Office - Reporting - Interactive Reports - Glossary
Table of Contents
Interactive Reports gives you the ability to filter, sort, and group the data using criteria. The available criteria are specific to the information the report contains. The report functions give you the ability to customize date settings, save criteria settings, delete saved reports, and schedule an email delivery. In this section you will learn how to use the criteria and report functionality.
Required Permissions
Accessing the Tool
To access Interactive Reports:
Click on the Interactive Reports Icon from the left menu bar.
On the Report Overview page, there is a list of reporting categories to choose from, or the User can search for a topic in the top search bar. It is best to keep the topic as broad as possible. If the club wants to see POS sales search for sale.
Definitions of Verbiage
Filter by: Lookup value that allows the Club to choose one or more items they would like to see in the report; any item not selected is removed. This is used to show only relevant information for the desired data pull.
Group By: How the report will organize it's information. Changing the group by will alter the view. i.e. by transaction will show all the transactions in numerical order while by employee will show all the employees in alphabetical. This is useful when one view isn't showing the information in a way the club wants.
Detail Level: This option will expand the sections of the report. The more detailed the choice the further into the drill down the report will open when it is run. This is useful when a club wants to only view what employees made sales or wants to see all the transactions made by one employee but doesn't want to go through expanding each to see the details.
Option to: Optional checkboxes that can be activated to perform a single specific action. i.e. adding transaction details to a report or excluding zero dollar transactions.
Report Listing
Accounting Reports
Accounts Receivable Reconciliation - Identifies discrepancies between Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger. This includes the Sales Journal Batches as a reference.
Tip: The user is able to detail into individual transactions using the "Detail Level" drop down.
Balance Sheet - An overview of current Assets and Liabilities for a period of time.
Balance Sheet Drill Down - Details Asset and Liability transactions that occur by period.
Tip: The user is able to expand "Detail Level" from Category to Transaction.
Bank Reconciliation - Provides starting bank balance and any transactions that occurred during the period.
Cash Receipt Deposit Summary - Details the Credit Receipt Batches and all associated check deposits within that period.
CE Payments Daily Summary - CE Payments Daily summary report pulls in all CE Payments transactions and gives you information on those transactions for a given day. Report contains the Transaction ID, Transaction Date and Time, Ticket number, Amount of ticket, and the Member the transaction was for.
CE Payment Settlements - Provides an overview of all transactions, payments and tickets related to CE Payments to assist with the reconciliation process.
Tip: Best to group by Settlements to make investigation easier.
Chart of Accounts - List of all accounts in department order based on type Asset, Liability, Income, Etc.
General Ledger Activity - Details activity in the General Ledger by date range with the ability to filter by Department, Batch Type and Account.
Tip: Can be detailed down to the transaction level.
General Ledger Activity Summary - Summarizes General Ledger activity by date range with the ability to filter by Department and Account.
General Ledger Budget - Outlines the budget based on selected year with ability to filter by Department.
General Ledger Transaction - Displays transactions in the General Ledger based on Batch Type with ability to filter by Department.
Tip: Can be detailed down to the transaction.
General Ledger Transaction Export - Provides all General Ledger Transactions with ability to export.
Tip: Useful for printing.
Income Statement - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type.
Income Statement Consolidated - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period grouped by either Department or Rollup with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type.
Income Statement Consolidated by Category - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period grouped by either Department or Rollup with the ability to filter by Department, Budget Type, and Expense/Income Categories.
Income Statement Consolidated by Category Drill Down - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department, Budget Type and Expense/Income Categories. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.
Income Statement Consolidate Drill Down - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.
Income Statement Consolidate Rolling - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period providing rolling income backward or forward in time with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.
Income Statement Drill Down - Provides the net profit and loss for a specific period with the ability to filter by Department and Budget Type. Ability to include Account Numbers and hide Zero Balance Accounts.
Tip: Can be detailed to the transaction.
Sales Tax Detail - Provides all sales detail, both Taxable and Non-Taxable, with a list of Service Charges and Sales Tax for each area. Ability to filter by Area Group, Area, Item Group, Item Category and Tax Code Item.
Tip: Can detail down to the Tax Code Level.
Trial Balance - Provides the current balance based on debits and credits as of a specified date with the ability to include or exclude Year End Transactions.
Tip: Can detail from Ledger Account down to Transaction.
