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Office - Release Notes

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excludeOffice - 02.13.17 - Releases



Credit Book - Expiration Wizard



Classic Office


Please Note: This feature will only affect Clubs using PayCloud with Multi-AR accounts.

  • Enhanced functionality allows Members to choose the corresponding AR Account to pay for each balance due (in Paycloud), and have the payment applied to the proper account in Office.

Use Case: Approximately a year ago, the Credit Book Expiration Wizard was introduced, eliminating the ability to issue negative credit book (which was sometimes using to offset positive credit book balances).  Since then, however, eliminating aged negative credit book balances has been a challenge. With this enhancement, Clubs looking to reconcile and clean up their offsetting Credit Book balances in Office have the ability to expire negative credit book (as well as positive credit book).  Once expired, Credit Books will no longer populate in the Credit Book Expiration Wizard as active.

Please Note: Best Practice is to adjust the expiration date, and expire both the positive and negative offsetting credit book balances at the same time.

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Notes - Change Log


Previously, Members could make a payment toward one A/R account, and any additional payment application had to be manually performed.  Now, with added functionality, Members can select how much to pay toward each A/R account, and cash receipts will be applied appropriately in Office.  For example, Sally Member has monthly dues but in addition, also has a balance due for her HOA fees. When Sally goes to pay her bill she can now select how much goes to each A/R account to pay off her balance due.  Note: Proper settings must be turned on in Paycloud for this feature to be appropriately applied.

PayCloud Admin Settings: For Multi-AR payment capabilities, ensure the AR Accounts Payments setting is enabled in Club Settings, as seen below. AR Account Display Names can also be edited from this menu.

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Member View: Once AR Account Payments setting is enabled, Members will have the option to pay Multiple AR accounts when making a payment, as seen below. Please Note: Members have the option to pay Current Balance or Statement Balance for each AR Account.

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 Data Genie (Clubs using Master Reporting Database)

  • Additional master database reporting support within the Data Genie to now include: Employee Hours Worked, Vendor Purchases, Ledger Transactions, and Member Billing.

Use Case: For Clubs with a master reporting database, data genie views previously unavailable can now be viewed at a consolidated level.

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System Settings

Membership - Print Member Statement Wizard

  • Enhanced User experience by allowing the option to Use Billing Member’s AR Balance on statement emails to spouse and/or dependent(s).

Use Case: Previously, when any Notes section (available in Members, Vendors, Guests, etc.) was edited (including making a note Public or Private), no log of changes was available. Now, Users can view who changed the note and when they did so, in the newly added Change Log.

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Mobile POS (Pilot Clubs Only)

Please Note: These changes only affect Clients piloting the Mobile POS program.

Inventory Support

  • For Inventoried Items, enhanced User experience by showing a warning when attempting to sell an Item with zero quantity in inventory, and preventing sale of item where permissions are not sufficient.

Use Case: In Mobile POS, a User is processing a sale of a new golf club, with an inventory of zero. Within the transaction, User will receive a warning message “[Item] does not have sufficient inventory.  Do you still want to sell the item?”. Now, within Mobile POS the User with the correct security level can select OK, enter their credentials, and the sale can be processed.

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Please Note: The warning message will only populate when “Allow Item to be Sold without Quantity Available” is NOT checked in CMA. 

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  • Inventoried items sold from Mobile POS now update CMA to properly reflect reduction in Inventory Quantities.


Member statements were emailed, the balance snippet on the email would always be for the specific Member receiving the Statement Email, who may not have a balance due (Spouse/Dependent). Now, with increased functionality, Users can choose to select the Use Billing Member’s AR Balances on Statement Email setting. If setting is enabled, when creating an email template during the Print Member Statements Wizard, any place where AR Balances are listed in the email, will now show the Billing Member’s balance instead.

Please Note: The default is for Statement emails to contain the balance snippet for whoever it is being sent to. To change this default, the Use Billing Member’s AR Balances on statement Email setting needs to be checked in System Settings, as seen below.

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PayCloud Users

  • Enhanced User experience by showing the Member’s Credit Book balance in Paycloud by the Transaction date of the batch in CMA instead of the Created Date.

Use Case: Members can now view the actual transaction date of the Credit Book instead of the previous view of the creation date. This feature clears some confusion for Members who see the date of their Credit Book creation date, which would not always be the same as the date of their transaction.

Mobile POS (Pilot Clubs Only)

Please Note: These changes only affect Clients piloting the Mobile POS program.

 Voucher Support

  • Enhanced User experience by allowing the use , sale, and balance checks/details of Gift Cards. and sale of Vouchers on Mobile POS.

Use Case: Previously, Moblie Mobile POS did not support gift card Voucher usage.  Users Users can now sell Gift Cards Voucher packs to Members and Guests, allow for automatic numbering of Gift Cards redeem Voucher packs for purchases (which syncs with CMA /& Classic POS), complete a sale with Gift Card as payment, and check the remaining balance or issuance details of a Gift Card on Mobile POS, as seen below.

Sales of gift cards can be issued to Guests or Members.  Once gift card item has been chosen, and issuance amount has been entered, gift card specifics may be populated.  If auto increment has been turned on in Classic, gift card number (113 below) will auto-populate.

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Users can also now use an issued Gift Card as the method of Payment in Mobile POS by selecting Gift Certificate as the Payment Method, then searching for the Gift Card, selecting the corresponding Gift Card, and selecting OK. Gift Card will then show on the Ticket.

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Users can check the balance and details of a Gift Card from the main menu by selecting Gift Card Balance and then entering the Gift Card Number, as shown below.

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  • Added employee security role support for Tax Exempt/Service Charge Exempt in Mobile POS.

Use Case: To make a POS ticket Tax or Service charge exempt, the Employee security in the POS Terminal Category must be checked for Service Charge Exempt and Tax Exempt.  Now Mobile POS respects this rule set from CMA to either allow or disallow employee from making ticket tax or service charge exempt.


. When using a Member’s Voucher for a purchase, the system will ask to confirm the use of a Voucher, including details on remaining Vouchers and expiration date. Users can also view the Member’s remaining Voucher packs in CMA, as seen below.

Please Note: This functionality allows Vouchers sold in Classic POS can be redeemed in Mobile POS and Vouchers sold in Mobile POS to be redeemed in Classic POS. All Voucher transactions are now fully integrated with CMA, specifically the Member Voucher Transactions Report.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the CE Payments Settlements report including settlements that occurred outside of the Start/End Date of the reportfor clubs using ETS within the Member Payments wizard when Capturing Funds and the system requiring multiple mouse clicks for every payment being captured.

  • Fixed an issue when viewing the Settle Chit for a Mobile POS ticket in CMA and the chit did not display properlywhere the blue underline which appeared under the selected tab in the Mobile POS dashboard was not showing.

  • Fixed an issue when using Deferred billing schedules with combo billing and the journal batch not breaking out the settlement amounts by the billing frequency.

  • Fixed an issue with the General Ledger Dashboard’s Consolidated Rolling Net Profit/Loss displaying incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue with the Hour of Day field in the Golf Play view of the Data Genie not displaying properly/always displaying a 0adding amenities to a guest room reservation and the amenity is not properly added to every day of the reservation.

  • Fixed an issue when setting up a club for Mobile POS and Mobile Ordering and Area data not syncing properlydoing an ADP timekeeping export and rates not breaking out into separate lines.

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