Website - Release Notes



Use Case: Previously, the Tee Times Total Rounds Report only allowed Users to filter by Course and Date. Now, additional filters for Gender (M/F or N if gender is not present) and Relationship code (Spouse = 0, Dependent = 1 or greater) have been added to increase User awareness of Member trends.




Calendar Plugin Speed

Use Case: Previously, Calendar Plugins could lead to slow page load times because they were searching for events 1,000 days in the future. Now, enhanced settings force Calendar plugins to only search and load events 90 days in the future, significantly speeding up the page load process.

 PayCloud Payment Snippets

Use Case: Previously, the Clubessential Website Email product would show ‘N/A’ when a snippet was added to include payment information from PayCloud. Now, enhanced functionality allows data to populate when PayCloud snippets are used on the Website and in emails.

Please Note: This enhancement only affects Clients currently using PayCloud and the Clubessential Website. These snippets are designed to show information from PayCloud on the Club website.

Bug Fixes

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