Office - Voucher Expiration Wizard

Office - Voucher Expiration Wizard

Table of Contents


  • The Voucher Expiration Wizard will allow the club to reduce any remaining vouchers that a member has, and if any have expired, to allow those vouchers to be useable without having to sell or issue new vouchers.

Required Permissions

  • Membership Module

  • Add/Edit/Delete Vouchers

  • Voucher Expiration Wizard

Accessing the Tool

  • Launch into your Clubsoft Management Application (Back Office) and select the Membership Module. In the upper left hand of the screen, choose the Voucher Expiration Wizard tab.

Voucher Expiration Wizard

  1. Select theAs of date - This is the date your voucher/s are set to be expired on. If looking for vouchers in the future to expire, set the date to be at least the expiration date of the voucher/s issued.

  2. You can Change the Expiration Date or Reduce Remaining Balance.

  3. If you choose to Change Expiration Date then you get the option to Automatically adjust all expired, this is used to expire vouchers early or to make expired vouchers available for use again. Simply choose your date from the Calendar view.

  4. If you choose to Reduce Remaining Balance then you have the options to Automatically Reduce all Expired to 0. If you choose to Issue Refunds, you can choose the Payment Type the refund is to be credited to. Generally Member Charge is used.

  5. If you are Reducing Remaining Balance, you will need to choose a Credit Item to redeem this to. You can create a new Item using the Items Module and simply need to set this to be a $0 item. Please see our Items guide for assistance building new Items.

Process to Change Expiration Date:

  1. Select the As of Date you wish these vouchers to be expired on.

  2. Select Next

  3. Choose the date you want for the expiration. You can change to be an earlier date or make a currently expired voucher open for use again.

  4. Select Finish

  5. A pop up window alerting that the voucher’s expiration dates have been changed will populate, select OK.

Process to Change Expiration Date and Automatically adjust all expired:

  1. Select the As of Date you wish these vouchers to be expired on.

  2. Check the Box to Automatically adjust all expired.

  3. Select the Calendar to choose the date that is to be used for expiring. You can choose past, present or future dates.

  4. Select Next

  5. Review the Vouchers listed. You can make individual changes to the New Expiration Date for specific vouchers if needed.

  6. Select Finish

  7. A pop up window alerting that the voucher’s expiration dates have been changed will populate, select OK.

Note: If the voucher has not expired, you will need to change the As of date to the date the voucher is expected to expire. If you want all vouchers issued to show, we recommend to set this date to be 50 years in the future.

Process to Reduce Remaining Balance

  1. Choose As Of date

  2. Select the Reduce Remaining Balance Radial

  3. Choose to Automatically Reduce all Expired if you would like to adjust all currently expired Vouchers, or leave unchecked to make manual adjustments.

  4. You can choose to Issue Refunds if the voucher is refundable. If chosen, choose the Payment Type to use for the refund.

  5. Select an item to be used for the Credit.

  6. Select Next

  7. Enter the quantity of the voucher you wish to reduce as well as the price.

  8. Select Finish

  9. A pop up window alerting that the voucher’s expiration dates have been changed will populate, select OK. (If you chose a refund, you will be asked to post the batch after selecting finish).

Best Practices

  1. Voucher Expiration does not generate a batch that needs to be posted unless you are issuing a refund. Selecting Finish will complete the expiration task you are wanting to complete. If you make a mistake, just use the wizard again to correct the mistake/s.