Website (07.18.22) Release


July 18, 2022





A/B Starts Print on Tee Sheet

  • Printable Tee Sheet to Print/Include Start Letter for A/B Starts

Adjust Legacy TT API (Classic POS) to include "is shotgun"

  • Adjusted Legacy Tee Time API (Classic POS) to include "is shotgun" to return true or false in the response data so that third party software would know.


Bug Fixes



  • Fixed an issue that resulted in players with the same names being removed from the Public Tee Times tee sheet

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the "Number of family members in reservation" rule preventing members in the same family from booking reservations

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in unexpected errors in courts system on mobile site when editing TBD's

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in recurring reservations not functioning properly for lottery 

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the a CRM Trigger not sending an email when a record was created via 3rd party API integration 

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in  Case Web page error in Axis Editor if saved w/o content


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