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Your CRM should already include many different fields, containing a variety of different types of data. However, often you may need to begin storing a new piece of data that does not already have a corresponding field in the CRM, or you may need to edit the list of values available to choose from in a Picklist field. 

Adding a New Field

To begin, you’ll need to first decide what Object your new field will reside in - that is, what is it that this field will be helping to describe? The most commonly used Object in CRM is Contacts Object. All fields in the Contacts Object should be used to directly describe a person, whether they are a Member, Prospective Member, Guest, or other. In this example, the field we are adding is “Beverage Preference”, which will allow us to choose which beverage this Member prefers when they dine. This field would most accurately describe a Contact, so we will create this new field in the Contacts Object.


A View in the CRM is a screen that displays a high-level overview of a subset of records from within a single Object in the CRM. Views typically have filters in place that will display only records that meet certain criteria. For example, the “Our Members” View will display all records in the Contacts Object that have a status of “Member.” The fields displayed in a view are customizable to match the type of record displayed within. For example, the “Member Number” field makes sense to appear in the “Our Members” View, but not in the “Membership Prospects” view.

Adding a New View

To create your View, you’ll first need to access the Admin Dashboard . Similar to adding Fields, you’ll need to think about which Object this View will reside in. In this example, we’ll be adding the new View “Real Estate Prospects” to the Contacts Object.


Finally, once all the Sections and Fields have been added to the canvas as needed for this Layout, click on the Save Structure button, which is located at the bottom of the list of available Fields.

Accessing Data From Outside Objects in a Layout

While using your CRM, you may have noticed cases in which data from one Object is displayed inside a Layout of a different Object. The Activities section within a Prospect Layout is a great example of this, as is the Notes section.