Employee Reports
Employee Hours - Displays total time worked by employees based on punches in the POS in a given time frame with the ability to filter by Employee, Departments, and Employee Groups. Can choose a start day for the week, Rules for Overtime, and the Overtime Rate. Can sort by Employee, Job code and Work Week.
Tip: Can detail from Employee down to Shift.
Employee Hours Audit - Provides audit details for an employee pinches' during a specific time frame with the ability to filter by Employee, Changed By, and Job Codes. Can group by Employees or Job Code.
Tip: Can detail from Employee Name to Details.
Employee List - Provides a list of all Employees and birthday with the ability to filter by Employee Group or Job Code. Can be grouped by Employee Group or Job code.
Tip: Can detail from Employee Group to Employee.
Employee Schedules - Provides detail for all Employees within a built Schedule for a date range.
Employee Security Roles - Provides a list of Employees with their associated security access with the ability to filter by Employee, Employee groups, Employee Statuses and Roles.
Server Tips - Displays total sales for Employees within a given time frame with the following detail: Tax, Service Charge, Additional Gratuity, Tips Declared, and Gratuity Total. Can be filtered by Area and Employee. Can group by Employee or Meal Period.
Tip Can Detail from Name down to Ticket.
Guest Reports
Guest List - Provides a list of all guest visits within a set time range with the ability to filter by Guest Type and a minimum to maximum visit range. The report includes date of last visit as well as number of visits. This data pulls from the POS whenever a guest is added to a ticket.
Guest Rooms Reports
Housekeeping - Provides a list of all Guest Room Housekeeping information as it relates to New Arrivals, Departures, Stay Overs, Turnovers, and Notes on a specified date.
Month End - Provides the total of all Room Occupancy for the month by date based on a specific year and month. Displays Daily Revenue, number of occupied rooms, number of sold rooms, and percent occupancy.
Occupancy Summary - Provides the Total Guests/Children, Number of Rooms, Rooms Sold, Rooms Available, Percentage Occupancy, Actual Room Revenue, Average Room Revenue, and Revenue Per Available Room grouped by Day, Period, and Year.
Outstanding Folio Balance - Provides a list of all folios that have not been closed out based on a specific date.
Tip: Can be detailed by Folio or Invoice.
Reservations by Room Type- Provides a list of all Room Reservations based on a specific date range grouped by Room Type.
Room Arrival List - Provides a list of all room arrivals by date based on a specific date range with the ability to filter by checked in.
Room Daily Occupancy - Details Member and Non-Member Rate numbers based on a specific date range.
Room Departure List - Provides a list of all room departures by date based on a specific date range with the ability to filter by Check Out Date.
Room Guest List - Displays the guest's information based on a specific date range including the following information: Occupant Name, number of adults and children, arrival and departure dates, created and last modified dates, rate, ADR, and Adjusted Rate with the ability to hide rate information.
Rooms Sold - Provides a list of all rooms sold within a 17 day window based on a specific start date organized the list by Room Type in alphabetical order.
Sales Forecast - Provides an overview of Daily Sales for a given time range with the ability to filter or group by Room Type.
Tip: Can be used for a future date range.
Inventory Reports
Average Cost Reconciliation - Details average cost standard deviation and error percentages on inventoried items for a specific date range. Organized alphabetically though can be sorted by Error Percentage. Can filter by Item Category. Shows initial quantity and any additional adjustments and item receipts that changed the average cost.
Due To Pro Reconciliation - Details sales and what is due to the pro if the pro owns the retail store from those sales in a specific time range. Can filter by area if multiple pros own different retail spaces (i.e. Golf, Tennis, Fitness).. Can also filter Item Groups and Item Categories based on what is owned by the pro. Can choose a specific settlement type (i.e. cash, credit card, credit book etc.).
Tip: Detail level from date down to transaction
Please note: In order to run this report a due to pro account must be chosen from the lookup.
Gross Margin - Details gross margin based on net sales minus cost of inventoried items based on a specific time range . Can be filtered by Area group and Item Categories. Can select a Department and Vendor. Can group by Vendor or Item Category. Optional choice to exclude zero cost items.
Tip: Detail from Vendor down to Item.
Inventory Aging - Displays the age of inventoried items based on a start and end date. Includes any sales and/or adjustments within the time frame. Can filter by area, Item category, and Item Group. Option to not include Items with Activity.
