Office - Mobile POS - F&B Guide - As an F&B Manager

Table of Contents



  • In this manual, we will discuss the various functionalities within our Mobile POS- F&B System.

Required Permissions

  • POS

  • All POS Terminal Permissions

Accessing the Tool

To access the Mobile POS,

  1. Select the Mobile POS Application to launch the Mobile POS.

  2. Or access the Mobile POS Application via browser with the following link:

  3. Enter your POS Pin Code (Consult a Club Admin if you do not know your code) and select Continue

Opening a Ticket

In this section, we will discuss the necessary procedures to follow when Opening a Ticket.

  1. If you have any Open Tickets they will be displayed on the Open Tickets Tab: you can touch or mouse click to open the Ticket.

  2. To open a New Ticket, choose Select Table.

    • Note: The Open Tickets tab should be blank before running the End of Shift Report

  3. Select the Table.

    • Notes: If you need to navigate to a different Area, select the Area dropdown and choose the applicable Area.

    • If the table has an Open Ticket it will display the server and member name. If there is more than 1 Ticket on the Table it will display how many Tickets are open on the table.

    • The Areas displayed in the Area dropdown can vary depending on individual security rights; if you only work the Beverage Cart you may only see the Beverage Cart Area and may not see any others. If you do not see an Area listed that should be, please have your manager check your Employee setup. 

4. Member Lookup - Enter the Member Number or Member Name. If this is not a Member, select Guest Member on the top right.

As you are typing the number or name, the screen will display the results. Click, or touch the member name.

Navigating the POS Screen

Adding an Item to a Ticket

  1. The Screen Group (POS Menu) is user defined: buttons can be setup to access a single Item, Item Category, Combo, single Modifier, Modifier Group, or another Screen Group. 

  2. Navigate to the applicable button within the Screen Group, and either touch or click to add the Item to the Ticket. In this example, we are navigating to the Sandwiches Item Category Button, and selecting the Hamburger Item to add to the ticket.

  3. If there are Forced Item Modifiers associated with the Item, users will be brought directly to the corresponding Item Modifier Group screens. If there are no Forced Item Modifiers associated with the Item, the Item will be added directly to the Ticket. In this example, the Hamburger Item is asking us to select a Meat Temperature, Additional Toppings, Cheese Preference, and a Side. Forced Modifiers will vary by Item.

    • Note: If the Item Modifier Group allows users to choose Multiple options within a Modifier Group, simply select the Check Mark once all applicable Modifiers have been selected. This will move the user to the next Item Modifier Group screen.

  4. Select the Seat in which the Item should be placed.

    • Notes: If you know the Seat Number prior to entering the first Item, simply select the Seat Number, and the Items you enter will be automatically placed on the selected Seat. 

  5. The Item will then be added to the Ticket with Pricing, Coursing, Seating, Modifiers, and Modifier Upcharges included.

  6. To navigate back to the main Screen Group, select the Home button or the Back Arrow to get to the previous screen.

  7. As mentioned, if you know the Seat Number prior to entering the next Item, simply select the Seat Number, and the Items you select next will be automatically placed on that selected Seat. 

    • Note: Please note the Selected Items Screen will update to reflect the Items entered on the Seat you have currently selected. In this instance, we entered the Hamburger on Seat 1, if we then select Seat 2, the screen will not have any items entered because there are no Items entered on Seat 2.

    • Note: To view ALL Items entered on the Ticket, select the ALL option.

  8. Proceed to add any additional Items to the Ticket as needed. In this example, we have entered a Hamburger and Bud Light on Seat 1, and Buffalo Wings and Corona on Seat 2.

  9. When adding Items to a Ticket, there are two additional ways Items can be added besides selecting directly from the Screen Group (POS Menu); Search and Camera Scanning

    • The Search option can be used to find an Item to add to the Ticket. 

      • Click the Search icon in the Screen Group section of the screen. 

      • Enter the name of the Item into the Search area.

      • Once found, click on the Item to add it to the Ticket. If there are Forced Item Modifiers associated with the Item added, users will be brought directly to the corresponding Item Modifier Group screens just like when adding an Item to a Ticket from the Screen Group.

      • In addition, if a Seat has not been selected prior to adding the Item, users will be prompted to select the Seat for which the Item should be placed. 

    • For Mobile POS users with an Android device or iPad device (utilizing Safari web browser), the Camera Scanning option can be used to add an Item to the Ticket. Click the Camera Scanning icon in the Screen Group section of the screen.

Scan the bar code of the Item to be added to the Ticket.  

Sending to the Kitchen

After the appropriate Items are added to the Ticket, touch or click Send to send the Items to the Kitchen. Once Items have been sent their font color will change to Red.

Editing Items

To access the functions associated with Editing an Item (Eg. Delete, Discount, Upcharge, etc), touch or click the applicable Item from the Selected Items Screen.

Note: Available options will vary depending upon if the Item has been Sent to the Kitchen. 

Before Items have been sent to the kitchen.

