Table of Contents

Uploading the Document 

To access the Document Upload, follow the steps below depending on your access role. 

  1. Admins: Hover over Admin bar in the left hand corner of the screen, select Document Upload.

  2. Editors: Hover over Admin in the main navigation, select Main Tools, and then Document Upload.

Once in the Document Upload area:

  1. Select the appropriate folder or click Add New Folder at the top to add more.

  2. Click the green plus sign to upload a document.

  3. Select the document(s) to upload.

Adding the Hyperlink

  1. Open the Editor to edit the content of the email, and begin composing the email.

  2. Highlight the text to link to the document.

  3. Click the Hyperlink button on the right side of the toolbar.

  4. Select Document Link.

  5. Double Click the document to link.

  6. Click Save to continue with the steps of sending an email.