Tip: Can detail down from Item Category to Transaction.
Inventory on Hand - Displays all inventoried items that have a quantity on-hand based on an as of date. Details both available and on-hand as well as available and on-hand value. Can be filtered by Areas and Item Category. Can run report for individual vendors. Option to include items with zero on-hand.
Tip: Detail down from Item Category to Item.
Inventory Transaction History - Details history of inventoried items based on specific date range. Shows beginning balance based on the start date and includes all sales, item receipts, and adjustment batches. Can be filtered by Area, Item Group, Item Category, and Vendor. Can run the report by a single item. Group by options include Vendor, Item Group and Item Category. Option to only Include Items with Activity.
Tip: Can Detail down from Vendor to Transaction.
Inventory Transaction Summary Export - Details history of inventoried items based on specific date range. Shows beginning balance based on the start date and includes all sales, item receipts, and adjustment batches. Can be filtered by Area, Item Group, Item Category, and Vendor. Can run the report by a single item. Group by options include Vendor, Item Group and Item Category. Option to only Include Items with Activity.
Tip: Designed to be easy to export.
Item Reports
Item G/L Posting Summary - Displays the mapping sequence of an Item to the General Ledger with the ability to select the specific type of mapping sequence. Options include Sales, Discount, Comp, Asset, and COGS ledgers as well as Tax Code.
Tip: Details the Item, account, configuration level and configuration path.
Item Sales - Provides a list of all sales for the club for a specific time frame. This can be filtered by Area, Item Groups, Item Categories, Member Types, or Employees. Search feature is available for a specific Vendor or Member Group. Grouping can be done by Item Group, Employee, Area, or Meal Period. Option to Include Deleted Employees, show SKU numbers, Exclude Guest Member, and Show Tax and Service Charge. Option to min-max quantity sold to filter out items that don't meet the criteria.
Tip: Detail Level by Item Group, Item Category, Item or Transaction.
Item Sales By Tender Type - Provides a list of Charge Settlement Types with the associated Items based on a specific date range. Can be filtered by Item Groups, Item Categories, and Areas.
Tip: Detail down from Item Group to Item. Option to show SKU number.
Items Purchased By Members - Provides a list of all purchases made by Members based on Items during a specific date range with the ability to filter by Area, Item Groups, Item Categories, Member Types, and Member Groups. Search feature available for a specific Item or Member. Group by Member Family, Member, Item, Member Type, Spending Level, or Age. Detail down from Member Family to Item. Can enter an age and spending range to help filter out unwanted information. Option to hide zero balance purchases, include transaction details, include tax and service charge, or exclude guest members.
Member Item Category Spending - Summarizes member spending by Item Category with the ability to filter by Member Types, Member Statuses, and Item Groups. Group by Item Group, Item Category, or Area. Option to Include Quantity, Include Tax and Service charge, and Exclude Guest Member.
Membership Reports
AR Aging - Displays 3 months of Accounts Receivable based on an As Of Date. Can filter by Types, Groups, and Statuses. Can select an A/R Ledger to view. Can search for a specific Member. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Detail level down from Member to Account.
AR Aging Extended - Displays 6 months of Accounts Receivable based on an As Of Date. Can filter by Types, Groups, and Statuses. Can select an A/R Ledger to view. Can search for a specific Member. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Detail level down from Member to Account.
Credit Book Transactions - Provides a list of all Credit book transactions within a specific time frame. Can Filter by Credit Book Types. Detail down from Member to Transaction. Can search for specific members.
Tip: Option to only show Credit Book with Balance.
Custom Field Values - Details all custom fields and the connected Member, Employee, or Guest. Can search for a specific Custom Field. Filter by Types (these choices change with entity) and Status (only available when Entity Type is Member). Group by Entity or Custom Field. Sort by Entity Number, Last Name, or Value. Can exclude true or false values if the custom field is set up as a true/false. Option to Exclude Empty Values and Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Can detail down from Custom Field to Entity.
Daily Management Summary - Quick Summary of all covers and sales by area using an As Of Date. Filter by Item Groups and Item Categories. Can include the following: Comps, Discounts, Modifiers, Service Charge, Subtotal, and Tax. Option to Use Fiscal Year.
Tip: Detail down from Area to Item Category.
