Website - Release Notes



Use Case: Previously, misaligned cells and/or unintentionally hidden text in cells made viewing data challenging in certain circumstances.  With these formatting enhancements, easily and cleanly view data, expand text box sizes (by dragging and dropping corner), and see all action buttons in a cell with the auto-expansion feature added to display width appropriately based on content.


Role Security - Button Text

Use Case: Previously, when changing role security, it was not clear how to save changes.  Now, easily save changes to edits made in role security by clicking the newly designated Save Changes button.

Tee Times - Transportation Preferences

Use Case: Previously, Transportation Preferences could be set in the Member’s profile and would work when booking items on the full Website, but would not apply to the Mobile experience.  Now, when a Member updates their Transportation Preferences it will apply to Tee Times booked on the full site as well as the Mobile experience.

For example, Stephanie has saved her Tee Time Transportation preference to 4-Bagger, as seen below.

Now, when Stephanie makes a Tee Time on her Mobile device, 4-Bagger will automatically populate with her Tee Time, as seen below.


Bug Fixes

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