CRM - Merging Records

CRM - Merging Records


Sometimes you may find the need to merge two CRM records together. This usually is the case when a record is manually created for a prospect, and then they later fill out an inquiry form which creates a second record for them. You may also merge converted prospect records into their Member record that syncs from the member website. Thankfully, the CRM offers the capability to easily merge two records into one, preserving any necessary data from both records.

Required Permissions

  • CRM Admin

Accessing the Tool

  1. To access your CRM, first sign in to your member website as an administrator. Then, hover your mouse over the word Admin in the top left corner of the page. The CRM link should appear in either the Communication or Content Management section (sometimes the link will instead say CRM & Data Warehouse - this will take you to the same place).

  2. You will need to have a validated CRM User account set up before you can access the CRM. If you receive a message that says “Unable To Load Page, Invalid User” then you’ll need to contact your Account Manager to purchase an additional license to use the CRM.

Merge Two Records Together

  1. Open both records that you want to merge displayed in the same View.

  2. From there, you should see a checkbox at the far left of each record. Check the box next to each record that you’d like to merge. Once you’ve clicked the second box, a new button labeled Merge Selected Records will appear in the top right of your View. Click this button to start the process.

  3. Clicking the Merge Selected Records button will bring up the Record Merge Wizard

  4. This wizard will display all fields in the selected Object containing the two records, and the associated value each record holds in each field. You will have the option to select a value from each field in cases where the two values don’t match. In some cases, such as the Activity History field in this example, a third option is available, which will allow you to keep the values from both records without overwriting any values. This will be selected by default for all fields in which this is an option, and is displayed as a button in the field name column to the far left.

  5. Once you’ve worked your way through the list of all available fields and are satisfied with your selection, click the green Merge button, and the two records will be combined into one.

Best Practices

  1. This is irreversible, so please take care when merging records.


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