After Items have been sent to the kitchen

Below are the option associated with Editing an Item: 

  1. Upcharge - Will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of an Item.

  2. Discount - Gives users the ability to discount an Item. Requires security rights.

  3. Comp - Gives users the ability to comp an Item. Requires security rights.

  4. Remove Discount- Gives users the ability to remove any discounts currently added to an Item.

  5. Reorder - Used to reorder Items already Sent to the Kitchen (Eg. Another Round of Drinks).

  6. Change Quantity - Users can change the Quantity on an Item (including making quantity negative for a credit). Please note you cannot change the quantity of an Item after it has been sent to the Kitchen.

  7. Add Message - Users can add an additional message or prep instructions for an Item. This message will be included on the prep Ticket to the Kitchen.

  8. Change Modifiers - Users can add, change, and delete Item Modifiers. This function can only be performed if the Item has NOT been sent to the Kitchen.

  9. Delete - Used to Delete an Item from a Ticket. If the Item has already been Sent, the user will be prompted to enter a reason for voiding the Item. A Void Ticket will then be sent to the Kitchen.

  10. Change Seat Number - If using seat positions, this allows you to assign or change the seat.

  11. Change Seat Type - Used to change the type of Member/Guest occupying a seat (Male, Female or Child).  

  12. Change Course - If using coursing, user can use this feature to change the default course for an item. For example, if an Item was set up as an appetizer but the member wants it as an entrée, you can change the course to properly group on the prep ticket using this feature. Please note you cannot change the course after an Item has been sent to the Kitchen.

  13. Transfer - Used to transfer an item from one ticket to another ticket, with the option of creating a new ticket during the transfer.  


  1. Touch or click Upcharge. This will prompt for an amount to override and increase the price of an Item.

  2. Enter the amount to override the price, or use the canned percentages.

    • The amount entered must be greater than the Item Price. If you want to decrease the price, use the Discount option.

    • You can upcharge before or after Send.


  1. Touch or click Discount. This gives users the ability to discount an Item. Requires security rights.

  2. Users will be prompted to Enter a Reason for the Discount. Select from the list of Pre-Created Discount Reasons. 

  3. Enter the Discount (on the right side are pre-set percentages, if none of these are what you want select the Other option to manually enter the desired percentage). If it is a flat dollar discount amount, then use the numbers on the left of the screen. Click OK when finished. 


  1. Touch or click Comp. Gives users the ability to comp an item. Requires security rights.

  2. Users will be prompted to Enter a Reason for the Comp. Select from the list of Pre-Created Comp Reasons.

  3. Once the Reason has been selected, the Comp will apply.

Remove Discount 

Touch or click Remove Discount. This gives users the ability to remove any discounts currently added to an Item.


  1. Touch or click Reorder. This is used to reorder Items already Sent to the Kitchen (Eg. Another Round of Drinks).

  2. Enter the Quantity to reorder and click OK.

  3. At the next prompt, select Yes if you want the order to be sent to the prep printer, No if you want the Item added to the Ticket but not sent to the prep printer.

Change Quantity

  1. Touch or click Change Quantity. This will allow users to change the Quantity on an Item (including making quantity negative for a credit). Please note you cannot change the quantity of an Item after it has been sent to the Kitchen.

  2. Enter the desired Quantity. When entering a negative Quantity, select the minus (-) sign first and then select the amount of the negative Quantity. Click OK when finished.

Add Message

  1. Touch or Click Add Message. This will allow users to add an additional message or prep instructions for an Item. This message will be included on the prep ticket to the Kitchen.

  2. Select from the list of Pre-Created Messages, or key in a Message.

  3. Click OK when finished.

Change Modifiers

  1. Touch or click Change Modifiers. This allows users to add, change, and delete Item Modifiers. This function can only be performed if the Item has NOT been sent to the Kitchen.

  2. A box will display listing all modifiers on the Item.

  3. Select the Modifier to change.

  4. On the bottom, select one of the following options:

  5. Delete if the modifier highlighted should be removed.

  6. Add New To Base if another modifier is to be added to the list. 

  7. Click Save when finished. 


  1. Touch or click Delete. This is used to Delete an Item from a Ticket. 

  2. When deleting an item with multiple quantities, Users will be asked how many of that item they wish to delete.

  3. Once you select the quantity, click OK to delete the item from the ticket.

  4. As previously mentioned, if an Item has already been Sent to the Kitchen the user will be prompted to Enter a Reason for Voiding the Item. If the Item has not been Sent, no reason is required and the Item will be deleted.

  5. Select OK on the confirmation prompt.

  6. If the Item has been Sent to the Kitchen Enter a Reason for Voiding the Item. Select from the list of Pre-Created Void Reasons or key in a Reason. Click OK when finished. A Void Ticket is then sent to the Kitchen.

Change Seat Number

  1. Touch or click Change Seat Number. If using seat positions, this allows you to assign or change the seat.

  2. Select the correct seat number. Click OK when finished.

    • Seat numbers can be modified before and after Items are sent.

