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The Split Ticket feature enables users to split an existing ticket in a variety of ways, and also allows members to combine tickets.  In this manual, we will review all ways to split a ticket and will also demonstrate how to combine tickets.

Use Case(s)

  • 3 members decide they want to split a ticket evenly.
  • 2 members decide they want to split an appetizer.
  • A member decides to pay for another member’s meal.


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POS Order Screen - Split Ticket Feature


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1) To perform a Ticket Split, first enter Items as usual.  You can split before or after the items have been sent.

2) Then, click or touch Split Ticket to open the Split Ticket Screen.

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Note: If you split the ticket before you hit Send, all Items will still print to the remote printer (kitchen, bar, etc.) on one prep ticket. 

Split Ticket Screen Overview 

On the Split Ticket Screen, the ticket on the far left will display the Item details (from the “Selected” ticket) such as modifiers, price, QTY, seat position, and course.  It is from this area that you will be moving the items from one ticket to another. 

The ticket with the black top/bottom border labeled Selectedonly shows the QTY and Item name.  This helps make more room for multiple ticket display. 

When more than one ticket is displayed, the ticket labeled Selected is the one that will have its items displayed in the far left area. 

Important: You cannot do anything with the items from the Selected ticket other than view; all action is done from the far left area.

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Split Ticket Options

Once the ticket is displayed in the split ticket screen, there are various ways a ticket may be split.

 Split By Ticket 

One of the simplest splits to perform is the Split by Ticket. A Split by Ticket is when you have more than one member on the table and each wants their own ticket.

1) Within the Split Ticket screen, click the Add Ticket button to create the additional ticket(s) you want for the table.   (Before you can move Items you must add the ticket(s) first).

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2) Once you have created your ticket(s), highlight the Item from the far left ticket display, then click/touch the ticket you would like the item(s) moved to.

Note: you can highlight more than one item at once.

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3) Notice the first ticket is still the “Selected” ticket, and the far left display shows only the Items remaining on the “Selected ticket.

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4) If you make a mistake and want to move an Item from one ticket to another ticket, first click the ticket that has the item to move; the far left now displays the new Selected ticket Items.

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5) Once you have the appropriate ticket Selected”, highlight the Item from the left ticket display, then click/touch the ticket to move the Item to.

Note: You can move multi items by highlighting more items before moving.

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6) To change the member assigned to a ticket, click the ticket to make it the Selected ticket and select Change Member on the top left corner of the screen.  Follow prompts to select new Member.

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7) Select OK on the bottom right corner of the screen and your changes will be saved.

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Split By Multiplier 

Split by Multiplier provides the ability to split an Item or an entire ticket by a specified number. 

Example 1 - Item: if you have 3 tickets on one table and they all want to split the bottle of Wine, you can split the Item by 3. 

Example 2 - Ticket: if you have 3 members and they want to split the ticket evenly, you can split a single ticket by using the multiplier.

Split by Multiplier - By Item

1) Click Add Ticket and create the number of tickets needed for the split.

2) Touch/click the ticket that has the Item to split, to make it the “Selected” ticket.  Highlight the Item you wish to split from the far left display. Click the < > arrows under Split by Multiplier to increase or decrease the multiplier. Select Split Item.

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3) The Item will be split by the number you selected. In this example it was split by 3. Highlight one of the splits and touch the ticket to move the Item.

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  •  The Split by Item changes the QTY to fractions to calculate the Item price to meet specified amount.
  • Once you click OK, the changes have been saved. Once the changes have been saved there is no way to merge the amounts and QTY back to original state. You will have to delete the ticket and start again.        


Split by Multiplier - By Ticket

You do not need to Add Tickets; the system will create the number of tickets based on your multiplier.

 1) Click the < > arrows under Split by Multiplier to increase or decrease the multiplier. Select Split Ticket.

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  •  The Split by Ticket changes the QTY to fractions to calculate the Item price to meet specified amount.
  • Once you click OK the changes have been saved. Once the changes have been saved there is no way to merge the amounts and QTY back to original state. You will have to delete the ticket and start again.
  • Once you click OK, all subsequent items entered on a ticket will be added to the ticket as a full amount and QTY. 

