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The reporting tool can be used to find specific data about existing bookings as well client information.

Required Permissions

  • Professional Services Admin



The reporting tool can be used to find specific data about existing bookings as well client information. The generated reports can be filtered as well as exported to csv files or printed when hitting Export. To access, while viewing the dashboard, select Reporting under the Scheduling column. Within the left hand panel the four types of reports are listed:

  • Reservation List - This report will display a summary of filtered reservations within a given time period. You can run this report for past or future dates. 

  • Personal Training Statistics - This report displays reservation details such as cancellations or no-shows within a time period. It can also display client, specialist, and payment details as well.

  • Client Details - This report allows for the search of a single client and displays details of various appointment types.

  • Commission - This report will display a summary of filtered commission data within a given time period.

Running the Reservation List Report

  • First select the location. Can pick a single location or be left on All. 

  • Next, choose a specific Room/Resource. Once again, a specific room can be chosen to view reservations for or all rooms can be selected at once.

  • The next dropdown allows you to select a single or multiple service category to view.

  • Then choose a Specialist. This allows you to view all reservations for a single specialist or even all specialists.

  • Lastly, set the Start and End Dates. This is the time range the report will show reservations within.

  • The report can ordered in a few different ways:

    • Start Date - Earlier reservations will be listed at the top and descend based on date

    • Specialist- The reservations displayed will be grouped by specialist

    • Resource - The reservations displayed will be grouped by the resource/room

    • Service Category - The reservations displayed will be grouped by the service categories selected

  • Once all settings are selected, click Run Report. The report will be displayed within the internet browser.  Select export to download as a CSV file or produce a printable version useful for printing.

Running the Personal Training Statistics Report

  • First select the location. Can pick a single location or be left on All. 

  • The next dropdown allows you to select a single or multiple service category to view.

  • This report can show specific Client Types. Use the drop down to display details about members, guests, or even TBD bookings

  • Then choose a Specialist. This allows you to view all reservations for a single specialist or even all specialists.

  • Then, set the Start and End Dates. This is the time range the report will show reservations within.

  • Next, choose which appointment statuses to be displayed. This can be a certain status or multiple can be selected

    • Reservations - Bookings that are still active.

    • Cancellations - Reservations that have been canceled.

    • No-Shows - Bookings where the client did not show up to the reservation and an admin marked the reservation as a No Show.

  • Lastly, choose the details to be displayed.

    • Service Details - The name of service for that appointment.

    • Client Details - The name of the client

    • Specialist Details - The specialist’s name for that booking

    • Payment Details - The payment status of the appointment

  • Once all settings are selected, click Run Report. The report will be displayed within the internet browser.  Select export to download as a CSV file or produce a printable version useful for printing.

Running the Client Details Report

  • First, select either Member or Guest. The dropdown will only display options based on the radio button selected. Use the dropdown to choose a single member or guest to view details regarding their bookings. Find the member/guest by scrolling to their name, or typing in their name or member number.

  • The next dropdown allows you to select a single or multiple service categories to view.

  • Then choose a Specialist. This allows you to view all reservations for a single specialist or even all specialists.

  • Next, choose which appointment statuses to be displayed. This can be a certain status or multiple can be selected

    • Reservations - Bookings that are still active.

    • Cancellations - Reservations that have been canceled.

    • No-Shows - Bookings where the client did not show up to the reservation and an admin marked the reservation as a No Show.

  • Then, set the Start and End Dates. This is the time range the report will show reservations within.

  • The report can ordered in a few different ways:

    • Start Date - Earlier reservations will be listed at the top and descend based on date

    • Specialist- The reservations displayed will be grouped by specialist

    • Resource - The reservations displayed will be grouped by the resource/room

    • Service Category - The reservations displayed will be grouped by the service categories selected

Once all settings are selected, click Run Report. The report will be displayed within the internet browser.  Select export to download as a CSV file or produce a printable version useful for printing.


Running the Commission Report

  • First select the location. Can pick a single location or be left on All. 

  • Next, choose a specific Room/Resource. Once again, a specific room can be chosen to view reservations for or all rooms can be selected at once.

  • The next dropdown allows you to select a single or multiple Service Category to view.

  • Then choose a Specialist. This allows you to view all commissions for a single specialist or all specialists.

  • Then, set the Start and End Dates. This is the time range the report will show commissions within.

  • The report can ordered in a few different ways:

    • Specialist- The commissions displayed will be grouped by specialist

    • Resource - The commissions displayed will be grouped by the resource/room

    • Service Category - The commissions displayed will be grouped by the service categories selected

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