    • Seat numbers can be used for splitting tickets.

Change Seat Type

Touch or click Change Seat Type to change the type of Member/Guest occupying a seat to Male, Female or Child.

Change Course

  1. Click or touch Change Course. If using coursing, user can use this feature to change the default course for an item. For example, if an Item was set up as an appetizer but the member wants it as an entrée, you can change the course to properly group on the prep ticket using this feature. Please note you cannot change the course after an Item has been sent to the Kitchen.

  2. Select the applicable Course Number and the new option will be applied.

    • Item Categories and individual Items can be set up with a default course number and changed at any time before using this function. 

    • The system will automatically draw a line divider between courses on the Send Ticket.


  1. Click or touch Transfer to transfer an item from one ticket to another ticket. The user will be taken to Select a Ticket screen where a ticket can be selected for the transfer or a New Ticket can be created for the transfer. 

  2. Clicking on an existing ticket will automatically add the transferred item to the ticket and return the user to the original ticket. 

  3. Clicking New Ticket will automatically create a new ticket for the transferred item and return the user to the original ticket. The new ticket will be created without a Member Name; instead it will contain Guest/Nonmember and can be found on the Open Ticket tab.


Please follow the instructions below in the event a user needs to edit multiple Items at once (Eg. Discount multiple Items by 20%).

  1. Select Edit Items.

  2. Select the applicable Items.

    1. Note: Users can use the Arrows to Reposition Items on the Selected Items Screen.

  3. Once the applicable Items are selected, choose Edit X Items.

  4. Choose the applicable option, and proceed to edit the Items.

Ticket Level Options

In this section, we will discuss the Ticket Level Options of the Mobile POS (Eg. Delete Ticket, Add Ticket, Print Pay Ticket, etc.). Please see available options below.

Add Ticket

Please follow instructions below in the event a Ticket needs added to a Table (Eg. A Member joins another Member’s Table).

  1. Select the plus sign (+) to the right of the Member’s name.

  2. The user will be prompted to change the cover count.

  3. The Member Grid will populate. Select the applicable Member or choose Guest Member if this is a Guest.

  4. An additional ticket will populate on the Table.

  5. To navigate between multiple Tickets on a single Table, select the Member Dropdown and choose the applicable Member.

Print Pay and More Options

The Print Pay option prints the pay receipt ticket prior to closing the ticket. This printed copy can then be given to the customer to indicate the gratuity they would like added prior to closing the ticket. 

Clicking the More options will populate additional options for the user to choose. Each option is discussed below.

  1. Change Member- Used if the member to be billed needs to be changed for any reason.

  2. Change Table- Used if a member wants to move to a different Table or Area, or to join tickets.

  3. Change Cover- Used to change the cover count at any time.

  4. Change Message - Used to enter an additional message to be sent to the kitchen after already adding a message. 

  5. Split Ticket- Used to Split a Ticket. Please see our Mobile POS Split-Ticket Manual for more information on splitting tickets.

  6. Delete Ticket- Will delete current ticket.

Change Member

  1. Touch or click Change Member. This is used if the member to be billed needs to be changed for any reason.

  2. The Member Grid will populate. Select the applicable Member or choose Guest Member if this is a Guest.

Change Table

  1. Touch or click Change Table. This is used if a member wants to move to a different Table or Area, or to join tickets.

  2. The Area Layout will populate. Select the applicable Table or choose the Area Dropdown to navigate to a different Area.

Change Cover

Touch or click Change Cover. This is used to change the cover count at any time.

Split Ticket

Touch or click Split Ticket. This is used to Split a Ticket. Please see our Mobile POS Split Ticket Manual for more information on splitting tickets.

Delete Ticket

  1. Touch or click Delete Ticket. This will delete current ticket.

  2. Select OK on the Confirm Prompt.

  3. If the Ticket has already been sent to the Kitchen, the user will be prompted to Enter a Reason for Voiding the Ticket. Select from the list of Pre-Created Void Reasons or key in a Reason. Click OK when finished. A Void Ticket is then sent to the Kitchen.

Additional Information About the Member

Please follow instructions below to access additional information about the Member.

  1. Touch or click the Member’s photo, or if the Member does not have a photo, touch or click the grey placeholder image. 

  2. If the Member has any defined Preferences, the Member's photo (or grey placeholder) will display with a red ring around it to alert the server. 

  3. The Member Profile will be displayed and will include information about the member such as the member's email address, phone number, member number, member type, birthdate, minimum activity, MAP score, and member groups. In addition, the member's dependents will be listed within the Member Profile page.

  4. Click on any dependent to display their Member Profile at the top of the screen in place of the member that was being viewed. Click back and forth between dependents to display the Member Profile you want to view at the top of the screen. Note: Minors will be displayed with a (M) behind their name. The determination of minors is based on Birthdate.  If the Member does not have a Birthdate stored in CMA, they will not be flagged as a minor.

