Mobile App - Member Guide - Community Feed

Table of Contents


The Community Feed allows both club administrators and members to make posts, comment, and like existing posts encourage communication around the club.

Required Permissions

  • Members with web account.

Accessing the Community Feed

Contact Clubessential Support to get the Community Feed added to your club’s app. Once added, there will be a link available within the main app menu as well as the quick menu if desired.

Community Guidelines

Community guidelines must be accepted by members in order to use the Community Feed. Members will only be presented with the guidelines one time. At any point in the future, the paper icon can be selected to review the guidelines once more.

General Navigation

  • Posts are displayed in order of newest to oldest. The most recent posts will always be on top. Next to each posts are ellipsis that when pressed can be used to Report any post.

  • Select the smiley face icon to like a post or comment.

  • The Filter can be used to search for a specific post.

    • Select Filter and a slide out search bar will appear.

    • Tap the magnifying glass and type in text and then select Search For Posts.

    • NOTE: This will search the content of all posts, not the titles.

  • To view existing comments or to add a new comment, tap add comment.

    • Comments are displayed oldest to newest. The oldest comment will always be on top.

    • Like Posts, comments can be liked by tapping the smiley face icon.

    • Also like posts, the ellipsis can be used to report a comment.

    • To add a new post, simply tap in the box that says Add Comment. Type the comment and then press the arrow to add.

Adding A Post

  1. To add a new post, select the large plus sign at the bottom of the Community Feed.

  2. Simply type in a message and then select Post. (NOTE: Posts and Comments are limited to 4k characters)

  3. You also have the option of adding a photo when writing a post:

    1. Attach a photo - Use the camera icon to add an image to the post. There are two options when adding an image:

      1. Choose From Photo Library - Search the device’s images for a picture to add.

      2. Take Photo - Use the device’s camera to take a new picture.

Best Practices