Delinquent Members - Summary report of all members who are delinquent based on an As Of Date. Can select one or multiple A/R Ledgers. Can select one or multiple Periods. Filter by Groups, Types, and Members. Extra filter option to adjust minimum total due. Options to Include Email (addresses), Include Phone (Numbers), Include Last Payment (amount and date), Exclude Guest Member, Include Status, and include All Balances.
Tip: Detail down from Member to Ledger Accounts.
Event Reservations - Details any events built using the Event Manager in CMA. The following sections are available to report on: Accommodations, Noted, Price Points, Reservations, and Waiting List. Option to expand all drill downs.
Gift Card Transactions - Provides a list of all gift card transactions for a specific date range. Can filter by Gift Card Type. Can select a specific member to view transactions. Can search for a specific Gift Card Number. Option to Include Expired.
Tip: Detail down from Gift Card Type to Transaction.
Installment Billing - Summary of all Members with a billing schedule within a specific date range. Can filter by Member Type. Can search for a specific Billing Item or Billing Combo. Group by Member, Installment Billing, or Member Type. Option to Include Completed and Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Detail down from Member to Installment Billing.
Installment Billing Statement - Details a single Member's installment billing information. Option to Show Completed Only.
MAP Score Summary - Provides a summary of all Member analytical information based on a specific Month Range with the ability to filter by Member Type. Select a score trend of Increased, Decreased, Remained within 0%-5%, or all. Select to group by Member Type, % Change, Score, or None. Select a percentage Greater than, Less than, Equal To or All. Select scores Greater Than, Less Than, Equal to, or All to a desired amount. Option to Filter by Join Date Between range.
Member Address Labels - Avery - Printable report for Avery brand Labels. Can filter by Member Type, Members, and Member Statuses. Can search for a specific Group. Can select member profile address fields of Member Name, Street 1, Street 2, Street 3, Street 4, City, State, Zip Code, County, Country, Member Number, or Member Type to include in the label. Can select an Address Category to print. Sort by options include Member Name, Member Number, Street 1, Street 2, Street 4, City, State, Zip Code, County or Country. Select a font size of 10pt (6 lines max), 12pt. (5 Lines max), or 14pt. (4 Lines max). Select a Display name that comes from the Membership portion of the member's profile. Select a notification type. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Address Labels - Dymo - Printable report for Dymo brand Labels. Can filter by Member Type, Members, and Member Statuses. Can search for a specific Group. Can select member profile address fields of Member Name, Street 1, Street 2, Street 3, Street 4, City, State, Zip Code, County, Country, Member Number, or Member Type to include in the label. Can select an Address Category to print. Sort by options include Member Name, Member Number, Street 1, Street 2, Street 4, City, State, Zip Code, County or Country. Select a font size of 10pt (6 lines max), 12pt. (5 Lines max), or 14pt. (4 Lines max). Select a Display name that comes from the Membership portion of the member's profile. Select a notification type. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Addresses - Provides a list of all Member physical addresses with the ability to filter by Member Type, Member Group, Member Status and Address Category. Can group by Notification type. Option to exclude guest member.
Member AutoPay - Displays all Members set up with Auto pay in CMA. Can group by Capture Type.
Member Birthdays - Displays all Member birthdays within selected parameters with the ability to filter by Member Type. Can select a Month and Year. Can build an age range window. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Dependents - Displays all Dependents in a drill down report with the ability to filter by Member Groups, Member Type, and Member Status. Can build an Age Range window to narrow the search. Option to Exclude Members with no dependents and Exclude Guest Members.
Member Group Audit - This report will display the changes made to member groups. You can run the report for a specific date range and the report will display the Update day and time, the Member Name, the Member Type, Removed From and Added to.
Member Group Count - Displays the total number of Members in a group with a drill down to see each member in the groups. Can filter by Member group, member status, and member type.
Tip: Detail level from Member group down to member.
Member List - A complete list of all Members and their associated groups with the ability to filter by Member Group, Member Type, and Member Status. Can search for a specific member. Can select a name format. Option to Exclude Guest member.
TIp: Can detail down from Member to Member Group.
Member Minimum Activity - Provides a list of Member minimum to spend, how much spent, and how much unspent based on a start date. Can filter by Groups and Types. Can specify a minimum unspent, search for a specific member and detail down from Member to Item. Option to Include Pending.