  5. Click on the Member's picture to enlarge it. Click it again to return it to it's original size. 

Always Email A Receipt 

Check the Always Email A Receipt box for members that want to go paperless and always want to receive receipts via email. Once checked, receipts will be emailed for any tickets settled for the member via the Mobile POS device. It will remain checked indefinitely, unless unchecked.


Favorites are a great way to show the members that you remember their routine orders!

  1. Add an item to a ticket with it’s modifiers and then choose to Add Favorite.

  2. Once Favorited. You can pull up the member’s profile by selecting on their Photo in the upper left corner of the POS and select Favorites.

  3. The Favorited items will display. Selecting one will add the favorite with it’s modifiers directly to their ticket, or can create a new ticket if you are viewing to profile from Member Lookup.

    • Please Note: The ticket that originally favorited the item cannot be deleted. Doing so will delete the saved favorite.


Click the History button to view or search a Member's ticket history.

  1. Use the From and To Dates to specify the date range for viewing ticket history.  

  2. Use the Area toggle to select the Area for viewing ticket history.   

  3. Use the Dependents checkbox to include Dependent tickets in viewing ticket history.

  4. Clicking on any Ticket/Item within the Ticket History Grid will display the ticket details and give the user the option to print the ticket. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select the printer used for printing. The printer linked to the device in CMA will always be shown as the default printer.

  5. Clicking the Item Checkbox next to any item will allow the item to be Returned. 

  6. Returning items from historical tickets will open a Quick Ticket for the Member crediting them for the returned items.  


  1. Click the Preferences button to view or create Member Preferences. 

  2. Click Create Preference to add a new Preference for the Member. 

  3. Click the Category Search icon to select the Category for the Preference.

  4. Click on the name of the Category the Preference pertains to, or click Create Category to define a new Category if one does not yet exist. 

  5. Enter the new Preference for the Member and click OK. 

  6. The Preference will be added the the Member's list of Preferences. 

  7. To remove a Member Preference, click the checkbox of the Preference to be deleted and then click Delete.

Credit Book

Click the Credit Book button to see the Member's Credit Book Balance as well as Credit Book Transactions. 

Mobile Ordering

Click on the Mobile Ordering button to single sign on into Mobile Ordering as the Member themselves to place an order for them. 

Users will instantly start impersonating the Member and be presented with all Mobile Order Menus available for the Club (the same Menu options the Member would see if they were ordering from their mobile device). The user can select any Mobile Order Menu and place an order in the same manner the Member would if ordering for them self.  Orders placed in this manner count toward the Areas maximum order allotted per interval, which can be helpful when also accepting phone-in orders. This is also helpful when testing/configuring new Mobile Ordering Menus.

Note: Menus with a gray overlay are not visible to Members. These represent Menus assigned to an Area that has Mobile Ordering enabled but the configuration settings for the Menu restrict the Member from ordering at that time (i.e. past the cut-off time for Lunch orders).      

Note: Users logged in to a Mobile POS device assigned to an Area where Enable Mobile Ordering is configured will only be able to view Mobile Orders for that Area.  Although users can place Mobile Orders for Members from any Area where Enable Mobile Ordering is configured, they will only be able to view Mobile Orders for their Area.  Example: A user signed into the Clubhouse Dining POS (Mobile Ordering enabled) will be able to place a Mobile Order for a Member to the Halfway Grill Area (Enable Mobile Ordering enabled) however, after placing the Halfway Grill Mobile Order, the user will not be able to see the order under their Mobile Order tab. They will only be able to see Clubhouse Dining Mobile Orders under their POS Mobile Order tab. 

Settling the Ticket

In this section we will discuss options for Settling a Ticket. Please follow instructions below for Settling a Ticket using a Single Settlement TypeMultiple Settlement Types, or a Quick Settlement.

Single Settlement Type

Select Pay on the bottom left of the POS Screen. 

Users will be taken to the Settle Ticket screen where they will see several Payment Options and Settlement Options

Select the appropriate Settlement Options before selecting the Payment Option.  

  1. Add Gratuity - Allows the user to select the percentage of Gratuity to add to the ticket or enter the specific Gratuity amount to be added. 

  2. Tax Exempt - When toggled on, prevents the Member from being charged Tax on their ticket. 

  3. SC Exempt - When toggled on, prevents the Member from being charged a Service Charge (if applicable) on their ticket. 

  4. Email Receipt - When toggled on, emails a copy of the ticket receipt to the Member.  If the Member's email address is stored within CMA, the Member's email address will be pre-populated upon settling but can be changed. The user will be prompted to confirm the email address or change/enter the email address after clicking Done when Settling a Ticket.

  5. Print on Settle - When toggled on, prints a copy of the ticket receipt to the printer linked to the Mobile POS device in CMA. 

Note: Within System Tools of the Fly Out Menu, there is a setting called Show Print Preview on Settle.  If this is option is activated for the Mobile POS device, then this setting will take precedence over the Print On Settle option. When Show Print Preview on Settle is activated, the system will display a copy of the Member's receipt on the Mobile POS screen after clicking Done when Settling a Ticket. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can then select the printer to be used to print the receipt instead of printing to the default printer linked to the device.  

