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Office - Release Notes

Table of Contents
exclude10.03.16 - Releases



Accounts Payable


Manage Credit Memos


  • Updated the system to disable the ability to create new credit memos or update existing ones. 

Use Case: Credit Memos were necessary because previously, negative quantities could not be received in item receipts, and therefore, the only way to deduct money from a vendor was to enter a credit memo.  This is no longer the case.  While previously created Credit Memos will are still able to be viewableviewed, no new Credit Memos can be created.  Instead, enter a negative quantity item receipt.  See below update for more information.

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Manage Item Receipts



  • Updated the Vendor 1099 forms and settings to have all values needed for 2016 tax yearsystem to allow for negative quantity item receipts and vendor invoices.

Use Case:


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Manage Vendors 

Updated Vendor Invoice, Item Receipt, and Purchase Order forms not actually updating the vendor's terms when you change them on the form, save, and tell the system you want to update the vendor's terms.

Use CaseWhile in a Purchase Order, change a Vendor’s terms from 30 days to 60 days.

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General Ledger

Bank Reconciliation Wizard

  • Updated the Bank Reconciliation Wizard to only allow reconciling checking accounts or other bank accounts. 

    Use Case: Previously, other accounts could be inadvertently selected for reconciliation, creating a multitude of user errors.  Now, the Bank Rec Wizard has been locked down to allow selection of only the accounts that should be subject to a bank reconciliation. 

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  • Updated the Bank Reconciliation Wizard to only allow adjustment entries for AP, AR, and General accounts. 

    Use CasePreviously, other accounts could be inadvertently selected for adjustments, creating a multitude of user errors.  Now, the accounts subject to adjustments have been locked down to allow selection of only the AP, AR, and “General” type accounts.  Other entries necessary will need to occur through the normal journal entry process.

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Manage Memorized Entry 

Updated the Memorized Journal lookup control to have a default layout. 

Use CaseReadily identify Memorized Entries from a standardized control and an enhanced lookup screen for an improved user experience.

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Guest Rooms

Guest Room Dashboard

  • Updated the Guest Room Dashboard to allow for searching by sponsoring member. 

    Use Case: Previously, only occupants and Members (staying on the property) could be searched.  Now, a search can be performed for sponsoring members who did not stay on site.  If Sponsoring Member did not stay on site, Guest will be listed in the Occupants column without the Sponsoring Member’s name.  Search results may be clicked on to view details.  Sponsoring Member will appear on the reservation screen.

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  • Updated the Guest Room Dashboard to save the user’s previously selected "days" view mode.

    Use Case: When exiting the Guest Room Dashboard and then re-entering, the view stays on previously viewed/designated 1, 3, 7, 14, or 31 days view.Updated the Guest Room Dashboard to save the user’s previously selected "days" view mode.

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Guest Room System

  • Updated the Guest Room System to enable audit logging for reservation details.

    Use Case: Now, when a user is able to view the reservation, user is also able to access the audit log to review the history (and any associated changes) with the reservation.

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  • Updated the Guest Room System to improve Wait List functions by tracking the date a reservation was moved to the Waiting List, and show pending reservations in order. 

Use CaseMr. Shanks requested the LakeView1 room for January 12 - 15 at 9:27am on 1/9/17, however the room was already booked, so Mr. Shanks was placed on the Waiting list.   Mr. Rudolph requested the LakeView1 room for January 14 at 9:28am on 1/9/17 (a bit later than Mr Shanks).   As all steps of the reservation creation process are captured and logged, proper priority can be given to Mr. Shanks if the room becomes available.  Mr. Shanks reservation will be listed before Mr. Rudolph’s to ensure proper priority can be given in the event of a room cancellation.  Wait list details can be found on reservation.

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Interactive Reports - Data Genie


Items - Manage Item Categories 



Manage Members 


Member Charges 


System Settings - Banquets/Reserve 


3rd Party Integrations  

POS - ETS Credit Card Processing


Updated the ETS 2.55 integration to prompt you if you want to issue a refund if a void fails, with a warning that doing so could cause a double-credit.

