Mobile App - Member Guide - My Account


Table of Contents


Profile information as well as app settings can be updated from within the Account tile. Within the Account area, there are several options that can be utilized:

  • View Profile - Update/View profile information, upload/update a profile picture

  • My Reservations - Update/View any of your active reservations

  • Settings - Enable/Disable biometrics, Customize the Quick Action Menu

  • Notifications - View/Delete previously received notifications

  • Log Out - Log out of the app

Required Permissions

  • Member Profile and Login

View Profile

Select View Profile to view your profile information. Select Edit Profile to make any changes.

Once the profile is being edited, there are several actions that can be taken:

  1. Add/Edit/Remove your profile photo

  2. Hide/Display information within your profile from other members

  3. Add/Edit/Remove information by tapping on the desired field and typing

My Reservations

  1. The My Reservations link allows for viewing/editing your active reservations from tee times, dining, calendar events and more.

  2. Simply select View or Edit to access the reservation details and from there you can edit if needed.


From the Settings page, you can enable/disable biometric login as well as customize the Quick Action Menu.

  1. If your phone is capable of biometric login (fingerprint, face recognition), enabling this feature allows for easy future logins without the need to re-enter information.

  2. Selecting Customize Quick Action Menu allows you to alter the items shown from your Quick Action tile. Check or uncheck boxes to show/hide the desired items. Items can be reordered by dragging and dropping.


  1. The notifications area allows you to view any notifications you may have received as well as delete any previous notifications.

  2. To delete a notification, tap and drag the notification to the left. Once the trashcan icon appears. Tap it to delete.

Log Out

If at any you need to log out of the app, simply select Log Out and you will be returned to the login screen.

Best Practices