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Accessing the Tool

Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.

  1. Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar. 

  2. On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.

Member AutoPay

Displays all Members set up with Auto pay in CMA. Can group by Capture Type. 

To run Member AutoPay, select the report from the Membership Dropdown,

  1. Choose the Capture Type.

  2. Select View Report.

In this example we chose to run for all capture types. The report shows us the Member Number, Member Name, Payment Method Type, and Payment Information (Last 4 digits of account or card number).

Member Birthdays

Displays all Member birthdays within selected parameters with the ability to filter by Member Type. Can select a Month and Year. Can build an age range window. Option to Exclude Guest Member.

To run Member Birthdays, select the report from the Membership Dropdown,

  1. Choose the Member Type/s.

  2. Select the Year.

  3. Choose the Months.

  4. Set the Detail Level.

  5. Set the Age Range.

  6. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for Social member types born in September with an age range of 0-100. The report shows us the Member Number, Last Name, First Name, Birthday, Birth Date, and Age of the members listed.

Member Dependents

Displays all Dependents in a drill down report with the ability to filter by Member Groups, Member Type, and Member Status. Can build an Age Range window to narrow the search. Option to Exclude Members with no dependents and Exclude Guest Members. 

To run Member Dependents, select the report from the Membership Dropdown,

  1. Select the Member Groups.

  2. Choose the Member Types.

  3. Choose the Member Statuses.

  4. Set the Age Range.

  5. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for all groups, types and statuses. We see the Member Number, First Name, Last Name, Member Type, and Age. The Member Dependents are located beneath each member. Keep in mind the system will list spouse accounts as dependents.