Adding Custom Starts to the Tee Sheet

Adding Custom Starts to the Tee Sheet

Table of Contents


The Add Starts tool within the Tee Times Admin Dashboard is an easy way to add additional start times to your tee sheet that may be outside of your normal tee time hours.

Required Permissions

  • Tee Times Admin

Accessing the Tool

  1. To get started, access the Tee Times Admin Dashboard.

  2. Click on Add Starts.

Adding New Starts

  1. To add a new start, click Add Custom Starts.

  2. Next, begin setting up the parameters for the custom start.

  3. You have the option of adding a title, however, this is not required and typically is not used.

  4. Choose the date for the custom start to take place on by using the datepicker to choose a date from the calendar.

  5. If you have more than one course, use the course dropdown to determine which course the start will be active on.

  6. Booking Privileges determines who is able to book during this new custom start. This will default to ProShop Only which will not allow members to book - only staff can book using this option. The most used option for custom starts is Member Booking, which will allow members to book during these additional times on the tee sheet.

  7. Next, you can begin adding when the additional starts will occur. If you would like to add ONE additional start, use the time picker next to the Start Time box to set the new time. Since the increments are in 30 minutes, you may need to type of the desired minutes into the start time box.

    1. Example: if the first start of your day is 8:00 am, you may want to add a new start that would occur prior to this. Since start intervals are most typically in 10 minute increments, you would add a start for 7:50am.

  8. If you will be adding multiple start times, checkmark the Adding Multiple Start Times box. This will change the time slots to First Start and Last Start.

  9. Using the timepickers and/or typing in the time into our time boxes, determine when the first start will begin and when the last start will take place.

    1. Example: your tee sheet usually begins at 8:00 am, however, you would like to add an additional hour of play prior to your normal starting time. You would set the first start to 7:00 am and your last start to 7:50 am, since play intervals are typically in 10 minute increments.

  10. After you choose your times, you can change the interval if desired. By default, this should be set to 10 minutes. This is the typical interval schedule for most clubs, however, you may change this if you would like to alter the start rates.

    1. Example: you may want your intervals to be 20 minutes increments, so start times would be at 7:00 am, 7:20 am, and 7:40 am.

  11. The hold interval is the countdown timer that appears for members during booking, which allows a hold on the reservation while members are adding their booking details so another member cannot book this spot during the registration process. This is typically set to 6-10 minutes and should be left unaltered, however, you may add a custom hold time if desired.

  12. If you wish to add this custom start to only some tees on your course, checkmark which tees this start should apply to.

Save as New & Removing

  1. Next, click save to access a few additional options.

  2. You will have the option to remove the starts or to save as new.

  3. Save as new will allow you to copy the custom start rules to another day, which is an easy way of applying the changes to multiple future dates without having to set up the rules again.

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