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The Manage Timekeeping Module allows users, with the proper permissions, to edit an Employee’s existing Timesheet, create a new Timesheet, and delete a Timesheet. Timekeeping can be managed in both the POS and the

In this guide, we will discuss the available reports to utilize when reporting on Timekeeping within the Back Office System.

In this guide

 Specifically, we will

review each optionAn F&B Manager needs to delete an existing Timesheet, and create a new Timesheet for one their Servers

discuss two reports, the Employee Hours Report, and the Employee Hours Audit.

Use Case

  • An F&B Manager needs to edit the clock in time of a Server who forgot to clock in.
  • A Pro Shop Employee clocked out under the wrong Job Code, and the Pro Shop Manager needs to update the Job Code on their Timesheet.
      • The Club needs to run a report on Employee Hours worked within a specific time frame.

      • A General Manager needs to run a report to determine why an Employee’s Timesheet was altered.


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    excludeRDP Setup - Hosted Server


    Manage Timekeeping in the POS


    In this section, we will review the proper procedures to follow when Managing Timekeeping in the POS.

    Please Note: Only users with the proper permissions will have these options available at the POS.

    Accessing the Tool

    To access the Timekeeping tool in the POS:

    1) Log in to the POS as normal and select Timekeeping

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    2) The Manage Timekeeping Module will launch.

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    Editing an Existing Timesheet

    To edit an existing Timesheet:

    1) Use the Date field to select the applicable Date in which the Timesheet occurred.

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    2) Select the applicable Employee from the Grid.

    Please Note: The top section of the Grid displays Shift totals (In Hours Worked) for the Employee, while the bottom section displays the Employee’s Timesheets that make up the total of the Shift (For example, the Employee could have two Timesheets for one Shift if the Employee clocked out for Lunch).

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    3) Be sure to select the correct Timesheet from the bottom grid labeled Job Code (If there is more than one), and select Edit Details.

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    4) Please review available options below:

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    Job Code

    The Job Code assigned to a particular Timesheet can edited by selecting the drop-down arrow. The Lookup Value will display all Job Codes assigned to the Employee.

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    Clock In

    The Clock In Date/Time of a particular Timesheet can be edited here. Select the Lookup Value for a more user friendly interface.

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    Clock Out

    The Clock Out Date/ Time of a particular Timesheet can be edited here. Select the Lookup Value for a more user friendly interface.

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    5) Select OK once edits are complete.

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    6) Lastly, Enter a Reason for editing the Timesheet.

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    Creating a New Timesheet

    To create a new Timesheet:

    1) Select Add Timesheet,

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    Populate the appropriate information for each of the following:

    Job Code
    Clock In
    Clock Out

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    Click OK when finished.

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    Delete a Timesheet

    There are two options when deleting a Timesheet in the POS. In this section, we will review each option.

    Please Note: Any Timesheet associated with completed transactions cannot be deleted until all tickets associated with the Timesheet are transferred to another Employee. Please review our System Tool Manual for more information on Reopening, and Transferring Tickets.

    Option 1

    1) Select the applicable Employee from the Grid and choose Delete Timesheet. This will delete each Timesheet (if there are multiples) associated with the Employee’s Shift.

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    2) Next Enter a Reason for Deleting the Timesheet.

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    3) Finally, confirm the Timesheet deletion. This will delete each Timesheet (If there are multiples) associated with the Employee’s Shift.

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    Option 2

    1) If only one Timesheet for a particular Shift needs to be deleted, select the applicable Employee from the top section of the Grid, then the appropriate Timesheet on the bottom section of the Grid, and then choose Delete Details.

    Please Note: If there is only one Timesheet associated with the Shift, either option can be used.

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    2) Next Enter a Reason for Deleting the Timesheet.

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    3) Finally, confirm the Timesheet deletion. 

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     Manage Timekeeping in Back Office

    In this section, we will review the proper procedures to follow when Managing Timekeeping from the Back Office System.

    Accessing the Tool

    To access the Manage Timekeeping tool:

    1) Select Employees from the left user menu and choose Manage Timekeeping.

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    2) The Manage Timekeeping Grid will launch.

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    Editing an Existing Timesheet

    The Manage Timekeeping Grid is defaulted to Group Timesheets by Work Week. Users can expand the Work Week to view the individual Timesheets for the week.

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    To edit an existing Timesheet:

    1) Expand the applicable Work Week and double- click the Timesheet that needs editing.

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    2) Please review each available option below:

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    Job Code

    The Job Code assigned to a particular Timesheet can be edited under the Job Code column. The Lookup Value will display all Job Codes assigned to the Employee.

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    Clock In Terminal

    The Terminal in which the Employee clocked in can be edited under this column.

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    Clock In

    The Clock In Date/Time of a particular Timesheet can be edited under this column. Select the Drop Down arrow for a more user friendly interface, or type in the appropriate Clock In Date/Time.

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    Clock Out Terminal

    The Terminal in which the Employee Clocked Out can be edited under this column.

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    Clock Out

     The Clock Out Date/Time of a particular Timesheet can be edited under this column. Select the Drop Down for a more user friendly interface, or type in the appropriate Clock Out Date/Time.

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    3) Select Save & Close

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    Creating a New Timesheet

    To create a new Timesheet:

    1) Select the New icon on the toolbar.

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    2) The Timesheet setup screen will launch.

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    3) Select the Employee for which the Timesheet is being entered.

