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Office - Release Notes

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excludeOffice - 02.13.17 - Releases



Accounts Payable



Pay Bills

  • Updated the new Pay Bills form to show the Auto Filter Row by default.


Data Genie - Options 

  • Added Options drop down to Data Genie, adds ability to hide row or column totals and saves those options in the layout. 

Use CasePreviously, users wishing to exclude totals from exports to Excel, had to manually delete total rows/columns after the export prior to further manipulating the data.  Now, easily exclude total rows and columns from view and related exports.

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Membership - Scheduled Member Changes 

  • Added Scheduled Member Changes report to interactive reports. 

Use Case: Previously, scheduled Member Status, Member Type, or Player Type changes were visible only within the Member’s profile.  Now, easily view upcoming Member changes from the Scheduled Member Changes Report.

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Manage Item Categories 

  • Updated the Item Category edit form to remove unused fields.

Use Case: Fields not used (ie - Rewards eligible) are no longer visible to prevent user confusion.

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Manage Item Combos 

  • Added ability to hide an Item Combo in POS.

Use Case: Previously, only Items could be hidden from POS.  Now, also hide an Item Combo.

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  • Updated the Member Group edit form so that the member list displays the member number, last name, and first name broken out into multiple columns.

Use Case: Previously, Name field (which combined first and last name), was visible in grid, making searching and sorting difficult. Now, easily search by three distinct fields.

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Import Starting Balances 

  • Updated the Import Starting Balances wizard so that it automatically closes when finished.

Use Case: Previously, wizard required manual intervention to complete process.

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Manage Members 

  • Added an Age Demographic column to the Member Grid.

Use Case: Previously, unavailable, this field results in improved searching, querying, and data mining capabilities within the Manage Members grid.

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Print Member Statements 

  • Added Member Status and Member Type columns to Print Member Statements grid.

Use Case: Previously, unavailable, these fields can be useful when selecting/reviewing Members for which to generate statements.  Right-click, and choose column chooser.  Then, specify fields to display.

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CMA - Devices 

  • Updated the POS Devices grid to add Ticket Device field.

Use Case: Previously unavailable for viewing on the grid, this field can be useful when reviewing which Printer is associated with a Device.

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POS - Dining 

  • Updated POS Dining Integration to no longer assign the shift of the admin user who is seating the reservation, instead use the server's shift.

Use Case: Previously, when a Dining Manager was assigning reservations to a table and a respective server, the ticket would go into the Dining Manager’s shift.  Now, the ticket goes into the assigned Server’s shift.

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System Settings - Partner Products - Reserve Gateway 

  • Updated the Reserve Cloud integration to select the member charge settlement type based on the company of the member.

Use Case: For Club’s with multiple companies, this behind the scenes functionality, ensures the charge settlement type is proper based on the Member’s Company.

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System Settings - Website - Clubessential Endpoint Editor 

  • Updated the Online Order printing minute threshold from 60 to 90.

Use Case: Previously, the threshold was limited to 60, and needs arose which required the threshold be set at a higher level.

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  • Updated the CMA Terminal edit form to add a label indicating the timeout is in seconds and setting it to zero disables it.

Use Case: In an effort to eliminate user confusion, added clarification as to the unit of measure to be entered into the timeout field.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Guest Rooms charge card on file when the value is negative.

  • Fixed an issue when you send all items on a ticket then add a discount and try sending again.

  • Fixed an issue with the Avg Sale Per Cover field in Sales Summary data genie view not matching the Daily Sales report Avg Sale Per Cover.

  • Fixed an issue with the Financial Report Writer crashing when picking "Current Period - Day " or "Previous Period - Day " when the day chosen exceeded the number of days in the overall month for the sheet.

  • Fixed an issue with the Item Receipt report not displaying negative quantities.

  • Fixed an issue when attempting to print zero dollar item receipts.

  • Fixed an issue with the Income Statement reports not consistently filtering departments and companies properly.

  • Fixed an issue with the multiselect look up control not displaying (All) when all records have been selected.

  • Fixed an issue in the online order system in POS where items on the ticket were not getting flagged as sent during auto-fire.

  • Fixed an issue with the Website member photo sync when a member has a bad photo file reference.

  • Fixed an issue with dynamic member groups not properly calculating members that are "Not In" one or more member groups.

