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excludeA/P (Vendor) Reports


4) Office - POS Retail Manual - User can change the QTY on an item (including making quantity negative for a credit).

5) Discount Item Office - POS Retail Manual - Gives users the ability to discount an item. Requires security rights.

6) Comp Item Office - POS Retail Manual - Give users the ability to comp an item. Requires security rights.

7) Add Ticket Office - POS Retail Manual - Gives the ability to open another ticket without exiting the POS before completing the first ticket. You can move back and forth to all open tickets from the POS screen.

8) Change Member - Used if the member to be billed needs to change for any reason.

9) Upcharge Item - Will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of the item.

10) Quick Cash - One step process to close the ticket to Cash.  

11) Quick Charge - One step process to close the ticket to Cash.

12) Close Ticket - Take users to a settlement screen with more closing options.

 Bottom Row

13) Exit - Will exit the POS screen back to the main screen.

14) Change Price Office - POS Retail Manual - Gives users the ability to reduce the price without using a discount.

15) Duplicate Ticket - Ability to create a duplicate ticket from another displayed ticket. This is useful if several members are to be charged the exact items.

16) Multi Off - Used in conjunction with Remove Item, Discount Item, and Comp Item; when (ON) users can select multiple Items.

17) Split Ticket - Used if more than one ticket is required on a transaction and to edit separate tickets.

18) Coupon Lookup Office - POS Retail Manual - This button will turn Green to alert the server if the member has a promo coupon available to redeem.

19) Print Ticket - Prints the pay receipt ticket for signature prior to closing the ticket. 


Note: If you have more than one item to delete follow the Multi-Select (On) instructions.


Change Qty
Change Qty


2) Enter QTY. When entering a negative QTY, select the minus (-) sign first and then select the amount of the negative QTY. Use the More option to enter quantities greater than 19.


Discount Item


Discount Item

Discount Item 

Gives users the ability to discount an item. Requires security rights.


Note: If you have more than one item to delete follow the Multi-Select (On) instructions.



Comp Item
Comp Item

Comp Item 

Give users the ability to comp an item. Requires security rights.


Note: If you have more than one item to delete follow the Multi-Select (On) instructions.



Add Ticket
Add Ticket

Add Ticket 

Gives the ability to open another ticket without exiting the POS before completing the first ticket. You can move back and forth to all open tickets from the POS screen.


      • User can see what member is assigned to a ticket by the information at the top left corner; which will show member number and name. Other information displayed is also specific to the member on the ticket.

      • There is no limit to how many tickets you can have open.

Change Member



Change Member

Change Member 

Used if the member to be billed needs to change for any reason.


2) Search by name or member number, Highlight the member and click OK, or double click the member.



Upcharge Item
Upcharge Item

Upcharge Item 

Will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of the item.


Note: The amount entered must be greater than the item price. If you want to decrease the price use the Change Price or Discount option.


Quick Settlements


Quick Settlements

Quick Settlements  

There are two settlement types available for closing the ticket with one step, Cash and Member Charge. These options do not give you the ability to add additional tip, get change amount, or split tender. For more closing capabilities select Close Ticket.


2) Double click on the Terminal in question, and put a check mark on Suppress Quick Cash Print or Charge. This will prevent a settle ticket from printing when the Quick Settlements are selected.


Close Ticket
Close Ticket

Close Ticket 

The Close Ticket function gives you additional options on how the ticket is settled. In this section we will cover the various options available.


        • Delete All - will remove all settlements entered to start over.

        • Delete Selected - highlight the settlement type you want removed and select Delete Selected.




Will exit the POS screen back to the main screen.

In the POS ordering screen, select Exit when you want to leave the POS screen.



Change Price


Change Price

Change Price  

Gives users the ability to reduce the price without using a discount.


Note: The amount entered must be less than the item price. If you want to increase the price use the Upcharge button. 

Duplicate Ticket


Duplicate Ticket

Duplicate Ticket  

Ability to create a duplicate ticket from another displayed ticket. This is useful if several members are to be charged the exact items.


Note: Use the Change Member feature to change the member attached to any of the duplicated tickets.  

Multi Select
Multi Select

Multi Select (Off)/(On) 



Used in conjunction with Remove Item, Discount Item, and Comp Item; when (ON) users can select multiple Items.


b) Discount Item

c) Comp Item 


Split Ticket
Split Ticket

Split Ticket  

Used if more than one ticket is required on a transaction and to edit separate tickets.


Please see our Split Ticket manual for a demonstration on all the ways to split an item or ticket. 


Coupon Lookup
Coupon Lookup

Coupon Lookup 


The Coupon Lookup works in conjunction with Member Marketing and Item Price Scheduling. 

Please see our Coupons manual for more information on their setup.

1) Place the order, and click on Coupon Lookup.

2) The screen will display all available coupons for redemption. Touch or click the one you want.


NoteIf the member does not have any active coupons the button will be grayed out.

If a coupon has been applied to an item and you wish to remove the discount, click or touch the Remove Coupon button. 

Print Ticket 
Print Ticket
Print Ticket

Print Ticket  

Print Ticket is used when you want to print a receipt before closing a ticket. This will print out the Pay Ticket when selected.  Most often used to acquire a signature prior to closing the ticket.

1) In POS ordering screen, select Print Ticket to print out the Pay Ticket.

2) Select Exit when finished. 


        • Use Print Ticket to give the customer information on the charges and to get a signature before closing the ticket.

        • The Pay Receipt can be modified to display discounts, service charge, additional tip, and taxes in a few different formats.

        • You also have the option to have messages, minimum balances, store credit balances, and other information included on the pay receipt.

        • See Print Preview as an alternative to Printing directly. 


      • From and To Dates - enter the start and end date to narrow down the search.

      • Enable Multi Select more than one ticket to print.

      • Show Dependents - if selected, the system will display all family member tickets. If unselected, only the tickets rung under the member selected will show.

      • Area name will be the name of the Area you have the ticket open.

        • The tickets listed will be tickets that were closed in that Area only.

        • To see tickets closed from a different Area, select the Area button, select the applicable Area.

        • It is important to remember that if you do not see an Area listed, then the member has NO closed tickets in that Area.

      • Member Name and Number is displayed at top right corner; you can click on the name to search a different member. When you hit cancel it will take you back to the ordering screen and the original member will still be displayed.

      • View Ticket - ticket detail can be viewed on the right middle of the screen; highlight the item to view ticket details and select View Ticket.

        • Print Settle Receipt and Print Pay Receipt; you can reprint a ticket from history at any time.


  • Select Print Ticket from the Close Ticket screen.

  • The Print Preview - Pay Ticket prompt will display. Please see below for available options:
    a) Email - Emails a copy of the ticket to the member. Member must have valid email address on file to function properly.
    b) Print & Email - Prints the ticket and emails the member a copy of the ticket.
    c) Print - Prints the ticket.


4) Clock Out - explained in the Clocking-Out for Breaks section of this document.
