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When Beacons are initially set up for a Club, Clubessential encrypts the Beacons each with a unique identifier, and assigns a defined range to the beacon as to how far the beacon will transmit its bluetooth signal (based on info gathered from the Club).  This is measured in decibels, however, has been translated into approximate distances for ease of reference (i.e.  short range - (20ft or less), medium range (20 - 70ft), and long range (70 - 160ft).  Note this distance translation is an approximation and is also relative, based on factors such as the location of beacon placement, and what fixed objects are in the area.  The Beacon is then associated with a Beacon Zone.

 Beacon Zones

 A Zone holds the beacon in a collection that associates an area of the club with the Beacon(s).  A zone may contain more than one beacon, or may contain just one (more common).  When defining Beacon Zones, it is important to define the why behind the zone, and answer the question what will you be triggering in the zone.  For instance, an 8th Tee Box Zone could hold one beacon that will read a short range, and will trigger a message to Members about ordering food at the turn.  Another zone could be on the Entrance gate, and could trigger a message to the General Manager of the Club when a Board Member enters the premises. 

Once the goals have been outlined, it’s time to manage the beacon zones.  Note: Clubessential will set up your initial beacon zones, and will assign the individual beacons into beacon zones.  In the event your Club wishes to edit an existing zone, or add a new zone, perform the following.


The Create Push Notification screen will launch.

1) First, Name the Notification so that the action is identifiable.

 2) Next, designate the Beacon Zone that will trigger the notification.

3) Optionally, define conditions that will be applied to determine whether or not to send the notification.  For instance, if the notification is only to be triggered if the Member is in the Committee Members group, then a condition could be set as follows.

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4) Define the message to be sent to the member.

 5) Optionally, opt to include a link.  If checked, options will load for selection.

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6) Define Recipients of the message.  For instance, if the Member who triggers the Beacon is to receive the message, the Send to the member option should be selected.  In the event someone else should receive a message (ie - Club General Manager), when Member (Board Member) triggers beacon, select Send to someone else for more options.

 7) Optionally, determine the maximum number of times a member or someone else will receive this notification.

8) For example, the notification could be set to send only one time per year as follows:

Image Added

Or, any variation of times utilizing the following:


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9) Finally, Save the notification, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Push Notification will be added to listing, and will be enabled (active).


To disable (or turn off) the notification, click the Enabled button.

To re-enable (or turn on) the notification, click the Disabled button.



 Edit a Push Notification