Select the appropriate Payment Option.  

  1. Member Charge - Used when charging a Member's account. 

  2. Cash or Check - Used when the Member is paying by cash or check. 

  3. Credit Book - Used when the Member wants their charge to be applied to their Credit Book. This option is only available when Members have a Credit Book balance greater than $0.00.  

  4. Room Folio - Used when the Member/Guest staying in a Guest Room wants the charge to be added to their room. 

Member Charge

When settling via Member Charge, the following screen will appear. Charge the full amount to the Member's Account by clicking the Blue Amount Button at the bottom of the screen.    

The user will be returned to the Settle Ticket page showing Ordered Items, Sub Total, Tax, Service Charge (SC), Grand Total, Settlement Type, and any Change Due.  

The user has the option of cancelling the Member Charge by clicking the X next to Member Charge or completing the Member Charge by clicking Done.   

Clicking X to cancel the Member Charge will display a screen asking the user to confirm the cancellation. Click OK to cancel. 

Clicking Done on the Settlement Ticket will Close the ticket and return the user to the Open Tickets tab of the POS. 

Cash or Check

  1. When settling via Cash or Check, the following screen will appear with pre-populated Cash options.  

  2. Select one of the pre-populated Cash options or enter the amount of Cash provided and click Save.  In this example, the user entered $200.00 as the Tendered Amount

  3. The user will be returned to the Settle Ticket page showing Ordered Items, Sub Total, Tax, Service Charge (SC), Grand Total, Settlement Type, and any Change Due.  

  4. The user has the option of cancelling the payment by clicking the X next to Cash or Check (this maybe used if the user entered the incorrect Tendered Amount) or completing the Cash or Check payment by clicking Done.   

  5. Clicking X to cancel the Cash or Check payment will display a screen asking the user to confirm the cancellation. Click OK to cancel.  

  6. Clicking Done will display the Sale Complete screen indicating the amount of Change due to the Member.  The user will have the option to View Receipt or Exit.  

  7. Clicking View Receipt will give the user the option of printing the Receipt if desired.  If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select a specific printer rather than always printing to the default printer linked to the POS device.

  8. Clicking Exit on the Sale Complete screen will Close the ticket and return the user to the Open Tickets tab of the POS.

Multiple Settlement Types

Users have the option to use more than one Settlement Type to pay the amount (There is no limit on the number of Settlement Types that can be used). Using the same example as above, the following instructions will show how $50 will be paid by Cash, and the remaining amount to Member Charge

Note: Mobile POS will not allow for multiple credit cards to be processed for a single transaction. If the member needs to use separate credit cards, split the ticket into as many tickets as cards that need to be used and then settle each ticket individually.

  1. Select the first Settlement Type to be used.

  2. Enter the amount to be charged to the Settlement Type and select Save.

  3. Select the next Settlement Type.

  4. If the next Settlement Type can be closed to the remaining amount of the Ticket, select the remaining amount on the bottom of the Amount Prompt in Blue.

  5. There will now be Multiple Settlement Types shown on the Ticket Display. Select Done to close the Ticket.

Quick Settlement

There are two Settlement Types available for closing the ticket with one step, Cash and Member Charge. These options do not give you the ability to add an additional tip or split tender. Each option is explained below.

Quick Cash

Quick Cash will automatically settle the Ticket to Cash. Please follow the instructions below. 

  1. Navigate to the bottom left of the POS Screen and select the icon. 

  2. Enter the applicable amount of cash received from the Member/Guest and click Save or select the full amount by clicking the Blue Amount Button if the exact amount is received.

  3. The sale will be complete and the user see the amount of Change due to the Member. The user will have the option to View Receipt or Exit.  

Quick Charge

Quick Charge will automatically settle the Ticket to Member Charge in the full amount of the Ticket.

  1. Navigate to the bottom left of the POS Screen and select the Member icon.

  2. The sale will be complete and the user will have the option to View Receipt or Exit.  

Open Tickets Tab- Additional Functionality

The Mobile POS will default to open on the Open Tickets Tab. Not only can users open a new ticket and an existing ticket from this Tab, they can also Unlock, Transfer, Member Charge, and Delete a Ticket from the Open Tickets Tab. Each option is explained below.


If a Ticket is locked a lockbox icon will display to the right of the Ticket.

A Ticket becomes locked when another user is in the Ticket, but could also become locked when there is a disruption of service or other connectivity errors. Please follow instructions below to Unlock a Ticket.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the Ticket that needs Unlocked.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Unlock.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Unlocking the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.


The Transfer option allows the user to transfer tickets between servers.  This function is useful when servers have a shift change. Please follow instructions below to Transfer a Ticket.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the Ticket that needs Transferred.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Transfer.

  3. Search for the applicable Employee and select their Name.

  4. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Transferring the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it. If successful, the Ticket will then show on the Open Tickets Tab of the Employee selected in the previous step.

