Office - Mobile POS - Mobile Tee Times Check-In/Settlement

Office - Mobile POS - Mobile Tee Times Check-In/Settlement

Table of Contents


  • Tee Times can be accessed via Mobile POS as well as in Classic POS. These options allow Staff the freedom to Settle Tee Time charges from anywhere at the club, even at the first tee, with seamless integration across platforms. This guide covers how Check-In and Payments works for both Mobile POS and Classic POS.

Required Permissions

  • POS Terminal

  • Admin Dashboard rights on Website

Accessing the Tool

Mobile POS

Dashboard Overview

To access Tee Times on Mobile POS, Users will click on the Tee Times tab, as seen below in a retail Sales area. If you use the Clubessential Tee Sheet and you do not see this option, please contact us.

The Tee Times tab will open the weekly view of the Tee Sheet. Upon opening, the Tee Sheet will auto-scroll to the current time. You will see the following menu options along the top bar:

  1. Member Charge All - This allows the user to quickly Member Charge all unpaid Tee Times for the selected course/day.

  2. Tee Time Admin Dashboard - This takes the user to the admin dashboard on the club's website. 

  3. Refresh - This allows the user to manually refresh the Tee Times dashboard to pull in any changes made on the website. Please note - this does automatically refresh every 60 seconds as well. 

  4. Search - This allows you to search the selected course/day for a specific Member or Guest's tee time.

  5. Date Selection - Click on a date to move back and forth when viewing reserved tee times. Arrows show on either side to view a previous or future week.

Tee Time booking details include the Member or Guest Name, Round Length, Course Transportation Fees, and any Greens Fees or Guest Fees. 

Using the check mark for multiple tee times allows you to add multiple Members/Guests to a single POS ticket. This can be particularly useful when checking in large groups that are not all paying individually. Tee Times shown in blue mean that they have not been charged yet.

Tee Times Check-in and Settlement

To check-in a Member or Guest, Users have two options:

  • Select individual player by tapping the checkbox to the right of the Player’s name.

  • Tap the time listed on the left, which will select all Players for that specific tee time.

    Once the User selects a Member or Guest, the following options will appear to complete check-in and settle the ticket:

    • Create Ticket - This allows the User to create a ticket for each Tee Time and assign it to the reserving Member or first Member on the Tee Time. Use the Select All to pay for all players in the given Tee Time. The Member can be changed from Mobile POS Payment screen.

    • Member Charge - This allows the User to quickly member charge the reserved tee time. When multiple Tee Times are selected for Member Charge, the User will see a confirmation screen to verify this action.

  • Once Members are Paid in Mobile POS, their booking will now appear in yellow on the Tee Times tab. If the booking has not yet been paid it will reflect in blue here.

  • Once a Paid (Yellow) Tee Time is selected on the tee sheet, you will see the option to Delete Ticket in the top right corner.

  • Once selected, there will be a prompt to confirm deletion. 

  • All settled Tee Times are reflected on the Full Site Tee Sheet with a green dollar sign showing they have been paid, as seen below.

  • Tee Times that have not been settled will show the red dollar sign.

Guest Charges

When using the Member Charge functionality with a mixed booking of Members and Guests, the system will clarify who is paying for each guest, as seen below.

Email Confirmation

Members can receive a confirmation email upon check-in with an attached receipt if you would like.

Edit Email Confirmation

  1. The email template, snippets, and content can be edited within CMA.

  2. Navigate to System Settings,

  3. Expand the Web Site on the left menu. Here, click Office Cloud and double click the URL to open the Edit Office Cloud Endpoint window. Within the APIs tab, double click the name Axis. 

On the Tee Times tab, there is an option to edit the Email From Address, edit the body of the Confirmation Email, as well as Attach Receipt To Confirmation Email

Best Practices

  • Refreshing Tee Times: Select the Refresh Icon located next to the Tee Times Admin Dashboard icon.

  • Hiding the Member Charge All button on the Tee Sheet: Club Admins have the ability to hide the Member Charge All button from the Tee Sheet if they do not want starters or staff to have the ability to Member Charge All (Member Charge all unpaid tee times for the selected course and date). Hiding the Member Charge All button is done in System Tools of the Fly Out Menu. Selecting the option to Hide Member Charge All on Teesheet will remove the button from the Tee Sheet screen in Mobile POS. In the instance where Club Admins still need the ability to Member Charge All but don't want starters and staff to have the ability, best practice is to hide the button and then toggle it back on at the time the Club Admin needs it.  


  • Q. How often does the Mobile POS Tee Times page refresh? Are my changes automatic?

  • A: The Mobile POS Tee Times will refresh on its own every three minutes. You can manually refresh to see changes before that three minute mark by changing dates and then reverting back. We will also be adding a “Refresh” button.

  • Q: What if we have a Card present transaction instead of a Member Charge?

  • A: Currently Member Charge is active and we have compatibility with Square on iPads for credit card transactions.

  • Q: How can I switch the view between courses when using Mobile POS Tee Times?

  • A: Users can toggle between Courses by the Tee icon in the top right corner of the screen.