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The CMA application has been updated to include two new grid views available to users with the appropriate roles. These grids allow a user to manage, at a bulk level, the notification types (Statement, etc) linked to physical mailing addresses and email addressesMinimums are used to require a club’s members to spend a certain amount of money at the club within a specified time frame.  The Office system can generate various frequencies of Minimums including Monthly, Quarterly, Semi- Annual, Yearly, and Custom schedules.  If a member does not spend their required amount within the specified time frame, they will be billed the remaining balance at the corresponding Month End.

Use Case

A The Club wants to view all members who have Statement notifications linked to a physical or email address.  The Club would also like to export a list of addresses or emails that are not configured for any notification types so additional research can be performed, and information can be gatheredrequires its Members to spend a certain amount each month at the Club.  Spending in all areas of the Club (with the exception of Banquets) counts toward a Member’s minimum spend.  Periodically, in an effort to retain long-time Members, or to make up for a Club’s mistake, the Club may lower the amount of required minimum spend for a Member(s) for a period of time.  The Club enters Minimum adjustments to ensure the reduced minimums properly reflect in the Member(s) account(s).


Table of Contents
excludeNon-Member Payments

Accessing the Tool 


For bulk maintenance of Physical AddressesThe first step to configuring Minimums is to set up the Minimum.  This is where the user configures the rules and frequency to be associated with the Minimum.

To access Minimums,

1) Select Navigate to Membership across the top toolbar and select AddressesMinimums.

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2) The Addresses Minimums Grid will launch.

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For bulk maintenance of Email Addresses,

 1) Select Membership across the top toolbar and select Emails.

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2) The Emails Grid will launch.

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The Addresses and Emails Grids can be filtered in the same manner as any other Grid.  For example, if a user would like a list of all members who have Statement notifications linked to an Email Address, the Emails Grid can be easily filtered to reflect this information.  Please see instructions below.

1) Filter the Notification Type column to only show the Statement Notification Type. Click OK.

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2) Filter the Is Selected column for Checked.

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3) The Grid now reflects all members in the system who have Statement notifications linked to an Email Address.

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Export to Excel


The Addresses and Emails Grids can also be easily exported to Excel for further data manipulation.

To do so, filter the grid to the preferred view, and select Export on the toolbar.

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The current grid view will be exported to Excel.

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Multi Edit 

Just like any other Grid, the Addresses and Emails Grids can be edited in bulk via the Multi Edit function.

For example, let’s assume a group of members, who are currently configured to receive a printed statement, would now like to receive their statement via email. In previous versions, the user would have to navigate to each member’s individual profile and edit their notification types.  With the addition of the Addresses and Emails Grids, the notification types for these members can be easily edited in one place.  Please see instructions below.

 1) On the Addresses Grid, filter the grid to only show the Statement Notification Type.

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2) Hold CTRL to select multiple members from the grid. Right click and select Multi Edit.

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3) Choose the Is Selected column by utilizing the drop-down arrow.  To un-select these members from the Statement Notification type, leave the Specify a Value field unchecked.

Then, click OK to continue.

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(Note: Other bulk edits (in addition to Is Selected) can be performed as well.)

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4) Confirm the change to affect the selected records by clicking Yes.

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5) Success message will return. Click OK.

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6) Lastly, click Close to continue.

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Now that these members are no longer configured to receive a printed statement (shown below), they will have to be configured to receive a statement by email.

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Other than step 3, please repeat the same steps as above on the Emails Grid to configure these members for an emailed statement.

On step 3, check the Specify a Value field within the Is Selected column to designate that the selected email addresses are selected for Statement Notification.

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Best Practices

  • Utilize the Multi Edit function to save time and make edits to multiple records at the same time.
  • Apply filters to help identify/review/clean up data in the database (quickly identify blank records, records within certain ranges, etc).


Q. When I click Export, will it export all records, or the view I have selected based on filters I have applied? 

A. The exported grid will contain all columns and rows of the currently displayed grid.  If filters are impacting the view, only the returned results based on applied filters will be exported.  To export all records, click Clear Filters in the toolbar to eliminate any filters impacting the current view. 

Downloadable Guide

Bulk Maintenance Notification Types - Guide


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The primary functions associated with managing Minimums are embedded in the Minimums setup screen, which can be accessed by double-clicking on an existing Minimum (to edit an existing minimums), or clicking the New button (to create a new minimum).

Minimum Setup - Tab Overview

In this section we will review the various tabs within a Minimum.

General Information

1) Enter the Name and Description of the new Minimum.

2) Select the Billing Item.  This is the item that will be charged at Month End for any unspent minimums.

3) Check Prepaid Minimum if members are to be billed their minimum amount in advance.

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Frequency - Select the frequency of the Minimum (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi- Annual, Yearly, or Custom).


Amount - Enter the amount of the Minimum.


Start Month - Select the month the Minimum will begin.


Day Ends - Select the day the Minimum ends.  Any unspent Minimum balances as of this day will be billed to the member.


Annual Maximum - Specify an annual maximum. If there is not an annual maximum, check No Max.


Includes Tax - If any tax charged on minimum eligible items should count toward the Minimum amount, check this box.

Includes Service Charge - If any service charge charged on minimum eligible items should count toward the Minimum amount, check this box.


Includes These Item Groups


The Includes These Item Groups tab is where the user will select the Item Groups that will apply toward the Minimum.  Furthermore, based on the embedded hierarchy, all Items within these Item Groups will count toward the member’s Minimum balance.

To add Item Groups to the Minimum, select the Item Groups Lookup, click to select the applicable Item Groups from the Lookup value, and choose Select at the bottom of the screen.

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To remove an Item Group from the Minimum, highlight the Item Group in question from the selected Groups screen and choose Remove Selected.