Member Charge

The Member Charge option gives users the ability to Member Charge a Ticket directly from the Open Tickets Tab. Please follow instructions below to Member Charge a Ticket from this Tab.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the Ticket that needs Member Charged.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Member Charge.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Transferring the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it. If successful, a Settle Receipt will then print for the Ticket selected in the previous step.


The Delete option gives users the ability to Delete a Ticket directly from the Open Tickets Tab. Please follow instructions below to Delete a Ticket from this Tab.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the Ticket that needs Deleted.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Delete.

  3. If the Ticket has already been sent to the Kitchen, the user will be prompted to Enter a Reason for Voiding the Ticket. A Void Ticket will then be sent to the Kitchen. Click OK when finished.

  4. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Deleting the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.


Please follow instructions below in the event a user needs to edit multiple Tickets at once (Eg. Transfer multiple Tickets to a new server).

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the tickets that need to be edited.

    • Note: To select ALL Tickets at once, select the check box to the left of Ticket #

  2. Additional options will populate. Select the applicable option and follow additional prompts.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in editing the Tickets. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.

Quick Ticket

Quick Ticket allows the user to by-pass the Select a Table phase and move straight to selecting the Member. This is typically used in situations at the Bar or Snack Bar when a Member simply wants to order a quick drink or snack. Please follow instructions below.

  1. Select Quick Ticket.

  2. A Member Grid will then populate. Select the applicable Member or if this is not a Member, select Guest Member on the top right. Then proceed to enter the transaction as normal.

Closed Tickets

The Closed Tickets Tab allows the user to Re-Open, Re-Print, and Delete previously closed Tickets.  Please be aware that users must have the proper security rights to Re-Open or Delete Tickets on this tab. Each option is explained below.

Important: Only tickets that have NOT been Posted will show in the Closed Tickets Tab.


Please follow instructions below in the event a Closed Ticket needs to be Re-Opened.

  1. Select the checkbox to left of the Ticket that needs Re-Opened.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Re-Open.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Re-Opening the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.

  4. The Ticket will then show once again on the Open Tickets Tab. Touch or click on the Ticket to continue editing.


Please follow instructions below in the event a Closed Ticket needs to be Re-Printed.

  1. Select the checkbox to left of the Ticket that needs Re-Printed.

  2. Additional options will populate. To Re-Print the Pay Ticket, select Print Pay. To Re-Print the Settle Ticket, select Print Settle.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Re-Printing the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.


Please follow instructions below in the event a Closed Ticket needs to be Deleted.

  1. Select the checkbox to left of the Ticket that needs Deleted.

  2. Additional options will populate. Select Delete.

  3. A prompt will then populate telling the user if they were successful or unsuccessful in Deleting the Ticket. Select the X on the right of the prompt to close it.

Fly Out Menu

The Fly Out Menu provides users the ability to access additional functionality of the Mobile POS. This includes a Member Lookup (To Access additional information about the Member), Item Lookup, Ticket Lookup, Gift Card Balance, Messages, End Of Shift Report, Shift History Report, Ticket Audit Report, System Tools and All Open Tickets. Each option is explained below.

Member Lookup

Please follow instructions below to access additional information about a Member

  1. Select Member Lookup from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. The Member Grid will populate. Search for and select the applicable Member.

  3. Clubs with more than one company configured in CMA will see the All Companies checkbox in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Checking/Unchecking this checkbox will allow users to toggle the list of displayed Members between the current company and All Companies.

    • Note: The All Companies checkbox will only appear for Clubs with more than one company configured and has assigned the Mobile POS device to an Area that has the Show Company Toggle on Member Lookup in POS enabled.  (To enable this option, navigate to System, Areas, POS Options.) 

  4. The Member Profile will be displayed and will include information about the member such as the member's email address, phone number, member number, member type, birthdate, minimum activity, MAP score, and member groups. In addition, the member's dependents will be listed within the Member Profile page.

  5. Click on any dependent to display their Member Profile at the top of the screen in place of the member that was being viewed. Click back and forth between dependents to display the Member Profile you want to view at the top of the screen. Note: Minors will be displayed with a (M) behind their name. The determination of minors is based on Birthdate.  If the Member does not have a Birthdate stored in CMA, they will not be flagged as a minor.

For additional information about the functionality of the Member Profile screen (Favorites, History, Preferences, Credit Book and Mobile Ordering), please refer back to section Additional Information About the Member

Item Lookup

In the event an Item has a limited Quantity, users have the ability to turn on, as well as update the Countdown for the Item directly in the Mobile POS. Please follow instructions below.

  1. Select Item Lookup from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. An Item Grid will populate. Search for and Select the applicable Item.

  3. Select Yes to Turn the Countdown On (Or No to Turn the Countdown Off). Enter the applicable Quantity. Select Save when finished.

  4. The Countdown will then be added to the Item Lookup Grid, and also be included on the actual POS Button for the Item.

  5. Users can also mark the item Inactive by selecting the x86 button.

Ticket Lookup

Users have the ability to lookup previously Closed tickets. 

