Office - Interactive Reports - POS - Exempt Sales-Monthly Sales Summary

Table of Contents


  • In this guide we will cover the Point of Sale Exempt Sales, Golf Rounds, and Monthly Sales Summary Reports. You will learn how to run each report and will see an example of the data that each report will produce.

Required Permissions

  • Interactive Reports

  • POS


Accessing the Tool

Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.

  1. Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar. 

  2. On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.

Exempt Sales (Tax / Service Charge)

Displays all exempted transactions completed at the POS over a given Date Range. Filter by Area, and Employee. Option to Include Tax Exempt and/or Include Service Charge Exempt.

To run Exempt Sales, select the report form the POS Dropdown,

  1. Select the Date Range.

  2. Choose the Area/s.

  3. Choose the Employee/s if not running for All.

  4. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for one day. We do not have any Exempt Sales and this is a possible outcome on days at your club which is why this is the example. The report will produce the Invoice Number, Area, Employee, Member, Exempt Type and Total for all exempt sales if any are made.

Golf Rounds

Provides a list of all items sold to members that are set up as Golf Rounds for a given date range. Filter by Member Type, Golf Fee Category,  and Golf Fee Type. Select what Day of the week to include and what gender to include. Option to Exclude Guest Member.

To run Golf Rounds, select the report from the POS Dropdown,

  1. Choose Date Range.

  2. Choose the Member Type/s.

  3. Select which Days to view data for.

  4. Choose the Genders.

  5. Select the Golf Fee Categories.

  6. Choose the Golf Fee Types.

  7. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for the entire month of September. We see the Date, Full Cart, Full Round, Half Cart for both the Guest and Member, and we see the total.

Please Note: Ensuring that your CMA and Tee-Times configurations are correct is a must in order to be able to report on Rounds of Golf. please click Here for steps to ensure your systems are configured properly for Rounds of Golf reporting.

Monthly Sales Summary

Provides a list of all sales by Area over the course of a specific month. Filter by Area Categories and Item Groups. Select a type from Covers, Golf Rounds, or/and Sales. Include all or the following, Comp, Discount, Modifiers, Service Charge, Subtotal, and Tax. 

To run Monthly Sales Summary, select the report from the POS Dropdown,

  1. Set the Date Range.

  2. Choose the Area Categories.

  3. Select the Type/s.

  4. Choose the Item Group/s.

  5. Set which fields to Include.

  6. Select View Report.

In this example we ran the report for the month of September and chose the Area Category of Food and Beverage. The Type chosen is Sales. We see the Date and each area’s sales count. This report is not for sales dollars.

Best Practices