Use Case: Previously, Credit Card tickets that were closed to credit card, and later deleted (or voided within 24 hours) would automatically cancel the charge to the Member/Guest’s credit card.  After 24 hours, however, the refund had to be issued through ETS.  Now, if after 24 hours, the ticket can no longer be deleted, an option to refund the amount will exist (as a credit amount of the original ticket), that will refund the original ticket amount by creating a credit (vs a void) of the original ticket.  In the event a Club has multiple people working on this, it is possible that a credit could be issued twice, so ensure to use care when utilizing this new feature.

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  • Updated the Lodging Link interface to support a registry value to override the send timeout for communication with the device.

    Use CaseA club utilizing a Lodging link (hardware device between the POS system and a 3rd party hotel system), now has the option to customize the timeout of the device (3 seconds for instance), prior to issuing a failed response.  This allows individual clubs needing longer processing times with this device to modify their individual Club settings, rather than globally enforce a universal time that may not be appropriate for all clubs.  Contact Support for help setting/changing this registry value.

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Heartland Payroll 

  • Updated the Heartland Payroll Export to support a custom Company Identifier to be provided with the file.

    Use CaseA club utilizing Heartland as their payroll processor can now include their required Company’s unique code/identifier in the export of the file.

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Bug Fixes 


Fixed an issue with the Night Audit Wizard not charging certain reservations because they haven't been assigned a room.


Fixed an issue with deleted gift cards showing up under a member's account.


Fixed an issue with the Bank Reconciliation Wizard not showing the names of accounts in the Adjustments section.


Fixed an issue with the Item Category Edit Form missing the combo box, check box, and move up/move down buttons.


Fixed an issue with the Item Category Edit Form not displaying the items/combos in the proper order.  


Fixed an issue with the Current Open Tickets dashboard not updating when clicking the refresh icon.


Fixed an issue with the Ledger Budget Editor not moving to the next row when pressing the Enter key.


Fixed an issue where the Clear button was missing from the Clubessential Endpoint editor on the Sync tab.


Fixed an issue with the Inventory Adjustment Wizard not displaying a summary in the adjustment column.


Fixed an issue with the Submit to Club Benchmarking button on the General Ledger Transactions form was failing and throwing an exception.


Fixed an issue with the POS Tee Time integration not showing the Fees Column in the correct order.


Fixed an issue with the Cash Receipt Wizard not showing the correct Balance Due and Remaining totals when multiple cash receipts have been created for a single member.


Fixed an issue with the Billing Schedule editor where a user can change the amount of a schedule that uses an item combo.


As discussed above, instead of using credit memos, enter negative quantity item receipts when sending merchandise back to a Vendor, and then receive it on a Vendor Invoice to have negative amounts flow through to the Vendor’s account.  For instance, when sending a putter back to a Vendor, enter a -1 received to generate a credit to be applied to a future invoice.

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Seamlessly apply the credit in the Vendor Invoice process to ensure credits are utilized and properly deducted from payment to Vendor.

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Employees - Manage Employees

  •  Updated the "Account is Locked Out" option on employee edit form to better describe its function.
Use Case: Previously, users were confused by this option to lock out an Employee, and Clubs were utilizing it to try and keep a user from logging back in after termination, etc.  This feature is now only triggered by an employee unsuccessfully trying to log-in to their own account.  After unsuccessful log-ins, the system will lock them out.  Now, Clubs can navigate to this feature, and unlock a current employee who has locked themselves out.
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General Ledger - Periods

  • Updated the stock database to include Ledger Period for 2017 and removed default period for 2014.

    Use Case: When creating new databases, stock database will include 3 years of historical financials, and 2017 will become the base year.

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Interactive Reports - Data Genie


Member Voucher Transactions

  • Added Member Types to Member Voucher Transaction report.

    Use Case: Now view Voucher Transaction data by Member Type to assist with further analysis of spending habits based on Member Type.

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Vendor Address Labels


  • Updated the Vendor Address Labels report to allow multiple vendors to be selected at one time.

    Use Case: Instead of selecting 1 or all Vendors, now select any number of vendors for this report.

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Items - Manage Item Categories

  • Updated the POS Item printing configuration rules that are inherited from category to display as italicized now instead of showing with a strike-through.

    Use Case: Within an Item, easily view printing configuration settings inherited (and overridden) from the category with this change from strike-through to italics.

