Office - Mobile POS - Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation

Office - Mobile POS - Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation

Table of Contents


  • The Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation is a tool used to troubleshoot possible sync errors between the Mobile POS and CMA platforms. Since the Mobile and Classic databases are separate, this tool is used to help clubs find mobile ticket numbers and match them to their Sales Journal.

Required Permissions

  • POS

  • Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation

  • Add/Edit/Delete tickets

Accessing the Tool

  1. Navigate to POS on the top settings menu bar.

  2. Select Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation.

Understanding the Settings and Actions

Establish The Grid Settings

The Mobile POS Ticket Reconciliation will populate tickets in the grid based upon the first 4 settings shown below.

  1. The Endpoint is your club name.
    Note: Most clubs only have one Endpoint. If a club has multiple, this option allows the User to select which Endpoint (or Club) to view tickets for.

  2. The Start Date sets the earliest date to pull ticket information.

  3. The End Date sets the latest date to pull ticket information.

  4. Load Tickets populates the ticket information based on the selected criteria.

Action Buttons

Once the settings are established, the User can utilize the action buttons to perform various actions upon the tickets.

  1. Process Ticket is only used to manually pull in an invoice for a closed Mobile POS ticket that did not automatically receive one.
    Note: If an invoice exists already the club will see the following error message “You must select a ticket that does not have an invoice in order to process it.”

  2. Reopen Ticket will reopen the ticket within Mobile POS for editing. The following warning message will appear to alert the User that “Reopening a Mobile POS ticket will delete the invoice from CMA, delete any non-credit card payments for the ticket out of Mobile POS, then reopen the ticket.”

  3. Delete Ticket will delete the ticket and invoice associated with it. Upon selecting Delete Ticket, the following message will appear, “Deleting a Mobile POS ticket will delete the invoice from CMA, delete ALL payments for the ticket our of Mobile POS (and automatically refund credit card payments), delete all items on the ticket and then delete the ticket itself. The ticket will then no longer be recoverable. Are you sure you want to continue?”
    Note: This action is applicable for both a posted and unposted batch.

  4. Mark Ticket Posted will post the ticket in Mobile POS and prevent the ticket from being reopened. The following message will appear, “Marking these tickets as posted will prevent them from being reopened or deleted in mobile POS and can cause issues with your GL balances. Are you sure you want to continue?”
    Note: This will not post the entire batch in Office, only the ticket.

    Note: If Mark Ticket Posted is selected on a ticket that is already posted the following error message will appear, “No Unposted Ticket Selected. You must select a ticket that is not already marked posted in Mobile POS.”

  5. Mark Ticket Unposted will mark the ticket as unposted in Mobile POS and allow the User to make edits and/or delete the ticket. The following message will appear, “Marking these tickets as unposted will allow them to be reopened and deleted in mobile POS and can cause issues with your GL balances. Are you sure you want to continue?”

    Note: If Mark Ticket Unposted is selected on a ticket that is already unposted the following error message will appear, “No Posted Ticket Selected. You must select a ticket that is already marked posted in Mobile POS

  6. Delete Invoice will delete a ticket regardless of posted status.

Viewing and Managing the Grid

This section will review the Tickets Grid to identify what each field represents.

  1. The Ticket Number is a direct correlation to the ticket number in Mobile POS. (This is also used as the Invoice ID which is seen in the Sales Journal Batches.)

  2. The Does Invoice Exist column indicates whether or not an invoice is connected to this ticket. If unchecked the User can utilize the Process Ticket button to create an invoice.

  3. The Invoice ID represents the Invoice that is attached to that specific ticket number.

  4. The Batch Control Number represents the batch where this specific ticket number is included under Approve Charge Batches in the Membership Module.

  5. The Area identifies which Area in the club the ticket was created.

  6. The Mobile POS Settled Date indicates the date in which the ticket was closed on Mobile POS.

  7. The Office Settled Date indicates the sync date when the ticket moved over from Mobile POS into CMA.

  8. The Is Posted In Mobile POS checkbox indicates the ticket has been posted in Mobile POS. (This means it cannot be reopened in Mobile POS.)
    Note: This box is checked when the Mark Ticket Posted option is selected.

  9. The Is Posted In Office checkbox indicates that the CMA Sales Journal batch that includes this specific ticket is posted.

Note: As with any other grid, each field can be used to sort and filter. More about custom Filter options can be found Here.

Reopening a ticket within CMA

Warning - Currently this process may cause issues with mPOS tickets. We are working to have this resolved. Please re-open and edit mPOS invoices within the mobile point of sale until further notice.

In order to open a ticket within CMA instead of switching out to the Mobile POS system the club can double click on any ticket in the grid. This will open the ticket details. By clicking on Edit Invoice in POS the system will open a web browser tab within CMA for the club to make any edits to the ticket necessary.

Please Note: When attempting to edit an ticket this way the system will give the following warning message. “The ticket was closed in Mobile POS. Editing the ticket will cause this invoice to be deleted. Continue?” Click yes to proceed.

Once the mPOS tab opens make any changes to the ticket and close it out to the correct settlement type

Once the settlement type is selected and the club clicks Done, a system message will populate stating, “The ticket has been settled. You may now close the browser.”

Once this happens close the web browser tab to return to the Mobile Ticket Reconciliation tab.

On the Reconciliation Tab select the newly closed ticket and then click the Process Ticket button to bring the ticket into a charge batch.

Best Practices






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