PayCloud - 4.13.20 - Releases


  • Added ability to Schedule Payments for Current Balance.

Use Case: Added the ability for a member to create a scheduled payment for their current balance as of the scheduled date. Previously, this was only an option for one-time payments. Contact Clubessential Support to enable this setting. 

Please note the differences in Current Balance & Statement Balance, outlined below.

  • Current Balance: BalanceDue column on the Statement record synced from Office

    • CurrentBalance Statement is the statement with a StatementEndDate after today (future statement).

    • Does not factor in posted payments or credits.

  • Statement Balance:

    • StatementBalance Statement is the record with a StatementEndDate matching the StatementPublishDate in ClubAdmin.

    • 'Posted Payments' are the negative payment amount records associated with the CurrentBalance Statement. (Specifically,  you'll see 'Payment' in the description).

      • These payments are subtracted from Statement Balance.

  • Added feature to allow for factoring Credits into balances.

Use Case: An option has been added to allow Clubs to factor in current period credits into a Member’s statement balance. This setting was created in order to enable the PayCloud Admin Auto Draft to mirror Office Admin Auto Draft behavior. Contact Clubessential Support to enable this setting.

  • Added functionality allows Scheduled Payments and Autodrafts. 

Use Case: Added an option to allow Clubs to enable both types of payments, so that a Member could have a scheduled payment that covers their dues balance, and then have daily, Admin created, autodraft batches to pay off day-to-day purchases. Members can use different payment accounts for each type of payment if desired. Contact Clubessential Support to enable this setting. 

  • Added logic to detect system reversals and payment account errors. 

Use Case: When a payment fails for one of the reasons listed below, PayCloud will send a notification to the Member & Club Staff telling them which problems their enrolled accounts ran into so that they can fix the enrollment before submitting another payment.

The following errors should be accounted for:

  • R01 - Insufficient funds

  • R03 - No Account/Unable to Locate Account

  • R04 - Invalid account number

  • Invalid Routing Number

Return Reasons for failed payments can also be viewed by Clubessential Support & Club Staff from the Payment History Report → Edit → Response → Response Text.

Please Note: Accounts falling into the bottom three errors (R03, R04, & Invalid Routing Number) are indicative of bad account data, and will not be shown as payment options to the Member after the error is detected (virtually deleted). This will prevent the user from submitting another payment with incorrect account information.

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