CE Payments - Handling Disputes

CE Payments - Handling Disputes


The following guide walks you through the process of handling any disputes in your CE Payments Dashboard. 

Use Case(s)

Club receives the notification of an ongoing dispute and needs to understand what steps they need to take to fight, accept, and handle the dispute in the CE Payments Dashboard and back-office program. 

Accessing the Tool

You will receive a notice via email informing you of a newly initiated dispute in your system. This notification will contain the evidence against you/dispute questionnaire that the issuer has submitted.

  1. Navigate to Disputes Page on CE Payments Dashboard

Please Note: Take note of the Respond By date as this is the final date you have to respond to the dispute if you choose to fight it. 

On this page, you can see all the Disputes. You can filter by Dispute ID and Created On date range.

  1. Click on a Dispute. 

Here you can see all the details for a Dispute.

  1. Upload Evidence File if you choose to fight the dispute.

    1. If you choose not to fight the dispute, you can just ignore the dispute. 

      1. If you choose not to fight the dispute, you will want to follow the appropriate back office program steps associated with losing a dispute. 

Handling Chargebacks in back office program (CMA)

To handle the dispute in CMA, please follow the appropriate steps based on the applicable scenario. 

Online Payments

A Member payment has been disputed. 

  1. Club staff would need to create a journal entry (GJ) batch that reflects the disputed amount debiting the transit/clearing account and crediting the club's bank account.

  2. Club would then create a Member charge (SJ) batch that puts the chargeback on the Member’s AR account. 

    1. The item that they choose to use in the Member charge batch would be an item that is in a non-taxable category with a sales account override set, on the item level, to credit their transit/clearing account seen in the GJ batch in step 1.

  3. If they win the dispute and the funds are returned to the club, they can do one of two things:

    1. Club staff can delete both previously created GJ and SJ batches. 

    2. Club staff can create a negative Member charge batch (SJ) using the same item to reverse the previous charge batch and create a new journal entry (GJ) batch that credits the transit/clearing account and credits the bank for the money.

  4. If the club loses the dispute and the funds are returned to the Member, the club doesn’t need to do anything to move forward. 

    1. Please Note: The charge will remain on the Member’s account. If the Member no longer owes this money, the club can issue a Member credit via a negative Member charge, (using an item with a sales account of your choice.) 

Card Present- POS Tickets 

A Member POS charge has been disputed. This can happen if the user mistakenly mistyped the gratuity amount. For example, gratuity should have been $10 but was typed in as $100. 

  1. Club staff would need to create a journal entry (GJ) batch that reflects the dispute amount debiting the transit/clearing account and crediting the bank account. 

  2. Club staff would then create a Member charge (SJ) batch that puts the charge back on the Member’s AR account. 

    1. The item that you choose to use in the Member charge batch would be an item that is in a non-taxable category with a sales account override set, on the item level, to hit your transit/clearing account seen in the GJ batch in step 1.

  3. If the club wins the dispute and the funds are returned to the club, you can do one of two things:

    1. Club staff can delete both previously created GJ and SJ batches.

    2. Club staff can create a negative Member charge (SJ) batch using the same item to reverse the previous batch. You would then create a new journal entry (GJ) batch that credits the transit/clearing account and credits the bank for the money.

  4. If the club loses the dispute and the funds are returned to the Member, the club doesn’t need to do anything to move forward. 

    1. Please Note: The charge will remain on the Member’s account. If the Member no longer owes this money, the club can issue a Member credit via a negative Member charge, (using an item with a sales account of your choice.) 


Q: What kind of evidence do I send against a dispute claim?

A: We suggest that you send any receipts or explanations of the charge. 

  • If you are fighting a POS ticket dispute, you would send the receipt of the transaction that displays the total of the ticket and the items on the receipt. If you have a copy of this transaction with a signature that includes the total, you should provide that as a copy as well. 

  • If you are fighting a Member payment, such as statement payment, you will want to include the statement for the month in question. You will want to also send the payment information located in Paycloud that shows the total of the payment taken. If you look at the photos below, you will be able to see that it is found on the Payment History page of the Paycloud system. (information blacked out for privacy)


Q: What format should I upload my evidence in, i.e. pdf?

A: We suggest you upload a PDF and image files. 

Best Practices

  1. It is best to send as much evidence that you can pull up to fight the disputes.

  2. Regarding evidence, you can upload all your images into a word document along with any additional documentation you would like and then save the word document as a .pdf file. This will help keep your evidence organize

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