Asset Adjustment Account

For Retail Items only: Select the account that  will be used when making Inventory Adjustments (can be a debit or credit based on the adjustment).

COGS Account (Cost of Goods Sold)

For Retail Items only: select the account that should be debited when inventory is sold (that offsets the credit to the inventory asset account).  

COGS Adjustment Account


For Retail Items only: select the account that  will be used when making Inventory Adjustments (can be a debit or credit based on the adjustment).

Tax Code

 The tax code selected will determine the amount of tax and service charge that will be added to items when sold.  (You may refer to the Tax and Service Charge Setup Manual for more information).

When finished select Save & Close.


      • The Grid will vary from user to user. Example: if the user is only allowed to see Retail items they will not see FNB or Billing Categories.

      • You can customize your grid to display different columns (Please click Here if you need a refresher on how to customize Grids).

      • You can click on the column heading to sort by any column or use the funnels to filter the information listed.

      • Above the grid is a toolbar listing the standard icons:

        • New, Edit, Delete, Export to Excel, Refresh, Clear Filter, Active/Inactive Items, and Help.


This field is required. Click on the search icon to see available Item Groups. If you need to setup a new Item Group click on the Quick Add button (click here for more on Manage Item Group).


When checked the Item will NOT be displayed at POS. Note: Even if the Item is marked as Active, checking the Don't Display at POS will prevent it from being displayed on the POS device. 

Tax Inclusive

When checked, this setting will include Taxes and Service Charges on the Member receipt unless the Ticket Template has been changed to not show Taxes and/or Service Fees.

Allow Fractional Quantity & Price


Please Note: This allows the shop to track the number of visits of individual guest.

Tax Inclusive 

When checked, this setting will include Taxes and Service Charges on the Member receipt unless the Ticket Template has been changed to not show Taxes and/or Service Fees.

Allow Fractional Quantity & Price


  1. Name - The name of the Item Combo 
  2. Description - The description of the Combo; this is optional and for internal viewing only.
  3. Item Category - The Item Category associated with the Item Combo. Click the search Icon and select the associated Category. 
  4. Price - The total price of the Item Combo.  Please note that the sum of the individual items comprising the Item Combo must equal the price of the Combo. 
  5. Split Pricing Evenly - When selected, this function will allocate the total price of the Item Combo evenly among all the items comprising this Combo.  (i.e. If the Item Combo Price is set to $150.00 and 3 items comprise the Combo, each item would automatically be set to price of $50.00.) 
  6. No Modifier Upcharge - When selected, this will prevent additional charges assigned to item modifiers comprising the Combo from being applied to the Combo.
  7. Auto Increment Seat - Used for F&B only if using seat position (see Manage F&B Items for more details).
  8. Auto Increment Cover - Used for F&B only if using Cover Count (see Manage F&B Items for more details).
  9. Don't Display at POS - When selected, this will prevent the Item Combo from being displayed on the Point of Sale device. 
  10. Split by Percentage -  When selected, this allows the Item Combo to be split by a percentage instead of by price.  Please see the section below for more details on configuring Item Combos split by percentage vs. split price.  
  11. FnB Combo / Retail Combo / Billing Combo -  Initially, the radio buttons control the type of items that will be added to the Item Combo. To add FnB items to the Combo, set the radio button to FnB and then use the Item Selection section to find and add the FnB items. After adding FnB items, change to radio button to Retail and use the Item Selection section to add any Retail items to the Combo. Finally, set the radio button to Billing and use the Item Selection section to add any Billing items to the Combo. Lastly, after all items comprising the Combo have been added, use the radio button to reflect the overall Item Combo type (FnB, Retail or Billing).  (Please Note: Billing Combos will not be displayed in Point of Sale.)      


Use this tab control the appearance of the button within the Point of Sale. See POS Button Style for more instructions on how to adjust the settings. 


Q: When managing my Items I am having trouble with Grids, where can I find more information to guide me? 
A: Grid information is located in the Client Resource Center here.


Q: I need Items within a specific Item Category to use a different Tax Code than the Tax Code used at the Item Group level. How do I accomplish this?
A: Utilize the Override Item Group option within the Item Category. This will allow the user to override the Tax Code used at the Item Group level, and only have the Tax Code apply to Items within the Item Category.
