Office - Approved Vendor Invoice and Payment Batches

Table of Contents


  • This article will cover how to how to manage the approved vendor invoice and payment batches.

Required Permissions

  • Accounts Payable

  • Add/Edit/Delete Invoice

  • Add/Edit/Delete Payments

Approve Vendor Invoice Batches

The Approve Vendor Invoice Batches screen contains all Vendor Invoice Batches created by all users. It is used to:

  • Edit Batches

  • View batch reports

  • Post batches

  • By clicking on the "+" sign next to the far left, it will "expand" and show the different invoices contained in the batch:

    • Basic information will be shown when it expands. Typically it shows the due date, vendor, amount paid, invoice number.

    • They can be viewed, edited, and deleted from this pane as long as the batch has not been posted. To edit an invoice, double click on the invoice and a box
      will appear with the invoice's information in it. 

    • The Approve vendor invoice batches grid can be customized and filtered like all grids in the CMA.

Approve Payment Batches

The Approve Payment Batches screen contains all Payment batches created by all users. It is used to:

  • View Payments

  • Edit Batches

  • View batch reports

  • Post batches

  • Lists all of the batches

  • Where the batch report can be viewed

  • Batches can be posted

  • Similar to approve payment batches, you can select the " + " sign to the left of a payment batch to "expand" it and display the 
    different payments in each batch. 

  • The approve payment batches grid can be customized and filtered like all grids in the CMA.

Best Practices

  • Invoices that have been paid, have reciprocal club items or inventory items cannot be unposted and deleted. You will need to create a new invoice with a negative amount to pay with the original invoice on the same $0 check to wash out the invoice.