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The Manage Blocked Times tool is primarily used to prevent members from booking Courts during specific times, however in our Lesson systems Blocks are used to create available scheduled hours. Blocks can use different “templates” or rules for reserving Courts instead of using the 'Admin Only ' template in this case they will use either the ' Available or Member Booking' template.

Use Cases:

  • Designate times when members are permitted to make bookings for a trainer.


Once the Block Times Manager is open you can begin creating the rules for the block.



1. Add a name for the block title, such as 'Available.'

2. If you have multiple lesson systems , like one for tennis and one for golf, use the Court Grouping to determine which court the block will appear on. It should automatically have the lessons system you have open already selected.

3. The template will determine who has booking privileges during the blocked time. Since we are using the tool to determine the provider's availability, ensure Available or Member Booking is selected.


4. If this is a recurring


availability, use the Frequency drop down to determine a schedule.

5. The


Start Date tool will default to today’s date.


You can use the calendar icon to change the date the block will start


on or simply type out a different date.

Use the time pickers to determine

6.& 7. You can click on the clock icons next to First/Last Blocked Timeslot to choose when the block will begin and when the block will end.

The end time will block the calendar 30 minutes passed the time chosen. So, if you would like for opening booking to resume at 10am, you will want to set the block end time to 9:30 a.m..


8. The Styling Tab allows you to choose a background color and text color for the block.

9. The block can occur on all courts or on individual courts.


Check off which courts the block should occur on, or select all.


Once you are finished, click Add Blocked Time to


create the blocked time.

Removing & Editing Blocks


You can edit an existing block or remove a block at any time.

Image 4.png


From the Courts Admin Dashboard, click Manage Block Times.

Click the View Blocks Tab.

If you have multiple groupings, you can use the Court Grouping dropdown to filter all blocks related to various courts.

Use the datepickers to filter through blocks depending on their calendar date to easily find the block you wish to edit or delete.

Editing Blocks


Click on the block you wish to edit and click Edit Selected Block.

Image 11.png

This will open the Blocked Time Manager details where you may make updates as needed.

Click Saved Blocked Time to save the edits.

Deleting Blocks


Click on the block you wish to delete and then click Remove Selected Block.

If the block is part of a series (recurring block), click Remove Block Series to remove the entire series at once.

Image 14.png