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    4) Populate the appropriate information for each of the columns below:

    Job Code
    Clock In Terminal
    Clock In
    Clock Out Terminal
    Clock Out

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    5) Select Save & Close.

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    Delete a Timesheet

    To delete a Timesheet, select the applicable Timesheet from the Grid and choose Delete on the toolbar.

    Please Note: Any Timesheet associated with completed transactions cannot be deleted until all tickets associated with the Timesheet are transferred to another Employee. Please review our System Tool Manual for more information on Reopening, and Transferring Tickets.

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    Select, Yes on the Confirmation Prompt.

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    Best Practices

    1) If having to continually make significant edits to timesheets, review Clock In/Clock Out procedures with Employees to ensure they understand the process.
    2) Utilize the drill-down feature in Timekeeping in Back Office to effectively view employee information while creating a new Timesheet.


    Q:  The system will not allow me to delete an employee's Timesheet. What can I do?
    A: Any Timesheet associated with completed transactions cannot be deleted until all tickets associated with the Timesheet are transferred to another Employee. Please review our System Tool Manual for more information on Reopening, and Transferring Tickets.

    Downloadable Guide

    Manage Timekeeping - Guide


    Employee Hours Report

    The Employee Hours Report provides users the ability to report on Employee Hours worked within a specific time frame (most often their latest Pay Period). This report has various filtering options, all of which are discussed in this section.

    Accessing the Report

    To access the Employee Hours Report:

    1) Navigate to the Interactive Reports module on the left user menu.

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    2) Expand Employee and select Employee Hours.

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    3) The Employee Hours Report will launch.

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    Running the Report

    Please review each filtering option below:

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    1) Start/End Date - Select the Date Parameters for the Report (typically the Club’s latest Pay Period).

    2) Employees - Use the Lookup Value to select specific Employees to include in the report. If the report is being run for all Employees, leave the filter set to All.

    3) Departments - Use the Lookup Value to select the applicable Departments to include in the report.  If the report is being run for all Departments, leave the filter set to All.

    4) Week Starts On - Select the day of the week in which the work week begins (defaults to Sunday).

    5) Employee Groups - Use the Lookup Value to select the applicable Employee Groups to include in the report. If the report is being run for all Employee Groups, leave the filter set to All.

    6) Overtime Rule - If using the Office System to report on Pay Rates, select the applicable Overtime Rule on this filter.

    7) Overtime Rate - If using the Office System to report on Pay Rates, select the applicable Overtime Rate on this filter.

    8) Sort By - Select how the Report should be sorted (defaults to Employee).

    9) Detail Level - Select the drill down Detail Level of the Report.

    10) Print Each Employee Timesheet On New Page - If checked, each Employee’s Timesheet will be printed on a separate page.

    11) Include Open Shifts - If checked, Employees with an Open Shift will be included on the Report.

    12) Include Balance Sheet Departments - If checked, Balance Sheet Departments will be included on the Report.

    13) Include Rates - If checked, the Rates applied to each Employee will be included on the Report.

    14) Include Sales - If checked, the Sales figures related to the Employee’s Timesheet will be totaled on the Report.

    15) Include Gratuity - If checked, Additional Gratuity related to the Employee’s Timesheet will be totaled on the Report.

    16) Include Service Charge - If checked, any Service Charge related to the Employee’s Timesheet will be totaled on the Report.

    View Report

    Once the desired filters are applied, select View Report on the top right corner of the screen.

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    The details of the Report will load.

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    NOTE: Salaried employees will not be included on the employee hours report.

    Drill Down

    Use the (+) to the left of the Employee to Drill Down for more details. Detail Levels include Week, Job Code, and Shift.

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    Employee Hours Audit Report

    The Employee Hours Audit report provides users the ability to run an audit trail relevant to changes made to their Employee’s Timesheets. This report is broken down to include the Employee who made the change to a Timesheet, as well as what the old and new values include.

    Accessing the Report

    To access the Employee Hours Audit Report:

    1) Navigate to the Interactive Reports Module on the left user menu.

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    2) Expand Employee and select Employee Hours Audit.

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    3) The Employee Hours Audit Report will launch.

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    Running the Report 

    Please review each filtering option below:

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    1) Start/End Date - Select the Date Parameters for the Report.

    2) Employees - Use the Lookup Value to select the applicable Employees to include in the report. If the report is being run for all Employees, leave the filter set to All.

    3) Changed By - Utilize this filter to run the report based on changes made by one or multiple Employees. If the report is being run for all Employees, leave the filter set to All.

    4) Detail Level - Select the drill down Detail Level of the Report (defaults to Details).

    View Report

    Once the desired filters are applied, select View Report on the top right corner of the screen.

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    The details of the Report will load.

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    As previously mentioned, this Report is broken down to include the Employee who made the change to a Timesheet, as well as the old and new values. In addition, the Reason the Employee entered for altering the Timesheet is included.

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    Best Practices

    1) Utilize the drill down option to more effectively view timesheet information.

    2) Run the Audit Log to ensure reason codes are being entered, and are appropriate


    Q: Can we standardize reason codes to use for altering the Time Sheets?

    A: At this time, reasons for altering time sheets need to be manually entered due to the variation in reasons. As a reminder, it is possible to standardize reason codes for Comps and Discounts in the POS. See System - Areas - Global Reason Codes here for more info.

    Downloadable Guide

    Timekeeping Reports Guide