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Please Note: The Draw Method (how the screen is spatially organized) for a new Screen Group defaults to Top Left Horizontal.  In this Draw Method, Screen Groups cannot be customized.

Please review the Customizing Screen Groups section of this document for an exact explanation on how to customize Screen Groups.


For more information on Item Categories, please see our Items Manual.

Creating a Category Button


Select the Item and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to arrange the display order.

Option 2
Check the Always Alphabetize Items check box. If checked, the Items will be listed in alphabetical order on the POS screen.

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Item Button

Users can use the Item Button to link a POS button to an individual Item, such as Potato Skins. Some Clubs find it useful to add buttons for frequently ordered Items, such as Diet Coke on their home screens. For more information on Items, please see our Items Manual.


Creating an Item Button


 Please note: Most Items have forced Modifiers attached to their setup. However, this option gives users the ability to add frequently used Modifiers that would not typically be attached to an Item.  For more information on Item Modifiers, please see our Item Modifier Controls Manual.


Creating a Modifier Button


A Modifier Group Button provides the wait staff quick access to frequently used Modifier Groups. Modifier Groups represent a collection of Modifiers nested under a single entity.  For example, you might use this to place a button on your home screen that links to a list of General Modifiers such as No Salt, Split Item, or Bring Two Plates. For more information on creating Modifier Groups, please see our Item Modifier Controls Manual. 

Creating a Modifier Group Button


Daily Specials Button

A Daily Specials button provides the wait staff quick access to the specials of the day.


Only Items marked as “Daily Specials” on the Item setup/edit form will display on this screen.

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Please Note: For more information on Items, please see our Items Manual.

Creating a Daily Specials Button


To create a Daily Specials Button:

1) Select Add Button.

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 2) Select Special as the Button Type.

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3) Enter the name you wish to have displayed on the POS button in the Caption box.

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Item Combo Button


An Item Combo Button can be used to link a button directly to an individual Item Combo, such as Easter Dinner.

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Item Combos allow users to sell multiple items with a single charge at the POS. For more information on Item Combos, please see our Items Manual.


Creating an Item Combo Button

To create an Item Combo Button:

1) Select Add Button.

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 2) Select Combo as the Button Type.

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 3) Select the Combo for which you’d like to create a button.

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Screen Group Button


A Screen Group Button provides the wait staff with quick access to other Screen Groups/POS Menus used throughout the club.

 For instance, many clubs will have a button on their Main Dining Room Screen Group that is linked to their Bar Screen Group. This allows the wait staff quick access to the Bar Menu while sales are still recorded in the Main Dining Room Area.

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Creating a Screen Group Button


To create a Screen Group Button:

1) Select Add Button.

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 2) Select Screen Group as the Button Type.

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3) Select the Screen Group for which you’d like to create a button.

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Customizing Screen Groups


As previously mentioned, Screen Group Buttons can be customized in terms of their position on screen, size, color, and font. In this section we will discuss how to customize Screen Groups.


By default, new Screen Groups have their Draw Method set to Top Left Horizontal.  In this Draw Method, Screen Group Buttons cannot be customized. Rather, buttons can only be added and their various Button Types applied.

To Customize Screen Groups, the Draw Method first needs to be set to FreeForm. Please see instructions below:

1) Click anywhere within the Screen Group to populate the Screen Group edit form.

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 2) Select FreeForm within the Draw Method section.

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3) As you will see, additional customization options will populate.

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Please Note
: When creating a new Screen Group, best practice is to add ALL buttons to the Screen Group in the TopLeftHorizontal Draw Method first and then customize button size, color, etc.

Button Positioning

Once a Screen Group’s Draw Method is changed to Freeform, the positioning of the various buttons can be customized.

Click to select the button you wish to reposition, and drag the button to the desired position.

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Button Size

In FreeForm, a button’s size can also be customized.

To change the size of a button:

1) Click and hold your mouse on either corner of the button.

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 2) Then, drag the button to the desired size.

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Button Color

A button’s color can also be customized.

To customize the color of a button:

 1) Click to select the applicable button.

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2) Navigate to the Button Color section and select the desired color.

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Button Font

A button’s font size, text color, and text alignment can also be customized in FreeForm.

Font Size

To customize the font size of a button:

1) Click to select the applicable button.

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2) Navigate to the Font Size section and enter the desired font size.

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Text Color

To customize a button’s text color:

1) Click to select the applicable button.

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 2) Navigate to the Text Color section and select the desired text color.

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Text Alignment

To customize a button’s text alignment:

1) Click to select the applicable button.

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 2) Navigate to the TextAlignHorizontal or TextAlignVertical section and select the desired alignment.

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It is also possible to edit multiple buttons at the same time.  It is possible to select an array of buttons and change their button color, font size, text color, button size, etc. at the same time. Please see examples below:

Button Color

1) Click and hold the mouse. While holding the mouse, start dragging your cursor. As you’ll notice, a selection box will begin to take shape. Any button touching this box will instantly be selected.

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Best Practices

System Tools provide an extremely useful toolbox to assist your Management and/or Leads with functions and reporting beyond the normal scope of base level POS usage.  Ensure your Management/Lead team is familiar with the functions described within this guide to promote elevated Member and Guest experience, staff guidance and system troubleshooting as required.


A: Yes.  In addition to the Allow System Tools security role, a separate role, Allow Item Management, is available to differentiate those who have the ability to access System Tools with those who have the ability to edit items within the Items tab of System Tools.  By disabling the Allow Items Management role, users who may have access to other System Tools will be unable to make edits to Items within the toolset. 