Split By Dollar

Split by Dollar can be used when one party wants to pay a specified amount; in this example one party will only pay $100 out of $206.97. It is advisable to wait until you are ready to close the ticket before performing this option, see notes for more information.

1) Select Dollar under the Split section.

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2) Enter the dollar amount to split. Click OK when finished.

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3) The system will create a ticket for the amount specified.

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  •  The Split by Dollar changes the QTY to fractions to calculate the Item price to meet specified amount.
  • Once you click OK the changes have been saved. Once the changes have been saved there is no way to merge the amounts and QTY back to original state. You will have to delete the ticket and start again.
  • All subsequent Items entered on a ticket after the ticket has been Split by Dollar will be added to the ticket as a full amount and QTY. 

Include Tax

The Include Tax feature is utilized to calculate tax into the the split.

Example - we have one Item on a ticket with a price of $8.00, including tax and service charge totals to $10.30.  So let’s say two kids are splitting that Item.  One of them only has $4.00, so I need his ticket to only charge him $4.00 tax included.  I navigate to the Split Ticket screen, check the Include Tax box and click Dollar.  I enter the amount of $4.00. Now I have two tickets – one for $4.89 and one for $3.11. When I click OK and the tickets are created, the original ticket is for $6.30 total and the new ticket is for $4.00.

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Split By Seat

Split by Seat allows the user to split a ticket based on seating. This option can only be used if the user is using seat positioning.

1) Assign the seat position to each Item on the ordering screen and select Split Ticket.

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2) Select Seat under the Split section. The system will create a ticket for each different seat position.

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Split By Course

Split by Course allows the user to split a ticket by course. For instance, one member will be paying for the Appetizer and another member will be paying for the Entrees. Please note that this option can only be used if the user is using courses.

1) Assign the course to each Item on the ordering screen if it is not set by default. Select Split Ticket.

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2) Select Course under the Split section. The system will create a ticket for each different course.

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Combining Tickets

In the event a member decides to pay for another member sitting at a separate table, the Split Ticket feature can be used to combine the 2 tickets into 1.  Please note that in order to combine the tickets, the two tickets will need to be moved to the same table.

1) Use the Change Table feature to move the ticket the member is paying for over to their Table.

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2) Once the 2 tickets are on the same table, select Split Ticket.

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3) Select the ticket that was moved to make it the “Selected” ticket. Highlight the Items from the far left ticket display then click/touch the ticket to move the Items to.

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4) All Items will be moved to the paying member’s ticket and the ticket the Items were transferred from will be automatically deleted.

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Best Practices

When ticket splitting is required, ensure to enter Items as normal, and then hit the Split Ticket button to launch the Ticket Splitting screen.

Ensure ticket to be split (or tickets with Item(s) to split) is marked as “Selected” in the Split Ticket screen, prior to attempting to move Items to another ticket.

When combining Tickets, ensure all tickets are at the same table prior to merging them by utilizing the Change Table feature in the main POS screen.  Once all tickets are at the same table, utilize the Split Ticket feature to combine the tickets.


QI need to move an Item back to its original ticket - how do I do that?

A: Ensure the new ticket created is marked as “Selected” in the Split Ticket screen.  Then, highlight the Item from the left screen on the Split Ticket screen, and then click on the original ticket to return the item to it.

Q: When splitting a ticket by a fixed amount (ie - $10.00 on one ticket, and the remainder on another), how do I ensure the $10.00 ticket is the final amount due, inclusive of all tax, etc?

A: When splitting a ticket to a fixed all-inclusive amount, ensure to check the Tax Included box, located on the Split Ticket screen when splitting the ticket.Can I give a rain check a fixed expiration date, like 12/31/2017, rather than having it expire in 365 days? 