  • Fixed an issue when holding CTRL and clicking objects in the Area Layout form then clicking the layout area itself.

  • Fixed an issue with the Guest Room system with ETS 3.0 when charging a negative folio balance to a card on file for the room.

  • Fixed an issue with the Room Daily Occupancy report giving bad totals.

  • Fixed an issue with Web -> Navigation Menus edit form -> Navigation Menu Item edit form loading very slowly and running the system out of memory.

  • Fixed an issue with early checked in and checked out guest room reservations generating a Check Out notification.

  • Fixed an issue with the batch posting process to allow zero-dollar batches even if there are no records in the Batch Preview report.

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate Item Categories or Item Groups would appear in the Area -> POS Options -> Statement Options (when Show Summary Breakout On Statement is enabled under POS Options).

  • Fixed an issue with the Outstanding Credit Book report not including credit books posted in batches whose transaction date was equal to the "As of Date" when running the report.

  • Fixed an issue with the "Don't Send Any Print Messages" button on Item->Print Configuration screen to properly set print configuration's Message to (None).

  • Fixed an issue with the Timekeeping Export sometimes throwing an error because the Employee Shift Activity report was returning an empty Department Code.

  • Fixed an issue with the Guest Room Reminder Email plugin causing errors in new Office installs because it assumed there was a record in the guest room settings table without checking to be sure there actually was one.

  • Fixed an issue with the Year Visit count always being zero. Also, no longer filters guest members w/out a member type.

  • Fixed various issues with the start and end date calculation process in the Financial Report Writer

    Use Case: When Use Tax Vendor Status needs changed for multiple Vendors, now quickly select all Vendors that need updated, right-click, choose Multi Edit, and select Use Tax Vendor as the Column to edit.

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Interactive Reports

Accounting - Income Statement Reports

  • Added Budget Type support to the eight Income Statement reports (Income Statement, Income Statement Consolidated, Income Statement Consolidated By Category, etc.)

    Use Case: Previously, viewing different Budget Types was available only in the Financial Report Writer, or on Standard Financial Reports after System Settings had been adjusted.  Now, easily select the Budget Type to report on directly from the Income Statement Screens.

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Data Genie - Multiple Views

Use CaseBy popular demand, the following changes have been made to the data genie views to support better reporting and data mining capabilities.  Remember to click the Reset Layout icon in the event any of the below fields are not appearing.
  • Multiple Views - Added Member Status and Member Status Description (and Billing Member Status and Billing Member Status Description where appropriate) to all appropriate Genie Views.
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  •   Previously not automatically visible, this improvement will increase your ability to readily insert filters and quickly find the information you need.


Vendor Invoices - 1099 Impact

  • Updated Vendor Invoices to allow for a new Tax Form Box Default (0) and updates the (None) option on tax form override form to return no value for that line.

    Use Case:  Previously, it was possible to override tax lines to indicate that an Invoice Item should be included on a 1099 form, however, was not possible to say, exclude this line from the 1099 calculation.  With this enhancement, it is now possible to override an Item’s inclusion in a Vendor’s 1099 by using the (None) option.


General Ledger


Import Annual Journal Entries


  • Updated the system to allow for an Annual Journal Entries import form.

    Use Case:  Previously, Journal Entries could not be imported on an Annual basis.  This enhancement will improve the Implementation process for a Club as 12 months of Journal Entries may now be uploaded with one import.


Interactive Reports

Data Genie

  • Updated the 'Sales with Line Item Detail' Data Genie View to include the Meal Period field.

    Use Case: Previously unavailable, now gain additional insights into your Club’s Dining Operations by including the Meal Period in your results.Income Statement Screens.

Financial Report Writer


Updated the 'Sales with Line Item Detail' Data Genie View to include the Meal Period field.


Use Case: Previously, only Net activity was available in the Financial Report Writer.  Now, have specific Debit and/or Credit values returned to further analyze and improve your reporting capabilities.

Membership - Delinquent Members

  • Updated the Member Delinquent report to have the same column header names as other AR Aging reports.

Use CaseImprove your ability to review Delinquency reports in conjunction with other aging reports by having comparable Headers.


Membership - Member Minimum Activity Report

  • Updated the Member Minimum Activity report to add the ability to filter by member type.

Use Case: Now, further refine your reporting capabilities with this new feature that allows you to return results for your selected Member Type(s).



