Office - Credit Book - Turning Gift Cards(Certificates) into Credit Book

Office - Credit Book - Turning Gift Cards(Certificates) into Credit Book

Table of Contents


This guide demonstrates how to exchange a gift card into a credit book for a member.

Required Permissions

  • Create Ticket (V)

Use the Gift Card

  1. Open a new POS transaction and sell the “Credit Book Sold” or “Tournament Prize” item to the member.

  2. Use the Gift Card(Certificate) to pay for it.

Return The transaction to Credit Book

  1. Pull up the member’s profile using the Member Lookup.

  2. Select History from the Actions Column.

  3. Find the item sold in step one and select to return it.

  4. Return it using Credit Book as the payment method.

Best Practices

  • If one of the items mentioned in this process isn’t available, know that whatever item is sold needs to have it’s Sales Account G/L code match the debit account of the Credit Book Type. This will correctly return the money into the Credit Book Type. To learn more about Credit Book Types CLICK HERE.


Q. What if I don’t have a Credit Book Sold or Tournament Prize item?

A. Build an item that has its sales account set to the same debit ledger account in the corresponding Credit Book Type. To learn more about item creation and G/l Codes CLICK HERE.