  1. Select Ticket Lookup from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. A screen will populate allowing the user to enter various filter criteria to be applied to the search including Date Range, Member/Guest Name, Server Name, Ticket Number, and the Last 4 Digits of a Credit Card.  After entering the desired search criteria, click OK

  3. The Ticket Lookup results screen will be displayed with any Closed Tickets matching the search criteria. 

  4. From this screen, the user has the option to Change Filter criteria and re-execute the search. Users can also select a Ticket from this screen and take the following actions: Re-Open, Print Pay, Print Settle, and Delete.  

  5. To exit the Ticket Lookup screen without taking any action, click the Back Arrow at the top left-hand corner of the screen. This will take the user back to the Open Ticket tab. 

Gift Card Balance

The Gift Card Balance option allows the user to lookup the Balance of a Gift Card, as well as Reassign a Gift Card. Please follow instructions below for each option.

  1. Select Gift Card Balance from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. A grid will populate displaying all Gift Cards in the System. Fields displayed on the grid include Assigned To, Gift Card Number, Issued Amount, Remaining Balance and Description. Use the Search option to look up the applicable Gift Card. Touch or click the applicable Gift Card to view additional Details.

  3. Additional Details include Purchased By, Issued Amount, Balance, Date Issued, Expiration Date, Card Number, Track Number, Assigned to, and Description.

Reassign Gift Card

Please follow instructions below to Reassign a Gift Card to a Guest or a Member.


  1. Select Assign to Guest.

  2. The System will prompt the user to enter the Guest’s Name. Click Save when finished.


  1. Select Change Member.

  2. A Member Grid will populate. Search for and select the applicable Member.


To view more about Employee, Member and Member Group specific messages please CLICK HERE.

End of Shift Report

Prior to running an End of Shift Report please verify the Open Tickets Tab is blank reflecting no Open Tickets. This will guarantee all sales for the day are reflected in the report (The system will error if there are any Open Ticket). The End of Shift Report can be printed as many times as the user wants, at any time.  In addition, the system also keeps an archive of past End of Shift reports for the user to access and print at any time. Please follow the instructions below to run and print an End of Shift Report.

  1. Select Reports from the Fly Out Menu and then choose End of Shift report.

  2. The System will default to Current Day for both the Start and End Dates. This is done because we are assuming the user is running the report for the Current Day, at the End of their Shift. Use the Date Dropdown to run an End of Shift Report from a different day.

    • Note: Please be sure the Start and End Dates are set to the Same Day. This will tell the System to only pull Sales for the Date selected. To run the report over multiple days, select the applicable date range.

  3. Select the Receipt Printer to where the report should be printed. Then choose Run Report.

  4. A Print Preview will populate. Select Print Report to physically print the End of Shift Report; or select Edit to navigate to the previous step.

    • Note: If the user has any Tickets when Print Report is selected, they will receive an error message. Please be sure to Close or Transfer any Open Tickets before running the End of Shift Report.

Shift History Report

The Shift History Report allows users to run an End of Shift Report in a Consolidated fashion displaying sales for all servers. Only Administrators and Food & Beverage Management have permissions to view this report. Please follow the instructions below to run the report.

  1. Select Reports from the Fly Out Menu then choose Shift History report.

  2. The System will default to Current Day for both the Start and End Dates. This is done because we are assuming the user is running the report for the Current Day, at the end of everyone’s shift. Use the Date Dropdown to run a Shift History Report from a different day.

    • Note: Please be sure the Start and End Dates are set to the Same Day. This will tell the System to only pull Sales for the Date selected. To run the report over multiple days, select the applicable date range.

  3. Users have the ability to group the report by Device, Device Category, Area, Area Group, or Area Category. Select the applicable Group By option, and then choose the applicable Entity to Group the report. When finished select Run Report.

  4. A Print Preview will populate. Select Print Report to physically print the Shift History Report; or select Edit to navigate to the previous step.

Ticket Audit Report 

The Ticket Audit Report can be used to run a full audit on any action completed on a given Ticket within Mobile POS. 

  1. Select the Ticket Audit Report from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. Enter the Ticket Number in question and click Run Report

  3. The Ticket Audit Report will be displayed. The user has the ability to print the report if desired. If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select the printer used for printing. The printer linked to the device in CMA will always be shown as the default printer. 

  4. Clicking Edit will return the user back to the screen for entering a Ticket Number for auditing.  

  5. Note: The Ticket Audit Report can also be viewed and printed from CMA. 

System Tools

System Tools allows a user with the proper security rights to access functions relevant to Ticket Management and POS Administration. Each option is discussed below.

CE Payments

CE Payments Device, Prompt for CE Payments Device, and Prompt for note when starting tab have to deal with the configuration of our Credit Cards at POS Solution with CE Payments. For more information on these options, please see our Mobile POS - Card Present Transactions manual.

