Banquets - Items & Menus Guide

Banquets - Items & Menus Guide

Table of Contents


This guide will review how to create, edit, and adjust Items and Menus.

Required Permissions

  • Admin Access

  • Level 1

  • Level 2

  • Level 3

Accessing the Tool

  1. Within Reserve, Settings can be accessed at any time from the left-hand navigation panel.


Creating New Items

  1. Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Items >New

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Service Item Name

    • Description (optional)

    • Revenue Center

    • Category (optional, but used when searching)

    • Auto Calculate Quantity

      • Uncheck if there is no need to have 1 per guest. Example: microphone

    • Check the bottom 2 boxes

      1. This will update the item in all of the menus it is currently in

  3. Save

Edit an Existing Item

Video Tutorial - Editing an Existing Item

This will be used when simple changes need to be made, such as a price increase or change in the description.

  1.  Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Items

  2. Find the item and click Edit

  3. Make the change and check the bottom 2 boxes-this will update the item in all of the menus it is currently in

  4. Save


Creating New Menus

  1. Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Menus > New

  2. Complete the following fields

    • Service Menu Name

    • Category

    • Pricing Type

    • Set Quantity to Event Attendance

      1. Uncheck if you will not need 1 per guest

    • Drag the Service Types you want in the menu from left side to right side (This does not move items).

  3. Click Save

  4. Add Items to each Service Type as listed in the directions above.

  5. Click Done

Adjusting Current Menus

Video Tutorial - Adjusting Current Menus

 This will be used to add or remove items from your menus, change pricing from a la carte to package or package to a la carte.

Changing Menu from A La Carte to Package Pricing

  1. Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Menus

  2. Find Menu - Click Edit

  3. Click the Drop Down Option of Pricing Type

  4. Select Package Pricing - Percentage Amount Allocation or Package Pricing - Dollar Amount Allocation

  5. Click Drop Down option of Package Pricing

  6. Select Per Person

  7. Enter Package Price

  8. Enter the price for each Revenue Center needed for this package. The price needs to add up to the package price or 100%.   

  9. Save

Changing Menu from Package Pricing to A La Carte

Video Tutorial - Changing from Package Pricing to A La Carte

  1. Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Menus

  2. Find Menu - Click Edit

  3. Click drop-down by Pricing Type

  4. Select A La Carte Pricing

  5. Save

Adding/Removing Items from Menu

Video Tutorial - Adding/Removing Items from Menu

  1. Click Settings > Event Services > Manage Service Menus

  2. Find Menu, Click the Menu Name

  3. Click Delete next to an item to remove it or Click Add Items

  4. Find the items you would like to add and check the box in front of them (use search bar if needed)

  5. Once all items are added click Done

Best Practices

  1. Double check all Auto Calculated quantities to ensure they correctly correspond with the need for one item per guest or one singular item.

  2. Always check the bottom two boxes for Apply Changes to Settings Menu and Apply Cost Change to Function Menus when Updating an Item.


  1. Q: How can I add a description? For example, Coffee with the options for Decaf Coffee, Creamer, and/or Sweeteners for my Coffee Item. 

    1. You can add a description to each item directly under the Service Item Name in the Description text box.

  2. Q: How do I only charge for half of a bottle of liquor?

    1. Change the Quantity Precision to Half or Quarter in the item setup.


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