Website (06.06.22) Release


June 06, 2022





Directory Listing Update

  • Spouses with different last names can be listed separately in the directory.



Bug Fixes



  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an error when viewing receipts from statements (hotfix)

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the trash can icon not being displayed for guests on the member tee sheet 

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in an error when clicking on the time link on the admin court sheet

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in documents not deleting  (hotfix)

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in tee times for singles not being removed from the tee sheet when deleted using the trash can icon on the member tee sheet

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the tee sheet not refreshing after Added Starts were removed (hotfix)

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in some edits not being captured by the ##changes## snippet used in the tee times email confirmations (Guest/member added, Guest/member removed, Comments changed, Option i.e transportation type changed)

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a web page error when attempting to view registrants for a special event (hotfix)

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in time slots inaccurately showing as overutilized for lottery requests

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the report times not appearing to be consistent with the site’s time zone.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in incomplete registrations causing events to overbook after they were moved to an active status

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the dining reservations waitlist not being visible on the mobile site

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a courts complex field not recognizing the duration of a reservation.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a blank page when non-admins/editors clicked to print the tee sheet.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the iFrame for the form settings expanding when fields were edited


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.