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Table of Contents

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excludeTable of Contents

Accessing the Tool

Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.

  1. Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar. 

  2. On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.

Accounts Receivable Reconciliation

Identifies discrepancies between Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger. This includes the Sales Journal Batches as a reference.

To run the Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Report, Select Accounts Receivable Reconciliation from the Accounting dropdown.

  1. Select the Ledger Account to run the report against.

  2. Set your Detail Level (how expanded or collapsed you wish to view the report by).

  3. Select View Report to process and produce the report.

In this example you will see we set a date range of one week against our account 1200 with a detail level of Transaction. This produced a report fully expanded showing the Date, SJ Batch, and member amount with columns showing us The A/R Amount, GL Amount, and the Difference if there are any.

Balance Sheet

An overview of current Assets and Liabilities for a period of time. Layout and format may be adjusted via the Overview Tab within the General Ledger dropdown.

To run the Balance Sheet, choose the reportfrom the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Select the Company that this Balance Sheet is for.

  2. Select the Balance Sheet Year.

  3. Select the Period to run.

  4. Set the currency format that you want to show.

  5. Set whether to Show Prior TYD or not.

  6. Select View Report.

In this example we see that we are reporting for all companies in July of 2023 and have chosen to include the Prior YTD so that we can compare current and previous year. .

Balance Sheet Drill Down

Details Asset and Liability transactions that occur by period.

To run the Balance Sheet Drill Down report, choose Balance Sheet Drill Down the report from the Accounting Dropdown,

  1. Set the Company that you wish to run against.

  2. Set the Currency Format.

  3. Choose to Include Account Numbers or not.

  4. Set the report Year.

  5. Choose the Detail Level of the report.

  6. Establish the Period.

  7. Select View Report.

In this exampleyou can see that we ran the Balance Sheet Drill Down for all companies with a year and period of July 2023. We have chosen to run the report partially expanded via the Detail Level of Period and have chosen to Show Prior TYD.

Bank Reconciliation

Provides starting bank balance and any transactions that occurred during the period. 

To run the Bank Reconciliation Report, select Bank Reconciliation the report from the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Select the Bank Account that you wish to run the report for.

  2. Choose the Date.

  3. Set the Detail Level.

  4. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report against our Cash - Operating Account with a date of 9/30/2012 and have chosen the detail Level Transaction so that we can see the Date, Batch Number, Reference given to the batch, and it’s Description.

Cash Receipt Deposit Summary

Details the Credit Receipt Batches and all associated check deposits within that period. 

To run the Cash Receipt Deposit Summary, access the report from the Accounting Dropdown,

  1. Set the Year that you wish to run for.

  2. Select the Batch Number.

  3. Choose the Month.

  4. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for the month of July 2023. We see the member, the check number, and the amount of the check.

CE Payments Daily Summary

CE Payments Daily summary report pulls in all CE Payments transactions and gives you information on those transactions for a given day.

To run the CE Payments Daily Summaryreport, select the report from the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Choose the Date to run the report for.

  2. Choose the Journal Batchesyou wish to see.

  3. Select View Report.

This In this example of the report contains , we see the Transaction ID, Transaction Date and Time, Ticket number, Amount of ticket, and the Member the transaction was for.

CE Payment Settlements

Provides an overview of all transactions, payments and tickets related to CE Payments to assist with the reconciliation process.

To run the CE Payment Settlements report, choose the report from the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Set the Date range you wish to see.

  2. Set theFilter By parameter.

  3. Choose how to Group the report.

  4. If you have more than one Endpoint, choose which one to view.

  5. Select the Funds in Transit account to report.

  6. Select View Report.

In this example you will see that we ran the report from 5/2022 to 7/2023 and have chosen to Filter By All Transactions and have grouped by Transactions. The report will show us the Ticket number of the transaction with the Amount, Fees, and New Settlement.

Tip: Best to group by Settlements to make investigation easier if you are looking for a transaction within a settlement batch. 

Chart of Accounts

List of all accounts in department order based on type Asset, Liability, Income, Etc. 

To run the Chart Of Accounts, select the report from the Accounting Dropdown,

  1. Select the Companies you wish to report for.

  2. Select which Department/s to run.

  3. Select View Report.

In this example, we ran the Chart of Accounts for all companies and all department. The report shows us the Account Number, Department, Account and Department Name.

General Ledger Activity

Details activity in the General Ledger by date range with the ability to filter by Department, Batch Type and Account.

To run the General Ledger Activity Report, choose the report from the Accounting Dropdown,

  1. Set the Date Range to run the report for.

  2. Choose the Companies.

  3. Choose the Batch Type to view.

  4. Apply a Filter account or department to run for all accounts or departments with the filter criteria.

  5. Select the Departments to view.

  6. Choose the Detail Level of the Report.

  7. Select View Report.

In this example, you can see that we chose to run the report for 3 weeks in July 2023 and ran at the Transaction level. The report shows us the Account and department, the Beginning Balance of the account, all Debits and Credits, the Net Change and Ending Balance.

In this example, we chose to run the report with a filter, the word Cash has been entered and the results are our accounts with Cash in the name of the account.

General Ledger Activity Summary

Summarizes General Ledger activity by date range with the ability to filter by Department and Account.

To run the General Ledger Activity Summary, access the report from the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Select your Date range.

  2. Choose your Companies.

  3. Select the Batch Type.

  4. Add a Filter if you wish to only report accounts containing the filter.

  5. Choose the Departments.

  6. Select View Report.

 In this example you can see that we ran the report for 3 weeks in July for all companies, batch types, and departments. We see the Account, Beginning Balance, Debits and Credits, the Net Change, and the Ending Balance.

In this example we chose to apply a filter. We see all accounts that contain the word Cash. Notice that unlike the General Ledger Activity report we see all accounts, even those without activity.

General Ledger Budget

Outlines the budget based on selected year with ability to filter by Department. 

To run the General Ledger Budget, select the report from the Accounting dropdown,

  1. Choose the budget Year you wish to run.

  2. Select the Companies.

  3. Choose the Departments to report on.

  4. Choose the Budget Type.

  5. Select View Report.

In this example we chose to run the Default Budget for 2023 viewing all departments and companies. We see the Accounts, periods 1-12 and the total for the year.

In this example we chose to run the report as a workbook. It runs the same as without workbook but also shows the budget versus actual for periods 1-12.

General Ledger Transaction

Displays transactions in the General Ledger based on Batch Type with ability to filter by Department.
Tip: Can be detailed down to the transaction. 

General Ledger Transaction Export

Provides all General Ledger Transactions with ability to export.
Tip: Useful for printing. 

Income Statement

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. 

Income Statement Consolidated

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period grouped by either Department or Rollup with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type.

Income Statement Consolidated by Category

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period grouped by either Department or Rollup with the ability to filter by Department, Budget Type, and Expense/Income Categories.

Income Statement Consolidated by Category Drill Down

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department, Budget Type and Expense/Income Categories. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.

Income Statement Consolidate Drill Down

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.

Income Statement Consolidate Rolling

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period providing rolling income backward or forward in time with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.

Income Statement Drill Down

Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.

Sales Tax Detail

Provides all sales detail, both Taxable and Non-Taxable, with a list of Service Charges and Sales Tax for each area. Ability to filter by Area Group, Area, Item Group, Item Category and Tax Code Item.
Tip: Can detail down to the Tax Code Level. 

Trial Balance

Provides the current balance based on debits and credits as of a specified date with the ability to include or exclude Year End Transactions.
Tip: Can detail from Ledger Account down to Transaction.