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Roster Sync is a tool that utilizes the member roster your Club’s accounting software to populate the Online Member Directory.  

Use Case(s)

This is used to sync the data in club accounting software member roster to the Online Member Directory.


This video provides a short tutorial on Roster Sync.

Note: Sections of the video have been referenced below with corresponding times in the video for ease of access

Total Video (Length)5:24

Accessing Roster Sync0:23

Matching Members2:06
Additions Queue1:19

Status Types3:22
Delete Queue1:46

Best Practices4:00


Widget Connector


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Accessing the Tool

Only Admins have the ability to access Roster Sync. Follow the steps below, if you are an Admin:


 If a member’s member number has been changed, then the old member number will appear in the Deletions Queue, while the new member number will appear in the Additions Queue.


If both member numbers are kept, then there will be a duplicate entry for that member. In order to ensure nothing is lost, the Queue has an option for Matching.


 Highlight both accounts, and then click Match.



Selecting Status Types

In some cases, your Club may make a new status types for new members coming through or decide that other status types should have access to the Club website.  

 Click Update Status Types to review, or make changes, to the Status Types allowed in the Club Directory.


The Status Type interface will launch and will list all available Status Types. Click  the boxes to check mark statuses that should be active on the website.


Next, run Roster Sync again and the members with the newly selected status type will show in the Additions Queue.


A: If the member’s number was recently updated, then you will have two accounts on the site at once. In order to consolidate, run a Roster Sync. Next, access the Additions/Deletions Queue. You should see the member in both the Additions/Deletions Queue at the same time (Deletions Queue will have the old member number, while the Additions Queue will have the new member number). Click on both names and then click Match. This will merge the two accounts, while deleting the old account and keeping the new account.


Best Practices


  1.  Never make any manual changes to the member’s profile in the website directory without making sure it is also updated in the accounting system.  If a member is allowed to edit portions of their profile and the change isn’t reflected in the member roster in your accounting system, those changes will no longer be in the Club directory.  Since Roster Sync makes the information in your accounting system the information that shows up in the Club directory, you need to make sure that any important information is placed on the member roster in the accounting system. However, members and admins are free to alter the username and password field.
  2.  NEVER MANUALLY ADD A MEMBER TO THE WEBSITE DIRECTORY. Doing so will cause double members to show up and throw off the Roster Sync process.  Please always use the Roster Sync tool to give new members website access.

Downloadable Guide

Roster Sync