
The Manage Schedule Module allows users, with the proper permissions, to build and manage weekly employee schedules. This coincides with the Interactive Report Employee Schedules

Use Case

  • An F&B Manager needs to print out a schedule for employees to view.

  • A Pro Shop Manager needs to set up a budget for each week’s payroll.

  • Tennis Pro wants to set up when their trainers are available.


Accessing the Module

In order to build an employee weekly schedule the club can access the module by navigating to the Employee Module (1) then select Manage Schedules (2).

Once in the Manage Schedules Grid the club can select an existing schedule to edit or create a new one.

Create a Schedule

  1. To create a new schedule click the New Icon

  2. Once in the new schedule creator select a Schedule Start Date.
    Please Note: The start date must coincide with the default start date that is set in System Settings>Employee

  3. Next enter a Budget Amount