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Excluding These Areas


The Excluding These Areas tab allows the user to exclude certain Areas from the Minimum.  For instance, if the user does not want any transactions completed within the Fitness Area to be counted toward the Minimum, they would select the Fitness Area on this tab.

To add excluded Areas to the Minimum, select the Areas Lookup, click to select the applicable Areas from the Lookup value, and choose Select at the bottom of the screen.

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To remove an Excluded Area from the Minimum, highlight the Area from the selected Areas screen and choose Remove Selected.

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Custom Scheduling


Minimums can also be applied on a custom basis.  For instance, with Custom Scheduling the user can specify which months out of the year the Minimum will apply to their members, or they can specify varying Minimum amounts depending on the month.

To set up a Custom Schedule, first set the Frequency on the Schedule tab to Custom.  As evidenced in the below screen shot, when the Frequency is set to Custom, the Start Month and Amount become Null.

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Navigate to the Custom Scheduling tab and enter the Minimum amount next to the corresponding month.

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Create A New Minimum


To create a new Minimum, navigate to the Minimums Grid and perform either of the following to launch the Minimum setup screen:

1) Click the New icon on the toolbar.

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2) Right-click anywhere on the Minimums Grid and select New.

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3) The Minimum setup screen will launch.

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4) Complete the General Information, and then navigate to each of the below tabs and enter all relevant information. It is recommended to enter information on these tabs in sequential order. Please see the Tab Overview section of this document for further instructions on each tab.

    • General Information
    • Schedule
    • Includes These Item Groups
    • Excluding these Areas
    • Custom Scheduling (if applicable)

5) Lastly, click Save & Close to complete the setup of the new Minimum.

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Minimum Group Setup


Once a new Minimum is created, a corresponding Minimum Group will need to be created as well. A member’s inclusion in a Minimum Group is what applies the Minimum to their account.

To create a new Minimum Group,

 1) Navigate to Membership across the top toolbar and select Groups.

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2) Then perform either of the following to launch the Member Group setup screen:

a) Click the New icon on the toolbar.

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b) Right-click anywhere on the Member Groups Grid and select New.

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3) The Member Group setup screen will launch.

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4) Enter a Name and Description.

5) Select Minimums from the Group Type Lookup.

6) Because this is a Minimum Group, Tax Exempt and Allow members to join this group online can be ignored.

7) Leave the Group set to Static.

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8) When the Group Type is set to Minimums an additional tab will populate also called Minimums.

9) Navigate to this tab and add the corresponding Minimum by selecting the Minimum Lookup. Then, click to select the applicable Minimum from the Lookup value, and choose Select at the bottom of the screen.

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10) To add members to the Minimum group perform either of the following below:

a) Navigate to the Members tab with the Minimum Group and select the Member Lookup, click to select the applicable Members from the Lookup value, and choose Select at the bottom of the screen.

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b) Navigate to the Groups tab within the member’s profile, select the Member Group Lookup, click to select the applicable Minimum Group from the Lookup value, and choose Select at the bottom of the screen.

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11) To remove a member from a Minimum Group, perform either of the following below:

a) Highlight the Member in question from the selected Member’s screen within the Minimum Group and choose Remove Selected.

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b) Navigate to the Groups tab within the member’s profile, highlight the Minimum Group in question from the selected Member Group’s screen and choose Remove Selected.

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Membership Profile - Minimums Tab

Once a member is assigned to a Minimum Group, the appropriate Minimum information will populate on the Minimums tab within the Member’s profile.

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The Minimum information attached in this section is dependent on the Minimum attached to the Minimum Group to which the Member is linked.


Non-adjustable Details Include:


Minimum - Name of the Minimum attached to the Minimum Group.


Minimum Total - Assigned Minimum amount assigned to the group.


Spent in Period - How much the member has spent in the period.


Amount to Spend - How much the member has left to spend in the period.


Ending On - Ending date of the current period.

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Adjustment Amount

If for any reason the amount of a member’s minimum needs to be reduced on an individual basis, the user can enter an adjustment into the Adjustment Amount field. This will reduce the amount the member has to spend to reach their minimum.

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The Adjusted to Spend field will populate with the true reflection of what the member will need to spend in their current period.  (Note - this will properly display after adjustment amount has been saved.)

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Important - Please remember to clear any adjustment amounts after Month End has been run.  Otherwise, the adjustment amount entered on the member’s profile will roll over to the next period. For more information on clearing Minimum Adjustments, please see our Membership - End of Month manual.


Minimum Reports

To review a member’s Minimum Activity on an individual basis, best practice is to select View Minimum Activity on the Minimums tab within the member’s profile.

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The Member Minimum Activity Report will launch specific to the member. This report can be filtered down to the very items that counted toward the Minimum by selecting the + sign to the left of the activity or by changing the Detail Level of the report.

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The Member Minimum Report can also be run on a global basis to display the Minimum Activity of all members.


To run this report, navigate to the Interactive Reports Module, expand Membership, and select Member Minimum Activity.

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Select the Start Date, the Groups the user would like to view, the Detail Level of the report, specify if the report should only include members with a certain amount of unspent Minimums, Select View Report.

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Best Practices

At least monthly, use the Manage Members Grid to review for Minimum Adjustments that may need reviewed/cleared.  Customize columns to include Minimum Adjustment Amount field, and then include all amounts other than zero to review records with a minimum adjustment amount that may need adjusted and/or eliminated prior to next statement generation.

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Q. Instead of decreasing an individual Member’s required spend, can I increase it?

A. Yes, when entering an adjustment amount (on the Minimums tab in the Member profile), enter the adjustment amount as a negative amount to increase the Adjusted to Spend field.  Entering a positive adjustment will result in a negative impact to the required spend.


Downloadable Guide

Minimums - Guide