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  • Added Country field to Member bulk Address management grid.

    Use Case: Now view Country in addition to other previously viewable fields in Member address grid.

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Member Statement Wizard

  • Updated Print Member Statement wizard to allow an option to include copies of any folio with activity in the statement month.

    Use Case: Previously, when a Club Member would sponsor a Guest to stay at the Club, a detailed view of the charges were not available electronically from Club to the sponsoring Member.  Now, include the detailed folio with the statement wizard to ensure Members have the details of their sponsored guests.

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Edit Invoice

  • Updated the ticket display on the invoice edit form to be wider.

    Use Case: Now, more easily view tickets displaying within the invoice edit form with this improved wider display.

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Other - Multi-Select

  • Updated all multi-select lookup forms to allow for Shift Clicking for ranges of values.

    Use Case: Previously, when multiple items needed to be selected in a row, users would need to individually check each item, rather than multi-select the items by clicking the first item, holding the shift key, and selecting the last item to indicate selection of all items within that range.

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POS - Manage Ticket Templates

  • Added Suggested Gratuity ticket element to ticket templating system that will allow a ticket to print with a precalculated gratuity guideline for specified percentages of the ticket total.

    Use Case: Now, help Members quickly view gratuities at various calculated percentage levels (defined by the Club) directly on their receipt for their reference.

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System - System Settings


Guest Room Settings

  • Updated the Guest Room System Settings Email Confirmation template in System Settings to use a rich content editor instead of a text box. Additionally added several new snippets related to guest rooms.

    Use Case: Now customize confirmation email templates without the assistance of Clubessential support.  Use the new editor to tailor the message and incorporate snippets where applicable such as Confirmation #, Start Date, End Date, Sponsor Name, etc.

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Partner Products - ReServe Gateway

  • Updated the ReServe Cloud Sync tab in CMA to allow users to clear the last member sync date, which allows re-syncing all members.


Use Case: Oftentimes for support purposes, a complete re-sync is necessary, and with this new functionality, this step can be easily performed.

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Website - Clubessential

  • Added 'Ignore Duplicate Email, Phone, Address' setting to Clubessential Endpoint form in CMA to prevent the system from creating records that would be duplicates.

    Use Case: Now when syncing from the Website to Office, this behind the scenes functionality prevents duplicate emails, phone, and address lines from being re-imported into the database.

  • Updated website sync process so that when a system user pulls a changed member it will automatically push that member back to the website.

    Use Case: With this behind the scenes functionality, the system now prevents duplicate Member creation caused from being re-importing into the Office, by telling the Website that it has already received the update when syncing a changed Member.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the web sync would not update members/employees if their type was not configured to sync.

  • Fixed an issue where the ordering of years in the Balance Sheet report combo box  was incorrect.

  • Fixed an issue with the Print Member Statement Wizard erroring when attempting to print for a member with a blank member number.

  • Fixed an issue with the General Ledger Budget report sorting differently when choosing (All) budget types versus a specific budget type.

  • Fixed an issue where the system would allow you to select transaction dates in closed periods.

  • Fixed an issue where the Month End Wizard did not include all possible days in the selected month when processing late fees.

  • Fixed an issue with the Inventory Adjustment Wizard not allowing 4-decimal places for costs.

  • Fixed an issue with the 1099 Misc box showing an invalid Box 12 entry.

  • Fixed several small alignment issues on 1099-MISC and 1099-INT forms.

  • Fixed an issue with using countdown items and the countdown item is a fractional quantity item with a non-integer value.

  • Fixed an issue with the Event Calendar not properly displaying certain recurring events.

  • Fixed an issue with wait-listed guest room reservations not sorting properly on the guest room dashboard.

  • Fixed an issue with the Inventory Adjustment Wizard repeatedly warning about cost variance exceeding threshold when Finishing the wizard.

  • Fixed an issue where users could click the "Account is Temporarily Locked Out" checkbox on the employee form if the employee is not already locked out.

  • Fixed an issue with the Financial Report Writer using wrong start/end date when calculating a Total Year or Remaining Year when the Year End Month is not December.

  • Fixed an issue with the Void Check Wizard not working when entering a specific check number.

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