Member Minimum Activity SC - Provides of list of Member minimum to spend, how much spent, service charge included, and how much unspent within a time range. Can filter by Groups and Types. Can specify a minimum unspent, search for a specific member. Option to Include Pending and Export.
Tip: Detail down from Member to Item.
Member Payment Activity - Details Member payment history within a given time range. Can filter by Groups, Types, and CR (Cash Receipt) Types. Can select what A/R Ledger account to view payments into. Can search for a specific Member. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Detail down from Member to Payment.
Member Phone List - Provides a list of Member phone numbers with the ability to filter by Member Type, Member Group, and Member Status. Can select a Phone Type. Can group by none or member group. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Roster Export - An export of member profile data provided in a single line/row with the ability to filter by Member Types, Member Groups, Member Statuses, Member Fields, Custom Fields, Address Categories, and Notification Types. Can select member fields, address fields, email fields, and phone fields to include in the export file. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Tax Summary - Provides a summary of Member taxes paid on every transaction within a specific time range with the ability to filter by Member Type, Member Status, and Members. Can be Ordered by Member number or last name. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Type Count - Provides a total of all Members in each Member Type with the ability to filter by Member Type, Member Status, and Member Group. Can detail down from Member Type to Member. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Member Type Count Audit - Displays all change in member types for a date range. Can be filtered by Member Type, Member Status, and Member Group. Can be Grouped by None, Member Type, Reason or Month. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Tip: Can detail down from Member Type to Item.
Member Type Count Summary - Details a monthly total of members in a particular member type based on End Year and End Month. Can filter by Member Types and Member Statuses.
Member Voucher Transactions - Details all Voucher transactions within a given Date Range. Can filter by Member Type and Voucher. Detail down from Member to Transaction. Can group by Member or Voucher. Option to only show Vouchers with X or less quantity remaining. Radial button option for Show vouchers sold in this date range, show vouchers redeemed in this date range, or show vouchers sold or redeemed in this date range.
Membership Sales Analysis - Provides a list of all sales by account based on a specific date range with the ability to filter by Department.
Tip: Detail down from Account to Transaction.
Outstanding Credit Books - Displays all credit books with outstanding balances based on an "as of" date including Issued and Unspent amounts. Can filter by Credit Book Type. Option to include Expired Credit Books.
Tip: Detail down from Member to credit book.
Outstanding Gift Cards - Displays all Gift Cards with outstanding balances based on an "as of" date including Issued and Unspent amount. Can filter by Gift Card Type. Detail down from Member to Gift Cards. Option to include Expired Gift Cards.
Outstanding Vouchers - Displays all Vouchers with outstanding balances based on an "as of" date including Issued Quantity and Issued Amount and Redeemed Amount. Option to include Expired Vouchers.
Projected Member Billing Annual - Details all billing schedules for all periods in a year based on a start month and start year with the ability to filter by billing schedule, member type, and company (if more than one). Can search for a specific member. Can select a frequency. Group by billing schedule or member. Option to include Memo Billing and/or Installment Billing.
Tip: Detail down from billing schedule to member.
Projected Member Billing Monthly - Details all Billing for members in a chosen year and month. Can filter by Billing Schedule, Company (if the club has more than one), Member status, and Member Type. Can select a frequency. Option to Include Installment Billing.
Tip: Detail down from Member Type to Member.
Remote Relay Access Log - Provides a list of all access points via Remote Relay in a given date range with the ability to select the entry result of allowed, denied or all. Option to show swipe string.
Rental Items- Details all rental items connected to members with the ability to filter by Rental Type and Rental Type Category. Choose a Vacancy option. Group by Member or Rental Item.
Tip: Can detail down from Member to Rental Item.
Scheduled Member Changes- Details all scheduled member changes within a date range. Option to include and Filter by From and To Member status. Option to include and filter by From and To Member Type. And option to filter by From and To Player Type.
Point of Sale Reports
Covers - Provides a list of Cover by Day, Month To Date, and Year to Date based on a specific date range with the ability to filter by Area Category, and Area. Group By Meal period or Area Category. Option to Use Fiscal Year for YTD.
Tip: Detail down from Meal Period to Area.
Daily Sales - Provides a list of Gross Sales, Discounts, Net Sales, Covers, Sales per Cover, Service Charge, Gratuity, and Hours Worked within a given date range. Filter by Area, Item Group, and Server. Select a Summary Type of F&B, Retail, or Tickets. Option to Include Gratuity and Include Hours Worked.
