Club Intelligence - Reading the GM Dashboard

Club Intelligence - Reading the GM Dashboard

Table of Contents


  • The GM Dashboard is the General Manager’s one stop shop to gauge performance and revenue for the club. You can see member information such as birthdays and member counts, as well as today’s events and registrations.

  • Each dashboard you access will be composed of various widgets. Some can be modified via filters but also will have options within the widget to drill down for more information and Data. For more information on filtering widgets, please refer to the guides:

  • General Navigation

  • Adjusting Filters

Required Permissions

  • Club Intelligence Admin 


Accessing the Tool

  1. Go to Admin Bar

  2. Select Club Intelligence

  3. Select the GM Dashboard

Dashboard Date

Use this widget to set the date range for the dashboard. Using the calendar pop ups you can set a specified date range that the dashboard will use to pull data. You also have options to view:

  • Next 7 Days.

  • Today.

Member Dates

The first row of widgets will have member specific data:

  1. Birthdays Today – Click on the Birthdays widget to produce a list of all the birthdays occurring today.

  2. Total Members – Click on the Total Members widget to see a breakdown of the total members at the club. This widget will show a bar chart listing the member types and their Average Age & Tenure with the club.

    • You can switch between age and tenure by selecting the Average Age or Average Tenure boxes below the chart. Hover over a member type to see the numerical representation of the average age/tenure or both.

    • Beneath the age/tenure chart you will see a spreadsheet listing the member types and additional information about the members grouped by member type.

      • Member Level (Type)

      • First Name

      • Last Name

      • Birthday

      • Join Date

      • Age

      • Tenure

  3. Anniversaries – Select the Club Anniversaries widget to see a list of all your members who have an anniversary with the club today. The report will show the user:

    • Member Number

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Membership Level (Type)

    • Anniversary Year

    • Total Years at the club.

Event Calendar and Reservations

The next set of Widgets will show the user:

  1. Upcoming Events – Any event linked to the Event Calendar will show in this widget. You can see the time of the event, the name, and how many registrants the event has as of the last sync.

  2. Upcoming Reservations – Any and all Reservations for the website’s reservation system will be shown here in Bar graph format. It is Broken down by Location. Click on a location to drill down into resource to see multiple location breakdowns. i.e., different court locations.

Revenue and Expenses

The final set of widgets will show:

  1. Revenue Summary by Area – Presented in a pie graph, shows the percentage of revenue by Area. Click an area and choose item name to see a breakdown of the items.

  2. Expenses Summary by Vendor Category - Presented in a bar chart, will be grouped by department category. Click a category to see a breakdown of the vendors and dollars paid.

Best Practices

  1. If your dashboard is showing data for dates, people, events, etc. that you are not looking for, remove and reset your filters.



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