Office - Interactive Reports - Guest Rooms - Reservations-Room Daily Occupancy
Table of Contents
In this guide we will cover the Reservations by Room Type, Room Arrival List, Room Cancellation List, and Room Daily Occupancy reports. Learn how to run each report and see an example of the data that the reports will produce.
Required Permissions
Interactive Reports
Accessing the Tool
Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.
Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar.Â
On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.
Reservations by Room Type
Provides a list of all Room Reservations based on a specific date range grouped by Room Type.
To run the Reservations by Room Type, choose the report from the Guest Rooms Dropdown,
Choose your Date Range.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for a week in July. The columns are Confirmation Number, Folio Number, Room, Occupants, Arrival Date, Nights of stay, and the Clerk who assisted the guest.
Room Arrival List
Provides a list of all room arrivals by date based on a specific date range with the ability to filter by checked in.Â
To run the Room Arrival List, select the report from the Guest Rooms Dropdown,
Choose the Date Range.
Select whether the report is to show Check In Only or not.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report without Check in Only selected. We see the Date, Occupants, Adults vs Children, the Room, Room Type, Folio Number, and Nights.
In this example we ran the report as Check in Only. We see the Date, Occupants, Adults vs Children, the Room, Room Type, Folio Number, and Nights.
Room Cancellation List
Provides a list of all room cancellations by date booked based on a specific date range.
To run the Room Cancellation List, select the report from the Guest Rooms Dropdown,
Enter the Date range.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for a two day period. The report gives us the Date Booked, Date Cancelled, Room, Occupants, and Member Number.
Room Daily Occupancy
To run the Room Daily Occupancy, choose the report from the Guest Rooms Dropdown,
Choose the Date Range.
Select View Report.
In this example we ran the report for one week. We see the Date, Member Rate, and Total.
Best Practices