Tip: Detail down from Meal period to Item.
Deletes/Voids/Discounts/Comps - Provides a list of any changes made to a ticket to reduce the price on items within a date range. Choose a Type from All, Comped, Deleted, Discounted, and/or Voided. Filter by Area, Employee, and Reason Code. Group by Type, Reason Code, Employee, or Area.
Tip: Detail down from Ticket to Item.
Exempt Sales (Tax / Service Charge) - Displays all exempted transactions completed at the POS over a given Date Range. Filter by Area, and Employee. Option to Include Tax Exempt and/or Include Service Charge Exempt.
Golf Rounds - Provides a list of all items sold to members that are set up as Golf Rounds for a given date range. Filter by Member Type, Golf Fee Category, and Golf Fee Type. Select what Day of the week to include and what gender to include. Option to Exclude Guest Member.
Monthly Sales Summary- Provides a list of all sales by Area over the course of a specific month. Filter by Area Categories and Item Groups. Select a type from Covers, Golf Rounds, or/and Sales. Include all or the following, Comp, Discount, Modifiers, Service Charge, Subtotal, and Tax.
Open Tickets - Provides a list of all tickets currently open including Ticket number, Device, Employee, Member, Created Date and Mobile/Classic. Filter by Area and Employee. Group by Area or Employee. Option to Expand all.
Price Schedule Discounts - Shows all uses of a price schedule during a specific date range. Choose Price Schedule. Filter by Area. Detail down from Area to Item.
Sales By Tender Type - Displays each Charge Settlement Type purchases by area within a date range. Filter by Area. Select Tender type(s). Select POS Type(S).
Tip: Detail down from Area to Ticket.
Transactions By Tender Type - Provides a list of all Tender types with transactions utilizing them within a date range with the ability to filter by Area.
Tip: Detail down from Payment Type to Transaction.
Reservation Reports
Outstanding Banquets Deposits - Provides a list of all unpaid banquets amounts based on an "As Of" Date. Option to Expand All.
Vendor Reports
1099-Summary - Provides a summary of all Vendors to receive 1099's for the fiscal year. Select a tax form.
Accounts Payable Reconciliation - Provides a list of all Vendors with posted invoices and credits/payments within a date range.
Tip: Detail down from Vendor to Activity.
Aged Open Invoices - Provides a list of Open Vendor Invoices up to 46+ Days. based on an "As Of" Date. Choose a date filter (Either when the Batch was posted or the Invoice brought in). Choose an Aging Interval either 15, 20, 45, or 60 days. Filter By Vendor Categories and Vendors. Option to Print Each Vendor on a New Page.
Tip: Detail down from Vendor to Payment.
Check Register - Provides a list of all checks written within a date range. Details Vendor, Batch and Printed Date, and Amount to Pay. Filter by Vendor. Can select a specific G/L Account. Select to Include, exclude or Only Show Voided Checks. Select to Filter by Printed date, or Batch Date. Option to Positive Pay.
Tip: Detail down from Check to Line Item.
Item Receipt - Provides the ability to select and view an Item Receipt.
Outstanding Checks - Provides a list of all checks not deposited based on an "As Of" Date. Select a G/L Asset Account. Option to Include Reconciled checks.
Purchase Order - Provides the ability to select and view a Purchase Order.
Reconciled Checks - Provides a list of all checks that have been reconciled within a date range. Includes Check date, Vendor Reconcile date and Amount. Select a G/L Asset Account. Select a Date Filter of Check Print Date or Reconciled date.
Vendor Activity - Provides a list of all Vendor Invoices and Payments within a specific date range with the ability to filter by Vendor Category. Can search for a specific Member.
Tip: Detail down from Vendor to Activity.
Vendor Address Labels - Prepares the Vendors Addresses to be printed on Avery Labels based on a Payment Date Range. Filter by Vendor Status, Vendor Category, and Vendor. Can select a Minimum Payment amount. Choose the fields to print. Option to Sort by Vendor Name, Account Number, Zip Code, or Payment/Amount.
Vendor Insurance - Details any Vendor Insurance the club has with vendors based on an expiration date range. Option to Group by Vendor.
Vendor Invoice Activity - Provides a list of all invoices added to a Vendor within a date range with the ability to filter by Vendor Category.
Tip: Detail down from Vendor to Payment.
Best Practices