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Please follow instructions below in the event a Closed Ticket needs to be Re-Printed.

  1. Select the check box checkbox to the left of the Ticket that needs Re-Printed.

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2. Additional options will populate. To Re-Print the Pay Ticket, select Print Pay. To Re-Print the Settle Ticket, select Print Settle.

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3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Re-Printing the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.

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Please follow instructions below in the event a Closed Ticket needs to be Deleted.

  1. Select the check box checkbox to left of the Ticket that needs Deleted.

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2. Additional options will populate. Select Delete.

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3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Deleting the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.

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Fly Out Menu

The Fly Out Menu provides users the ability to access additional functionality of the Mobile POS. This includes a Member Lookup (To Access additional information about the Member), End Of Shift Report, Shift History Report, Gift Card Balance, Item Lookup, and System Tools. Each option is explained below.

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Member Lookup

Please follow instructions below to access additional information about a Member.

  1. Select Member Lookup from the Fly Out Menu.

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2. The Member Grid will populate. Search for and select the applicable Member.

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3. Additional information displayed includes Member Name, Member Number, Member Type, Birthdate, Minimum Activity (View Minimum), and Member Groups.

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4. Select the toggle on the top right to navigate to additional information about any of the Member’s Dependents.

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Select Table

Performs the same functionality as Select Table on the Open Tickets Tab.


Prior to running an End of Shift Report please verify the Open Tickets Tab is blank reflecting no Open Tickets. This will guarantee all sales for the day are reflected in the report (The system will error if there are any Open Ticket). The End of Shift Report can be printed as many times as the user wants, at any time.  In addition, the system also keeps an archive of past End of Shift reports for the user to access and print at any time. Please follow the instructions below to run and print an End of Shift Report.

  1. Select End of Shift Report from the Fly Out Menu.

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2. The System will default to Current Day for both the Start and End Dates. This is done because we are assuming the user is running the report for the Current Day, at the End of their Shift. Use the Date Dropdown to run an End of Shift Report from a different day.

Note: Please be sure the Start and End Dates are set to the Same Day. This will tell the System to only pull Sales for the Date selected. To run the report over multiple days, select the applicable date range.

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3. Select the Receipt Printer to where the report should be printed. Then choose Run Report.

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4. A Print Preview will populate. Select Print Report to physically print the End of Shift Report; or select Edit to navigate to the previous step.

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Note: If the user has any Tickets when Print Report is selected, they will receive an error message. Please be sure to Close or Transfer any Open Tickets before running the End of Shift Report.

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Shift History Report

The Shift History Report allows users to run an End of Shift Report in a Consolidated fashion displaying sales for all servers. Only Administrators and Food & Beverage Management have permissions to view this report. Please follow the instructions below to run the report.

  1. Select Shift History Report from the Fly Out Menu.

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2. The System will default to Current Day for both the Start and End Dates. This is done because we are assuming the user is running the report for the Current Day, at the end of everyone’s shift. Use the Date Dropdown to run a Shift History Report from a different day.

Note: Please be sure the Start and End Dates are set to the Same Day. This will tell the System to only pull Sales for the Date selected. To run the report over multiple days, select the applicable date range.

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3. Users have the ability to group the report by Device, Device Category, Area, Area Group, or Area Category. Select the applicable Group By option, and then choose the applicable Entity to Group the report. When finished select Run Report.

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4. A Print Preview will populate. Select Print Report to physically print the Shift History Report; or select Edit to navigate to the previous step.

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Gift Card Balance

The Gift Card Balance option allows the user to lookup the Balance of a Gift Card, as well as Reassign a Gift Card. Please follow instructions below for each option.

  1. Select Gift Card Balance from the Flyout Menu.

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2. A grid will populate displaying all Gift Cards in the System. Fields displayed on the grid include Assigned To, Gift Card Number, Issued Amount, and Remaining Balance. Use the Search option to


look up the applicable Gift Card. Touch or click the applicable Gift Card to view additional Details.

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3. Additional Details include Purchased By, Issued Amount, Balance, Date Issued, Expiration Date, Card Number, Track Number, Assigned to, and Description.

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Reassign Gift Card

Please follow instructions below to Reassign a Gift Card to a Guest or a Member.


  1. Select Assign to Guest.

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2. The System will prompt the user to enter the Guest’s Name. Click Save when finished.

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  1. Select Change Member.

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2. A Member Grid will populate. Search for and select the applicable Member.

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Item Lookup

In the event an Item has a limited Quantity, users have the ability to turn on, as well as update the Countdown for the Item directly in the Mobile POS. Please follow instructions below.

  1. Select Item Lookup from the Flyout Menu.

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2. An Item Grid will populate. Search for and Select the applicable Item.

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3. Select Yes to Turn the Countdown On (Or No to Turn the Countdown Off). Enter the applicable Quantity. Select Save when finished.

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4. The Countdown will then be added to the Item Lookup Grid, and also be included on the actual POS Button for the Item.

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System Tools

System Tools allows a user with the proper security rights to access functions relevant to Ticket Management and POS Administration. Each option is discussed below.

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CE Payments

CE Payments Device, Prompt for CE Payments Device, and Prompt for note when starting tab have to deal with the configuration of our Credit Cards at POS Solution with CE Payments. For more information on these options, please see our Mobile POS - Card Present Transactions manual.


When selected, the system will prompt for the Member/ Guest’s Signature with each Settlement. This Signature will then show on the invoice that is generated in the Back Office.

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All Open Tickets

The All Open Tickets option allows Admins and F&B Managers to view a list of ALL Open Tickets across the Mobile POS, regardless of Area. This list can also be filtered by employee as well if desired. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Select All Open Tickets from the Flyout Menu.

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2. A Grid will populate displaying a list of All Open Tickets for the user who is currently logged in. To filter by ALL Open Tickets in the system regardless of the employee, select the dropdown and choose ALL

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Note: Use the dropdown to filter by a single employee as well if desired.

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