Downloadable Guide

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Accessing the Tool

To access POS Messages,

  1. Navigate to the Point of Sale module from the left user menu in CMA and select Messages.

  2. The POS Messages Grid will launch.

  3. The primary functions associated with managing POS Messages are embedded in the POS Message setup screen, which can be accessed by double-clicking on an existing Message, or clicking the New button. 

Creating a New Message 

To create a new Message, 

  1. Navigate to the POS Messages Grid and perform either of the following to launch the POS Message setup screen:

    • Click the New icon on the toolbar.

    • Right-click anywhere on the POS Messages Grid and select New.

  2. The POS Messages setup screen will launch.

General Information

Complete Information as listed below. 

  1. Subject - Enter the Subject of the POS Message.

  2. Body - Enter the Body of the POS Message.

  3. Expiration - If the message has an expiration date, enter it here.

  4. Urgent - If checked, Urgent will display on the message in POS.

  5. Delivery - If checked, a Deliveredbutton will populate on the message in POS. If selected, the message will not show again when the member is selected, or an employee signs in to the POS.

  6. Conditional - If checked, additional options will populate to specify the conditions of the message.

  7. Enable Area Filters - If checked, an additional tab will populate called Areas. If the message should only show in certain areas, please specify the applicable Areas on this tab.

  8. Form - Only applicable when Conditional is checked. Leave this set to Close Ticket.

  9. Condition - Only applicable when Conditional is checked. Leave this set to Cover Count Greater Than

Member Specific Messages 

A member specific message will show when the member is assigned a ticket at the POS. To specify the member(s) to receive the message: 

  1. Navigate to the Members tab and select the applicable members. Use the Select All or Un-Select All features in the left-hand corner, if applicable.

  2. When the member is assigned a ticket at the POS, the message will appear.

  3. On mobile POS this message can be added to the prep ticket to let kitchen staff know in case of allergy. 

Member Group Specific Messages

Not only can messages be set to deliver when a specific member is added to a ticket, they can be set to any member of a specific static or dynamic office group add to a ticket. Once The Subject, Body, and Expiration date have been selected, the club can choose Groups from the radial button selector to the right of the Body. This will alter the Members Tab to a Member Groups Tab.

Please Note: When Groups is selected the system automatically disables the Delivery condition since there will be more than one member to receive the message delivery is now obsolete. 

Once Groups is selected, navigate to the Member Groups tab and choose whichever groups should receive this message when a member of the group is added to a ticket. 

Employee Specific Messages 

An employee specific message will show when the employee signs in to the POS. To specify employee(s) receive the message:

  1. Navigate to the Employees tab and select the applicable employees. Use the Select All or Un-Select All features in the upper left-hand corner, if applicable.

  2. When the employee signs into the POS, the message will appear.

  3. This will also display onMobile POS as soon as the employee logs into it. 

Conditional Messages 

The Office system allows the user to create a Conditional Message that will populate on the Close Ticket screen in POS, when a ticket exceeds a specific Cover Count.

To create a Conditional Message, follow instructions listed below. 

  1. Enter the Subject and Body of the message as normal.

  2. Select Conditional.

  3. Enter an Expiration date if applicable.

  4. Form - Leave this set to Close Ticket.

  5. Condition - Leave this set to Cover Count Greater Than.

  6. Value - Specify the Cover Count that needs to be exceeded for the message to appear.

Now, when a ticket at the POS has a Cover Count of 8 or more, a message will appear when the server selects Close Ticket

Delivery Messages 

Delivery Messages can be used to alert staff to provide a one-time message to a specific member.

To set up a Delivery Message, follow instructions listed below. 

  1. Enter the Subject and Body of the message as normal.

  2. Select Delivery.

  3. Enter an Expiration date if applicable.

  4. Select the member(s) that will trigger the message on the Members Tab. 

Again, when the member is assigned a ticket at the POS, the message will appear. However, for a Delivery Message, there will be an additional option called Delivered.  Select this field when the message has been delivered to the member.  After delivered is selected, the message will no longer appear when the member is assigned a ticket at the POS.

This is mostly used to prevent the member from receiving repeated messages.

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