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excludeA/P (Vendor) Reports


15) Office - POS F&B Manual - Will exit the POS screen back to the main screen.

16) Discount ItemOffice - POS F&B Manual - Gives users the ability to discount an item. Requires security rights.

17) Comp Item Office - POS F&B Manual Give users the ability to comp an item. Requires security rights.

18) Office - POS F&B ManualUsed in conjunction with Delete Item, Void Item, Discount Item, and Comp Item; when (ON) users can select multiple Items.

19) Change Course Office - POS F&B Manual If using coursing, user can use this to change the default course for an item.

20) Get By Bin Office - POS F&B Manual Used to lookup Wine bottles by Bin Number.

21) Reorder Item Office - POS F&B Manual Used in conjunction with Multi Select (On) to reorder items already ‘Sent’.

22) Cover Count Office - POS F&B Manual Used to change the cover count at any time.

23) Office - POS F&B ManualUsed if the member to be billed needs to change for any reason.

24) Coupon Lookup Office - POS F&B Manual This button will turn Green to alert the server if the member has a promo coupon available to redeem.

25) Print Ticket Office - POS F&B Manual Prints the pay receipt ticket for signature prior to closing the ticket.

26) Split Ticket Office - POS F&B Manual Used if more than one ticket is required on a transaction and to edit separate tickets.

27) Send Office - POS F&B Manual Will send order to remote printers.


Note: If you have more than one item to delete, follow the Multi-Select (On) instructions.

Add Message
Add Message


Note: If you have more than one item to delete follow the Multi-Select (On) instructions.

Comp Item
Comp Item


        • From and To Dates - enter the start and end date to narrow down the search.

        • Enable Multi Select more than one ticket to print.

        • Show Dependents - if selected, the system will display all family member tickets. If unselected, only the tickets rung under the member selected will show.

        • Area name will be the name of the Area you have the ticket open.

          • The tickets listed will be tickets that were closed in that Area only.

          • To see tickets closed from a different Area, select the Area button, select the applicable Area.

          • It is important to remember that if you do not see an Area listed, then the member has NO closed tickets in that Area.

        • Member Name and Number is displayed at top right corner; you can click on the name to search a different member. When you hit cancel it will take you back to the ordering screen and the original member will still be displayed.

        • View Ticket - ticket detail can be viewed on the right middle of the screen; highlight the item to view ticket details and select View Ticket.

          • Print Settle Receipt and Print Pay Receipt; you can reprint a ticket from history at any time.



      • Select Print Ticket or Print Pay Receipt from the Close Ticket screen.

    • The Print Preview - Pay Ticket prompt will display. Please see below for available options:
      a) Email - Emails a copy of the ticket to the member. Member must have valid email address on file to function properly.
      b) Print & Email - Prints the ticket and emails the member a copy of the ticket.
      c) Print - Prints the ticket.


2) The Print Preview - Settle Ticket prompt will display. Same options as Print Preview - Pay Ticket are available.


System Tools

Please see our POS System Tools manual for in-depth information regarding functionality contained within the System Tools button and associated tabs.


4) Clock Out - explained in the Clocking-Out for Breaks section of this document.
