Office - Mobile POS - Activation Guide

Office - Mobile POS - Activation Guide

Table of Contents


  • When purchasing the Mobile POS Application your Club has chosen a certain number of licenses. These licenses need to be activated on each device that will need access to the Mobile POS Application. The following guide reviews the process of Activating a Device and freeing up a license should that need arise. 

  • Please Note: The number of licenses purchased determines the number of devices that can access the Mobile POS. (One license = One device).

Required Permissions

  • mPOS Activate User username and password

Activating Your Device

Devices & Users

Clubessential Mobile POS allows for multiple Users to access the tool once the device is activated. The number of devices at the Club, however, will be dependent upon need and is individual to each Club.

Please Note: If you are unsure who your Users are, please contact Clubessential. 


When first setting up Clubessential POS each device must be Activated. Using Admin credentials (email address and password), Users will sign in to Activate the device. Clubessential employees are the only ones able to add an Activate User for a club.

  1. Users will receive an Account Activation email, as shown here

    • Please Note: If you do not receive this activation email, please check your spam folder. If your activation email is not in your spam folder, please contact Clubessential. 

  2. Follow the link and on-screen instructions on activating the device. First, choose a password, then Sign in to activate the device. 

  3. Once signed in, Users will then select the corresponding Machine they wish to activate. Next, select Activate this Machine.

You may also activate your device directly by:

  1. Going to pos.clubessential.com and entering in your Credentials

  2. Name the device and select Activate this machine.

Freeing up a License 

In the event a license needs to be released from an existing device, Users can select the Delete option next to the license they wish to free up. This license will now be free to Activate a new device.  

For example, if the Beverage Cart iPad is broken and needs to be replaced, the License will need to be activated on the new replacement iPad. However, the license needed for the replacement machine is still tied to the old broken iPad. Users can log in and delete this license, as outlined above, to free up a license for the replacement device.


Best Practices

  • It is best to have more than one Activate user established for your Mobile POS so when the primary user is not available, machines can still be activated and deleted without the need of support.

  • If using a tablet, please use the app store to download the Clubessential POS app. Upon first login as an admin, you will be prompted to activate the device.



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