Prompt for Signature on Settle

When selected, the system will prompt for the Member/ Guest’s Signature with each Settlement. This Signature will then show on the invoice that is generated in the Back Office.

Show Print Preview on Settle 

When selected, the system will display a copy of the Member's Receipt on the Mobile POS screen after clicking Done when Settling a Ticket

It will also give the user the option of printing the Receipt if desired.  If the Club has more than one printer, the user can select the printer used for printing. The printer linked to the device in CMA will always be shown as the default printer. 

Use Member-Facing Payment 

When selected, Members/Guests paying by Credit Card or Member Charge will be prompted upon Settlement for both the Gratuity they would like to add to their Ticket and their Signature. This Signature will then show on the invoice that is generated in the Back Office.

The Member/Guest will see this screen upon Settlement.  

Use iPad Scan Check In

When selected, the Mobile POS device can be used to scan Membership Cards for Member Check In.

Override Ticket Date

When selected, the system will override the current date and time with the date and time entered by the user allowing users to pre-date or post-date Tickets as necessary. 

After the override date and time have been set, users will be reminded of the override with the following warning message when a new Ticket is opened. To proceed with the date/time override indicated, click OK.  To reset the the date/time override, click Cancel and navigate back to System Tools to turn off the Override Ticket DateNote: When setting the Override Ticket Date, it will not impact any currently opened Tickets. It will only impact Tickets opened after the override is set.   

Print Receipt When Gratuity to Credit Card Payments

Instead of requiring a user to click the "print receipt on close" button every time they add gratuity if the club has this checked it will automatically be checked on the additional gratuity screen. 

Allow Classic POS Tickets in Ticket History

When this box is checked, you will be able to load classic POS tickets in the History lookup on a member’s profile. These tickets are view only and cannot be refunded from the mobile POS. If you wish to issue a refund from the mobile POS, create a new ticket and choose to add a negative qty of the item to the ticket.

All Open Tickets

The All Open Tickets option allows Admins and F&B Managers to view a list of ALL Open Tickets across the Mobile POS, regardless of Area. This list can also be filtered by employee as well if desired. Please follow the instructions below.

  1. Select All Open Tickets from the Fly Out Menu.

  2. A Grid will populate displaying a list of All Open Tickets for the user who is currently logged in. To filter by ALL Open Tickets in the system regardless of the employee, select the dropdown and choose ALL

    • Note: Use the dropdown to filter by a single employee as well if desired.


Best Practices

  • Mark employees in CMA as a training mode employee and they will be able to practice things like selling gift cards, running through the entirety of the ticket settlement process, and other mobile POS functionality that the club needs them to learn. And, since they are marked as a training employee, you can do so without running the risk of having any of the tickets printed or being sent to the kitchen or having any of the financial data flow back to CMA. The main difference between a training mode employees view and a regular employees view is that they only have the settlement option of cash - no credit card charge, member charge, etc. but can still use gratuity options, exemptions, etc and have none of it settle back into CMA. 


  • Q: Can I sort various columns within the Mobile POS grid in ascending and descending order? 

  • A: Yes, when navigating to any Mobile POS grid (Open Tickets, Dining, Events, Closed Tickets, Member Lookup, Item Lookup, Ticket Lookup, All Open Tickets, etc.), any column can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header.  When a column is sorted, an arrow will appear indicating the sort order of the column.  The up arrow indicates the column is sorted in ascending order.  The down arrow indicates the column is sorted in descending order. 

    • This image shows the All Open Tickets grid sorted in ascending Ticket Number order: 

    • This image shows the All Open Tickets grid sorted in descending Member Name order: 

  • Q: When viewing the Closed Tickets grid in Mobile POS, can I see all closed tickets for any F&B Area?  

  • A: When logged into a F&B Area, only closed F&B tickets for the Area(s) the user has the rights to view will be shown in the Closed Ticket grid. 

  • Q: Is there a way to select multiple Members when creating a Ticket, add items to the Ticket, and then have Tickets generated for each Member selected with the items added to the Ticket?  (I.e. As a user, I want to create a individual Tickets for 10 Members all with a bittle of wine they ordered for the Wine of the Month Club purchase.) 

  • A: Yes, the ability create a Bulk Entry Ticket is available. Users can do this from the Select a Member screen when adding a Member to a Ticket. Select the Grid icon from this screen. 

    • This allows the user to select multiple Members before creating the Ticket. Selected Members will display in the Selected column on the right-hand side of the screen.  After all Members have been selected, click Continue

    • Bulk Entry Ticket will be created. 

    • Add Items to the ticket as normal. Items added here will be added to each Member's Ticket when the Bulk Entry process is complete and Tickets are generated for each selected Member.  Click Create Tickets after the Items have been added.   

    • The user will receive a message confirming the number of Tickets they are about to create. Click OK to continue.  

    • The Tickets will be created and the user will be returned to the Open Tickets tab where the new Tickets can be viewed. 

    • Each Ticket created through the Bulk Entry process will contain the Items added to the Bulk Entry Ticket.