Table of Contents

Accessing the Tools

Follow the steps below depending on your access role.

Admins: Hover over Admin bar in the left hand corner of the screen, select Site Statistics.

Editors: Hover over Admin in the main navigation, select Site Activity, and then Site Statistics.

The Site Statistics Interface will launch.

Site Statistics Tools

  • Usage Stats:  provides in-depth statistics about user interactions, such as: daily history, hourly history, search phrases, and more. The most useful Usage Stats will be covered later.

  • Session Details: shows all of the pages visited for a single visitor on a given day. This is not commonly used.

  • Menu Details: provides an overview of the site navigation and how many clicks each menu item has for a given time frame.

  • Global Services: provides statistics for services such as the Directory and Calendar. This is not commonly used for everyday purposes.

  • User Logins: statistics for the number of user logins which can be grouped to show useful data about members. 

  • Summary: shows number of hits by visitors and users for the site group by months. This is used as a general overview for site statistics, but does not contain statistics commonly used to drive decisions about the site.