Covid Vaccination Record Keeping
Many states are now restricting indoor activities based on Vaccination status. Gathering and managing vaccination data will be crucial moving forward. With some assistance from Clubessential, managing vaccination data can be quick and efficient.
Step 1. Information Gathering
Your Clubessential website provides the necessary tools to gather vaccination data from your members. There are several options available at your disposal:
Once the data gathering process has begun, there will need to be a place to store the data. Clubessential will help.
Step 2. Contacting Clubessential
Custom data fields will need to be created for vaccination status within both the Website and Office CMA. Our teams will be able to assist. Feel free to contact us any time to get these new data fields created:
Phone - (513)-322-4200 and select Option 2.
Email -
Once the vaccination status of members has been gathered and is stored, there are many options available to utilize this data within the website and POS applications.
Step 3. Utilizing Covid Vaccination Status
Clubs with Office Integration
Clubs with Website Only
Reservations (Tee Times, Dining Reservations, Courts)
There are many options for limiting booking permissions based on vaccination status however these restrictions must be implemented by Clubessential support. Do not hesitate to call or email our support teams for assistance.
DISCLAIMER: Although federal law does not expressly prohibit a private business from requesting proof of COVID-19 vaccination status, state law requirements may differ. Prior to storing any vaccination information about a member (End User) on the Clubessential System, it’s recommended that your club speak with local counsel to understand and comply with state law requirements. To the extent we offer resources, guidance or best practices to our customers, such materials are provided for informational purposes only and should not be used or relied on as formal legal advice.