Office - General Ledger - Creating / Opening General Ledger Periods

Office - General Ledger - Creating / Opening General Ledger Periods

Table of Contents


  • This guide will explain how to create new fiscal year Budgets which then create the new year’s periods.

Required Permissions

  • Admin Group

  • G/L Module

Create Periods for a new year

  1. Select General Ledger at the top on the Administrative Menu.

  2. Select Budgets.

  3. Click on the plus sign on the top right.

  4. When prompted tell it to create the periods.

  5. By default the Periods are closed when they are created, and will have to be opened.

  6. Budgets may be uploaded at the time of Period creation, or at a later time based on Club needs.

Open General Ledger Periods

Please note that only employees who are in an Administrative Employee Group will have the rights to perform this function.

  1. Select General Ledger at the top.

  2. Select Periods.

  3. Double-Click on the period you wish to open.

  4. Uncheck the Period Closed box.

  5. Save and Close out of the screen.

Restrict General Ledger Periods

Users with appropriate role permissions can still post into the period, but general users would not. (For Clients wanting to soft close an accounting period so that normal users can no longer post or modify batches. The actual accounting users can still post their month end entries or make normal adjustments.)

  1. Select General Ledger at the top.

  2. Select Periods.

  3. Double-Click on the period you wish to Restrict.

  4. Check the Restricted box.

  5. Save and Close out of the screen.

Best Practices