Membership - Member Voucher Transactions


  • Updated the Member Voucher Transaction report to allow filtering by quantity remaining.


Use Case: Improve your Club’s ability to proactively market and re-sell Vouchers to Members with only a specific number of remaining Vouchers.


Vendor - Check Register


  • Updated the Check Register report to add a Positive Pay parameter that removes all detail drill-down so that exports to Excel are significantly cleaner.


Use Case: Previously, detailed drill-downs were incorporated into this report, and therefore, Club’s wishing to use the report for their positive pay file had to extensively manipulate the file after export.  Now, receive cleaner exports without the details for Club’s wishing to utilize this report for positive pay.


  • Updated the Check Register report to add the ability to filter by one or more vendors.


Use Case: Now, further refine your check register reporting capabilities with this new feature that allows you to return results for your selected Vendor(s), rather than all Vendors.



Gift Card Types

  • Updated POS to no longer require entering a PIN when the Gift Card Type is configured to only require a swipe

Use Case: For Clubs who have internal gift card PINS that typically match their gift card numbers, now use only one swipe (instead of two) to program both the PIN and the card number fields by populating this new Gift Card Type setting. 



  • Updated tool-tip on "Include group in web roster" check box in member group edit form to be more clear.

Use Case: Prevent confusion for Users by updating description.



Import Installment Billings


  • Updated the system to allow for Bulk Import of Installment Billings.


Use Case: Previously, Billing Schedules had to be manually input.  This enhancement will improve the Implementation process for a Club as these billings may now be uploaded with an import.


Manage Members 

  • Updated the member grid to add Month Wedding Anniversary Date column.

Use Case: Now, quickly view who has a Wedding Anniversary in the current month.




Email Pay Receipt

  • Updated the POS system to allow the ability to enter an email address when printing a receipt for a guest member.

Use Case: Previously, the Email Receipt feature worked only for Members.  Now, enter an email into a pop-up box for a Guest who desires an Emailed receipt 


POS - Negative Price Approval

  • Updated the 'Allow Negative When Asking For Price' role to allow a negative price to be entered and if the logged in POS employee doesn't have permission to do a negative price it will prompt for a manager override.

Use Case: Previously, the Allow Negative When Asking for Price role did not allow an Employee without the role the ability to enter a negative at all.  Now, they can enter, however, will prompt for approval from someone who has access.



System Settings - Guest Room Settings

  • Updated the Guest Room System Settings to add a setting that can 'Enable Split Folio Option' in POS.

Use CasePreviously, the Split folio feature auto-launched the split feature. Now, enable the split with the following setting if desired, or choose to leave it off (default).


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Guest Room notification emails not using a newly saved template (was requiring the plugin service to have to be restarted because its use of cached guest room settings).

  • Fixed an issue with NACHA files being generated with Mixed instead of Debits Only.

  • Fixed an issue with the Default CheckSubC template using Vendor Name instead of Remit To.

  • Fixed an issue with the new Pay Bills form setting the payment's Street2 to the Vendor address's State instead of the vendor address's Street2.

  • Fixed an issue when leaving just a $ in the price override text box on the item combo form.

  • Fixed an issue with the 'Manage Timekeeping' form in POS not properly showing employees that share employee group departments.

  • Fixed an issue with the data import tool importing email addresses with white space.

  • Fixed an issue where member were allowed to check in at POS or in Kiosk Mode even if their member status is set to Do Not Allow POS Usage.

  • Fixed an issue where you can't select and then unselect a billing schedule for a member inside the member edit form.

  • Fixed an issue with the Financial Report Writer showing extra scroll bars and hiding part of the ribbon when focus moves to the spreadsheet.

  • Fixed an issue with the Member Voucher Transactions report running extremely slowly at some clubs.

  • Fixed an issue when exporting a grid in the Bank Reconciliation Wizard where the date column is including the time portion when it shouldn't.

  • Fixed an issue with the Links sync where Employee Statuses were not resigning/inactivating employees correctly.

  • Fixed an issue with the NACHA detail generation to use an auto incremented trace number instead of the Cash Receipt ID.

  • Fixed an issue with the Reserve Cloud interface not pushing spouse addresses when the address is on billing member and shared.

  • Fixed an issue with the default start time in POS -> System Tools -> Reports -> Sales to use Point of Sale system setting Start Time instead of the Employee system setting Close Time.

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