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excludeBlock a Court - Manage Blocked Times

Accessing the Tool 

From the respective Courts Dashboard (Tennis, Squash, Racquetball, etc), click “Manage Blocked Times” as shown below. 


The “Blocked Time Manager” window will appear. 

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Add a Basic (One-Time) Block 

Creating a single block takes only a few steps.  This would be done when a Club would like to block Members from playing on a Court or Courts at a specific date and time.   

To add a basic block: 

    1. Type in the Block Title (Optional).  This title will be visible to the Members when booking Court Reservations.

    2. Ensure Court Grouping is proper.

    3. Template should remain on Admin Booking Only.  This ensures Members will not be able to reserve Court times during this window.

    4. Select the start date of the date to block.

    5. Enter the 1st and last timeslot to block. Tips: The clock icon can be used to select a 30 min interval. For other intervals simply type in the time.  The box is intelligent, meaning you can type in many ways such as “1310” or “110pm” for 1:10pm, or “832” for 8:32am. In other words you don’t need the “:”, or “am/pm”.

    6. Designate where the Block is to occur.  To block all Courts in the Court Grouping, uncheck the “Select Specific Courts” option, or check the “Select Specific Courts” option, and choose the “Select All” feature.  To choose specific Courts, check the “Select Specific Courts” option, and check the Court(s) where the Block will occur.

    7. To complete the block, click the “Add Blocked Time” button at the bottom-right.


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Once added, Block Title will be visible on both the Admin and Member Court Sheets, and will not allow Members to book during the block. 

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Also note it is possible to control/change how the Court Times will appear on the Court Sheet by utilizing the “Styling” tab.  

The Background and Text Color of how the Block appears on the Court sheet can be edited here. 

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Editing One-Time Block 

To edit an existing one-time block, click, Manage Blocked Times. 

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Navigate to the “View Blocks” tab.  Then, click on the desired block to edit or delete. 

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Add a Recurring Block (Block Series) 


The frequency setting is used to set recurring blocks called a series. For example, Friday Night Couple’s league could be set up as a weekly block series. 

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End Date 

The end date is often important for recurring blocks but it isn’t required. A block series can be set to extend until the Courts Admin removes the series.

 Check the “Select end date?” option to open and populate the “End Date” field.  Click “Add Blocked Time” when finished. 

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Editing Block Series 

To edit a block series requires removing the series and then re-adding it. 

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Use Block Templates - Choose Booking Rules 

A standard block simply closes the time so members cannot book. However, blocks can be used for more than just closing the time.  

By adjusting the block template setting, they can also be used to adjust who can book or what Court times are on the sheet. 

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For example, seasonal Court times can be controlled using blocks. This can also be done with the schedules for more advanced Court sheet configurations. 

Blocks can be also used for basic event sign ups. For example, a “Women Only” block can be set to recur weekly on Thursdays 8am-10am.

This would allow only males to book the Court times during this window.


Shortcut to “Copy” Blocks 

Sometimes similar blocks are needed throughout the month or year but not on a regular frequency. For these cases a shortcut may be used to copy blocks, requiring only a quick change to the date. 


  1. Add a block which takes you to the “View Blocks” tab to see the newly created block. 

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2. Click the “Add/Edit Block” tab to load the same settings for the block created in step 1.

3. Change the settings for the new block. Often this would be just changing the date.

4. Click “Add Blocked Time”. This copies the block but with the new settings such as the new date. 

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5. Repeat as needed. 

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Q. How do I set up block templates?

A. Please contact the Res Team or your Project Manager for assistance with creating templates.


Best Practices

Before adding or editing a block it is recommended to load the date on the tee sheet.  The block manager automatically starts on the same date as is loaded on the tee sheet.


Downloadable Guide

Courts - Block a Court - Manage Blocked Times



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Use Cases:

  • Assist a Member With Reservations

  • Bookings That Only Allow Admin Booking

  • Editing/Canceling Reservations for Members


This video provides an overview of how to Reserve a Court for Members.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)7:33   
Accessing Tennis Admin Dashboard0:10 Viewing/Editing All Blocked Times4:48
Block Example0:31 Editing a Block5:56
Managing Block Times0:56 Removing a Block6:29




Accessing the Tool 

  1. The Courts Admin Dashboard will allow you to book on behalf of members/guests, and allow you to access various Administration tools.

  2. The Courts Calendar will default on today’s date. Using the datepickers, you can move forward or backward in time as needed.

  3. The calendar is color coded to easily see if the slot is open, booked, or booked for an event.

    • White & Light Blue: open and available to book. 

    • Green: reserved.

    • Dark Blue: reserved for an event (tournament, clinic, etc.).

Booking a Court 

  1. Click on any open time slot to begin booking (open time slots are in white or light blue). This will launch the Booking Window where you will add the reservation details.

  2. At the top of the Booking Window you can change various settings for the reservation:

    • Date

    • Time

    • Duration of Reservation (typically in minutes: 30, 60, 90) - if the duration that you select is unavailable, the system will default you to the next highest available duration

    • Court Grouping - used if you have various types of courts like: tennis, pickleball, bocce, etc.

    • Court 

    • Party Size - this will change the number of plays in the player section accordingly.

  3. Next, type the player’s names into the player sections. To begin, type the member’s last name then a comma, and then their first name. The member will then appear in the dropdown list, click their name to assign them to the player list.

  4. You can also add other types of guests such as:

    • New Guest - stores guest information in the system so they can easily be added next time.

    • Guest TBA

    • TBD

    • Need Player - allows other members to join the reservation.

  5. If a member is bringing a guest and you have the guest information, it is advisable to use the New Guest option in the Player Fields. This will store the guest’s information which allows you to track this information for future use such as booking reservations and prospecting

  6. To add aNew Guest, click New Guest. Click OK on the pop-up window to continue.

  7. Add the guest’s information accordingly, and click Add Guest.

  8. To the left of the player section there will be checkboxes which are checked by default. These are tied to Notifications. It is best to keep this checked so that players will receive updates on Reservation Confirmations, Reservation Reminders, and Reservation Edits/Cancellations

  9. At the bottom of the booking window, you’ll have options to add notes and to set up a recurring reservation.

    1. Comments is used for member notes, and is visible to members.

    2. Admin Notesis only visible to Admins, so this is used for internal communications only.

    3. Recurrence allows you to set up a recurring reservation based on the current reservation settings.

    4. Debug is only used for Clubessenstial employees, so this tab should be disregarded.

  10. Click Make Reservation to save the reservation.

Editing/Canceling a Reservation

  1. You can easily edit or cancel a reservation for a member by clicking on the reservation from the Court Calendar within the Court Admin Dashboard.

  2. This will launch the Booking Window where you can make edits to the reservation.

  3. To cancel a reservation, simply clickCancel Reservation.

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