Website (12.6.21) Release





Updated the Help buttons in Articles and Image Explorer to point to the knowledge base articles



Bug Fixes



  • Fixed an issue in Courts on mobile that prevented the default duration from being set properly

  • Fixed an issue in tee times that prevented an administrator from receiving the warning message in certain circumstances when attempting to modify a tee time that had already been charged out in point of sale

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Print link on calendar events from loading properly

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Guest TBAs in lottery requests when they otherwise should not be permitted per the rules configuration

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the booking window from closing after editing a tee time

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Membership Level field from displaying to members when the security setting was set to visible to members. 

  • Fixed an issue in Courts mobile that prevented the court sheet from loading properly when quickly navigating between two different courts pages


Like what you see? Click here to get help implementing these new features.