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Office - Release Notes

Table of Contents
excludeOffice - 02.13.17 - Releases


Employees - Timekeeping Export



Credit Books

  • Users can no longer issue a negative Credit book, they are now required to go to the Credit Book wizard and expire the Credit Book.

    Use CasePreviously, Users were able to issue members a negative Credit Book, causing incorrect balances and charges to empty/negative Credit Books. Now, users must use the Credit Book Wizard to expire the Credit Books instead of issuing a negative Credit Book. Warning message shown below.
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  •  The Credit Book Expiration Wizard will now show Credit Books with no expiration set.
    Use Case:   Previously, only Service Charges were included in the ADP timekeeping export.  Now, gratuity amounts have also been added.
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Clubessential Integrations

Paycloud Sync

  • Updated the Statement Sync process to deactivate members in PayCloud when their type is deselected Previously, the Credit Book Expiration Wizard would only show Credit Books that had an expiration date set. Now, a filter has been added to show Credit Books with no expiration date associated, in order for users to expire the appropriate Credit Books.

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Statement Wizard

  • Added a new option to the Statement Wizard to allow users to “Skip members with no detail, negative balance, or zero balance”.

Use Case: Previously, when a member status type was selected to be synced with Paycloud, and later the status type was removed or the Member was moved to a different status type (Active to Inactive), the members remained active in Paycloud.  Now, when member status type changes, Paycloud updates to reflect changes.  Therefore, members with a deactivated status type, no longer have access to Paycloud.  

CRM Sync

  • Updated the CRM Integration process to include Member Shared Key in the results for better data reconciliation in CRM reports. 

Use Case: Previously, the Member Shared Key was not included in the sync between Office and CRM.  With this addition, data integrity and reporting between the systems is enhanced.  Additionally, future release of the Member Retention Module will be positively impacted by this enhancement. Previously, the option to skip these members was not available in the Statement Wizard. Now, when printing statements, users can skip members with no detail, negative balance, or zero balance with a new dropdown option in the Statement and Detail Pages menu to prevent unnecessary statement generation.

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POS Member Check-In

  • Added the ability to override the POS Member Lookup Cache Timeout with a registry setting.  Primary use for Member Check-In in the POS.

Use CasePreviously, new members would not show up in the POS Member Lookup if the POS system had not been restarted since their addition. Now, the new registry setting allows the POS to refresh at a set interval, allowing for new members to be added to the system and be available for POS check-in.  

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Roster Export report truncating results with large lists of selected member types.

  • Fixed an issue with Tax Exempt lookup for members improperly flagging a member as exempt if they were in a deleted group that was exempt.

  • Fixed an issue with Office Cloud where tickets imported into Office are batched in the next day's batch.

  • Fixed an issue where a member's statement would duplicate lines when an invoice was tied to a tax code that had multiple tax code items with a tax code type 0.

  • Fixed an issue with File Exports if a recurrence pattern is set to 'Never End'. It really used to mean 'After 1000 occurrences'. Changed that limit to 10,000 instead.

  • Fixed an issue with the Statement sync process pulling all member profiles before filtering out member types. Dramatically improves performance of statement sync for clients with large amount of members that are not configured to sync.

  • Fixed an issue with Credit Book not covering additional gratuity properly and improperly including credits issued against balances.

  • Fixed an issue with the Guest Rooms occupancy report to respect fiscal year end system setting when calculating YTD values.

  • Fixed an issue with a coupon based price schedule throwing a LINQ error in POS when usedThe Invoice Batch Grid (Approve Charge Batches), now shows a proper name for the Batch Type instead of a number

  • Fixed the issue where a user was allowed to save a member with the same login/username that is already in use.

  • Fixed issue where a deleted Inventory Adjustment Batch was still showing up on the Inventory Average Cost Reconciliation Report.

  • Fixed an issue within the System / Charge Settlement Types where the areas window was not properly filtering out deleted areas.

  • Fixed an issue when doing a Charge All from the Tee Times tab in POS that was causing the system to lock up.

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