Enterprise FormBase

Table of Contents


FormBase is a common add-on for sites that allows users to collect form data. Typically Club Admins have limited functionality for managing the FormBase. If you wish to have more control and editing capabilities for your forms, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more details.

Required Permissions

  • Admin

Accessing FormBase

FormBase can be accessed by using the Admin Dashboard or by using the Admin menu item in the navigation.

FormBase Interface

Clicking on "FormBase" will open a list of forms and provides several options.



View Form Templates

Switch to the list of templates for forms

Edit Questions

Edit the questions available for forms

Form Reports

Create and edit reports to view the results


Deletes the form


Opens the options for editing the form


Shows a preview of the form

DO NOT use this link when sending to members. This is a preview only and does not include a submit button.


View form submissions and statistics. Can also export results from here.

Additional FormBase Resources

Enterprise FormBase - Creating & Editing Form

Enterprise FormBase - Managing Form Sections

Enterprise FormBase - Managing Form Questions

Enterprise FormBase - Enabling Paycloud Payments

Best Practices